
Please Believe in Me

Tao, Chen and Xiumin returned back to the dorm at 5 a.m.

Despite being tired, their eyes widened in horror as they saw the state of their dorm.

"Did a war take place in here?" Chen asked as he carefully walked into the room without stepping on the tiny pieces of shattered glass.

The sound of Luhan yawning caught the trio's attention.

"Pretty much. It was super strong monster Lay vs helpless living room with me as the pathetic soldier."

"Nice explanation," Xiumin commented.

"Any news with the dragon?" Tao asked as he closed the door.

"That was the cause of this war," replied Luhan. "Fans sided with him, and are attacking us and Lay's mother."

"This world is harsh," Chen sung. He already accepted the cruel reality of this world. 

"But whilst I was sleeping I had a thought. What if it's not our fans that's doing that? What if their target isn't us?" Luhan asked.

"Of course they are not our fans, they're anti-fans," Chen replied wittingly.

"What if it's an organisation?"

"What organisation?" Xiumin questioned.

"The same organisation that's helping Kris. We all know he couldn't have done this on his own. This organisation wants to bring SM down because it's so powerful and influential," Luhan replied. "It's just a thought. By attacking us and our fans, this relationship will crumble. Being SM's most active group at the moment, their power will be reduced. Everyone knows SM invested huge amounts of money on us."

"If that is true, then that's horrible!" Tao exclaimed.

Luhan patted Tao on the shoulder. "So don't hate on Kris. If this is true, we're all victims. This was a planned ambush on SM."

"So...Lay hyung?" Chen asked.

"Sulking in his room. I've called for help." Luhan smiled cheerfully. 

"How can you smile at a time like this? You can call someone? Who?" Tao asked.

Suddenly, there was a quiet knock on the door.

Luhan happily got up to open the door. 

"Long time no see, my dear friend," Luhan greeted.




"Did your plan include how you're going to get into that room?" Chen asked.

"I was hoping Tao could somehow break the door," Luhan replied.

" don't think this place is broken enough?" Xiumin asked doubtfully.

"This not as broken as Lay right now. As his brothers we need to heal him. Before we can do that, we must break this door!" Luhan demanded.

Tao pushed the door opened. "It wasn't locked, you idiots."

"We were all too tired!" Luhan said embarrassingly. "Go on, heal that unicorn in there. He'll be so happy to see you."




They all thought he was asleep, but he was still crying. He curled himself up into a ball on his bed, like a child would. 

He could hear the door creak open. "Leave me alone," he cried. 

That person didn't listen and sat on his bed.

"I SAID LEAVE..." his head shot up to meet a pair of eyes he'd been longing to see.

"Don't your eyes hurt from crying?"

"K-kiddo? I mean...Huiyin. Is it...really you? Am I dreaming?" He pulled her into a tight embrace.

"It's me." She laughed.

"Yin-ah, I'm so sorry. I never had a chance to say this, but I really am sorry. I missed you so much," he bawled.

"I never blamed you for what happened that day." She chuckled light-heartedly.

"Does that're coming back to me?" A hint of happiness could be traced in his voice. She pulled away from his hug and wiped his tears with her hands.

"Xing-ah, not yet. I'm not supposed to be here, but I heard what happened so...I came," she explained. "But I'll be back soon! I promise. Just give me a few more months and we can be like before."

"I get it. I won't force you. I'm just so happy that you are willing to see me." He gave a faint smile. 

"Things will get better. You have to stay strong! You have a lot of friends and fans waiting for you. Even auntie - your mother is supporting you through weibo. She understands. So stop punishing yourself."

"But I can't help but feel pathetic. No one believes me anymore. Everything I love is being attacked because of me. SM, EXO, fans, mother...and you. I couldn't protect anyone."

"Then let us protect you!" She smiled. "That's what people do when they love each other. We can't always be the ones receiving."

"But I never gave you anything." He sighed.

"You're wrong. You gave me a lot, and I'm sure everyone feels the same way. know that no matter what happens, I'll always believe in you."

"Thank you, kiddo."

"I have to go now. I can't be here for too long. Good luck with the concert. I'll be watching you! And...If Kris comes back, you have to remember to forgive him! I want EXO to remain as 12 members! Those were fun times, right?"

"If he comes back, I'll forgive him when he asks for it."




It was just one hour before the concert. Suho was discussing things with the managers. Xiumin was going through his new parts. Luhan, Chen, D.O and Baekhyun was singing Open Arms. Chanyeol was rapping his parts. Lay and Kai were going through the dances. Tao was taking a nap and Sehun was staring at the door.

Luhan noticed it, and walked over to Sehun after the song ended.

"What are you doing?" Luhan asked.

"Waiting for Kris hyung," he replied nonchalantly.

"He won't come. We changed everything already."

"I have faith in him. He'll come. He has to. I prayed all night!" Sehun was almost in tears after he said that. "We must keep our faiths. EXO will remain as 12."

"Sehun." Luhan wrapped his arms around him. "Let's keep believing in him then."

Suho overheard their conversation and asked all the members to gather.

"No matter what happens, we will all be brothers. If we have any problems, we should talk things through. There is no problem too small or big we cannot solve." He placed his hand out. All the members nodded and placed their hands on top of his. 

"WE ARE ONE, HWAITING!" They shouted together.

 "I might have a problem." A familar low voice announced. All members turned towards the door to see Kris. "I haven't attended any rehearsals. Can I still be a part of EXO's first concert?"

"You are such a troublemaker!" Suho shouted in annoyance. "Quickly go get dressed and get your makeup done. You have less than one hour! What took you so long?!"

 "I'm sorry," he said with a cheeky grin on his face.

Sehun was jumping up and down. "It worked! It worked! Kris hyung is back! EXO is one!"

Other members just laughed as they welcomed Kris back. 






And they lived happily ever after in EXO planet.


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Chapter 4: i wish it really comes true....
not only in this fic :(
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 3: Please update author!!!!! Praying this isn't realistic
DiarraCha #3
Chapter 2: i hope this story isn't the reality :(
can't wait!
Chapter 1: After two days of trying not to cry, reading this really unleashed all the tears I bottled up inside. I don't really want to say I can't wait for the next chapters, but at least I can tell people I'm crying because I read something sad, so they won't worry. Hwaiting, to you, to me and to all of us.