Lost In The Forest

My Fiance's A Prince
(after an arguments with Mike and Aaron, Gui Gui doesn’t want to get off the van ever since they reach to the camping destination)

Danson Tang: Hey Chun, look. She has to get off the van soon or later.

Wu Chun: Lets go talk to her. ( both walks to the van and sat on the van with Gui Gui)

Gui Gui: What do you two want? Shouldn’t you be helping them put up a tent.

Danson Tang: Well, we were going to, but someone distracted us from helping them.

Gui Gui: So you’re blaming me?

Danson Tang: No, we not blaming you, but at least try to get along with others and have fun. Give us our ecstatic Gui Gui back.

Wu Chun: Danson, don’t waste your sweet talking on her.

Danson Tang: I thought it would work.

Gui Gui: (angry) I knew it. Lucky enough I didn’t fell for you stupid trick. What other tricks do you have under your sleeves just bring it out, see if I fall for it.

Wu Chun: If you say so, I’d be glad to do so. Did you forget that we have a promise? If you don’t do as I say, then that secret of yours will be revealed to the whole world.

Gui Gui: Go ahead, I don’t care. ( Wu Chun was about to hop off the van and tell the others, but Danson stop him)

Danson Tang: Let me have the honor to do so. (he hop off the van then call out to the others, but Gui Gui stop him and just have to hop off the van)

Wu Chun: Finally our princess is joining us. ( everyone stare at Gui Gui)

Aaron Yan: What a problematic girl. ( Ella hit him on the shoulder)

Ella Chen: Hush, don’t say that, what if she hears you.

Aaron Yan: Sis, I don’t care if she hears me or not, it’s the truth. Who ever marry that type of girl, they’re stupid.

Ella Chen: Just hush up and help me with the ice chest. ( both carrying the ice chest to the van) What if that stupid person is you? (they set the ice chest on the back of the van and shut the door.)

Aaron Yan: Believe me, I won’t.

Ella Chen: Never say never Aaron. If you do marry her, I’d be the most happiest person in the world. (raised her arms in the air)

Aaron Yan: Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Like the man who marry her is the happiest?

Ella Chen: Well, think about it, you’d be happy and I be happy because I have a sister-in-law who always energetic and our house will be full of noise everyday.

Aaron Yan: Sis, I prefer quietness.

Ella Chen: ( Mad) Aaron, that’s the thing I hate most about you. You always stay home and rarely hang out with anyone, always stick your face in those books. What happen to my little brother the one who always energetic and outgoing? Though, I’m very curious, why did you come with us on this camping trip? Is it because of Hebe?

Aaron Yan: ( sad) No, it not because of her. The reason I tag along is because of you. You’re never home nor at school. You’re always at work with dad or maybe on a business trip. I rarely have time to talk to you or hang out with you. When mom thought that dad was cheating on her, she took you away and walked out on my birthday. Did you know how terrible it was to not have a sister or a mom? Mike and I were always protected by you when we were little, the three of us always share everything that we have and cared for each other, but because of that fateful day and the feeling of betrayal by Mike. That is why I choose not to believe the outside world. ( Ella didn’t say anything and was about to cry, but Aaron expression was not happy either, he walked away from Ella and pretended nothing happened )

Wu Chun: Ella, are you crying? What’s the matter?

Ella Chen: Nothing, there was something in my eyes that all. ( she walked away and acted like nothing happened, but little did she know, Wu Chun heard everything they said.)

Wu Chun: [his thoughts] I thought my sister is the one having the worse problem, but hearing all this Aaron is the one who having the hardest time dealing with his. This is why I promised Danson to help Mike and Aaron. Ella don’t worry, I’ll do whatever it takes to help those two get out of their own darkness. ( it took 2 hours for all of them to finish everything up and the only thing they need are woods for making a fire)

Ella Chen: Gui Gui, can you go find some woods, so we can start a fire.

Gui Gui: Ok.

Wu Chun: Hey, I don’t think that a good idea.

Danson Tang: He’s right, it’s not suitable for a girl to go alone into the woods.

Hebe Tian: Are you two worried? I knew something was going on between you three. Senior Danson, you are hurting
Genie’s feelings.

Danson Tang: Hebe, you got it wrong. If Ella’s asking you or Genie instead of Gui, I’ll be saying the same thing, right Chun?

Wu Chun: Yeah, beside it getting dark, you’ll never know what’s beyond these woods.

Aaron Yan: This is the Yan’s private property. No one have the authority to go in here.

Wu Chun: (cold voice) Like I said before, you’ll never know what’s beyond these woods th…….(interrupted by Aaron)
Aaron Yan: ( angry) What are you trying to say? You don’t believe me? ( both staring at each other until Ella and Danson broke them up)

Ella Chen: Ok, Aaron, you and Mike go with Gui Gui. While the rest of us stay here. GO!

Mike He: Ok (the three headed out to pick up some woods and the three didn’t say anything until Gui Gui was fed up with the quietness)

Gui Gui: Ok, I’m tired of this quietness can you two morons say something. ( both guys stare at Gui Gui but didn’t say anything) What? Is there something on my face or is it because I called you two morons? Hey, say something?

Mike He: Look behind you.

Gui Gui: What? ( she turn around and see a dog that was growling at them) Good doggy. ( Gui Gui move backward toward the guys) FATUOUS PRINCE! (wispering) I thought you said there nothing to worry about? So what’s this?(she pushed the guys up front and hid behind them)

Aaron Yan: I don’t know… ( the three was frighten)

Gui Gui: What do you mean you don’t know? Do something? Fatuous Devil you too.

Mike He: Do what? I don’t even own this forest. ( Gui Gui saw a piece of chocolate in Mike’s pocket, she took it and threw it at the growling dog) Hey, that my snack.

Gui Gui: IT’S NOT THE TIME TO WORRY ABOUT YOUR STUPID SNACK! JUST RUN! AAHHH………( the three ran as fast as they can until they came to a stop and rest for while, that is until Gui Gui notice something) Fatuous prince, where are we?

Aaron Yan: For the last time my name is AARON! CAN YOU AT LEAST TRY TO REMEMBER A PERSON NAME!?

Gui Gui: (calm voice)Sure, Fatuous Prince where are we? ( Mike started laughing)

Aaron Yan: Did you hear what I just tell you? Stop. Calling. Me….FATUOUS PRINCE!

Gui Gui: ( again calm voice) I ask you twice and I’m not going to as you again.

Aaron Yan: Hang on and let me see.( Aaron was quiet all of
a sudden, then he looked at Gui Gui) I don’t know where we are.

Gui Gui: (angry) What…… Do……. You…. MEAN…. YOU DON’T KNOW!! DON’T TELL ME THAT WE’RE LOST!

Mike He: Calm down, use a cellphone to contact the others, why do you think they invent cell phones for “Stupid Gargantuan.” ( he tried to look for his cell phone, but he couldn’t find it until he remembered something and looked at Gui Gui)

Gui Gui: Well, come on where’s your cellphone? What’s with the look?

Mike He: I just remembered, I left my cellphone in Hebe

Gui Gui: Just what kind of idiot leaves his cellphone in his girlfriend’s purse? (Aaron laugh at Mike)

Aaron Yan: Him, who else? Ha…… ( Gui Gui turns around and glared at Aaron)

Gui Gui: (angry voice) You, shut up. If he doesn’t have his cell, then we have to use yours. Where is your cell?

Aaron Yan: I Have my cellphone but…..

Gui Gui: ( angry voice) But what!?

Aaron Yan: It ran out of battery.

Gui Gui: (angry voice) Why do your cellphone have to choose this time and moment to run out of battery? Don’t you ever charge your cellphone before going to bed or bring an extra battery?

Aaron Yan: I didn’t pack my bag or charged my phone. All that stuff the maid takes care of it.

Gui Gui: (angry voice)You have hands and legs, can’t you do it yourself instead of depending on others?!

Aaron Yan: Instead of getting angry at me what about your cellphone?

Gui Gui: (sad)I don’t have my cellphone either. I left it on the van. ( Mike faced the other direction and laughed)

Mike He: Ahahahahaha! And here you’re criticizing us let alone yourself.

Aaron Yan: She’s not even listening to you. ( Mike turns around)


Gui Gui: (whispering )Keep it down otherwise that dog will hear you.

Mike He: Dogs can sniff you know, it doesn’t matter where we are, he can find us. What are you doing?

Gui Gui: I’m starting a fire.

Mike He: Are you stupid, how can you start a fire with that twig?

Aaron Yan: How stupid are you? This is back when our ancestors use this method to make fire. Just how did you get into NTU.

Mike He: (angry) Are you trying to provoke me?

Aaron Yan: What if I am. ( the two stare at each other until Gui Gui interupt them)

Gui Gui: Can you two please stop arguing for just a sec. I need help, then you guys can go back doing whatever you were doing. Just go gather some sticks for me please. I’ll be here to get this fire started before you two come back. ( the guy agree with Gui Gui and left to gather some stick until they heard a screaming voice coming from the direction where Gui Gui was at, both drop all the stick than ran toward Gui)

Aaron Yan and Mike He: (both were anxious) WHAT’S THE MATTER?!

Gui Gui: (happy) Look I made fire. We don’t have to worry any more guys. What’s with the look, something happened?

Mike He: (angry) Just why did you scream just now?

Gui Gui: Because I was happy that we have fire now to keep us warm.

Aaron Yan: (angry) Did you know we were worried about you?! We thought something happened to you.

Gui Gui: Cute, you both were worried about me. Thank you, I’m so grateful.

Mike He: Where did you get these twigs?

Gui Gui: Well, I gathered some before I started the fire.

Mike He: That many?

Gui Gui: Yeah. The more the better, we can keep the fire going and we can call for help at the same time.

Aaron Yan: Then why’d you ask us to go find woods for you?

Gui Gui: Well, because you guys were noisy and in the way so I have to make up something to get rid you guys. ( both was angry and about to gain up on her but she stop them by sticking out a bag of foods)

Mike He: FOOD! Where did you get all these food?

Gui Gui: Well, when we were still at the camp I was helping the girls getting the food out and after Ella ask me to go pick up some woods, I put some in my bag while Aaron and my br…I mean Wu Chun had an eyes contest. I knew I’d get hungry on the way so I perpare some for myself. (smile)

Aaron Yan: Wu Chun and I wasn’t having an eye contest. (it was dark and the three sat around the camp fire)

Mike He: I’m full, Gui, thank for the foods.

Aaron Yan: Yeah, thank Gui.( she start her fake crying) What’s the matter? Why are you crying?

Gui Gui: This is the first time you guys called me by my name.

Mike He: Just for that and you cried? Gee. Hey I got a question for you, why did your perents name you Gui Gui?

Aaron Yan: Yeah, Ghost is a bad name for a girl you know.

Gui Gui: Well, technically, to tell you the truth, that’s
not my real name. Gui is a name I was given when I was little because I always go around and caused a lot of trouble for everyone then played jokes or tricks on them. So that is why I got the name Gui Gui.

Mike He: So what is your real name then?

Gui Gui: My real name is forbidden to say.
Aaron Yan: Why?

Gui Gui: No reason, it’s just forbidden.

Aaron Yan: [his thoughts] Now I’m curious, I wonder what’s her real name and why it’s forbidden. Hmm…

Mike He: Didn’t you say you hated camping? How’d you know so much about camping?

Gui Gui: Well, when I was little my parents saved some time for us, so the first thing we did was go camping and they taught me all the things I needed to know.

Mike He: Wow, your parents must have loved you very much. So what do your parents do anyway?

Gui Gui: They don’t do anything. They’re resting.

Aaron Yan: Resting? What do you mean by resting?

Gui Gui: What I meant to say is they died. ( Mike and Aaron was shock to hear that Gui’s perants is no longer in this world) Hey, why are you two asking me all these questions? How about telling me about your guys’ life.

Mike He: It’s getting late, let’s go to sleep.

Aaron Yan: Yeah, it’s going be a hard day tomorrow for us. Let’s rest first and we’ll worry about the rest later.

Gui Gui: Are you guy’s changing the subject? You’re both being unfair. (the three fell asleep, but little do they know that someone was hiding behind the trees and was watching them closely)

( the next day)

( Gui slowly open her eye and saw Aaron laying next to her)

Gui Gui: Ahhhh!!!!

Mike He: What’s with the noise? Keep it down?

Aaron Yan: If I were you, I’d wake up.

Mike He: What is it? (then he realized that he was all tied up ) Why are we all tied up?

Aaron Yan: That is the reason why I asked you to wake up.

Gui Gui: (angry) Right now, I really don’t want to know what happened and how’d we got here in this cabin.

Mike He: Why?

Gui Gui: Because I feel really uncomfortable right now.

Mike He: What do you mean by that? Oh you mean laying on the bed with two guys is uncomfortable.

Gui Gui: ( angry) Do you really have to say it out loud?

Mike He: Come on, there nothing to feel uncomfortable about it, beside you laying next to Aaron anyway, at least you not between me and Aaron but if you are, brace yourself.

Gui Gui: You fatuous devil, when I get out of here I kill you.

Mike He: Oh.. I’m scared…. yeah right.

Aaron Yan: SHUT UP! And lets think of a way to get out of here. (suddenly someone opens the door and walked in slowly)

A Man: Well, you’re all awake.

Aaron Yan: Who are you and what do you want with us? Don’t you know you are trespassing on private property?

A Man: Really, I….don’t care.

Mike He: Hey, Stop acting crazy and untie us. Just who do you think you are?

A Man: Who am I you say? I don’t know who I am? No I know who I am. My name is John no no no, it’s Lee no no, it’s Ling, yeah….Ling.

Gui Gui: ( remember something) Are you that murderer that killed his own family? Your name is Lee Xiao Ling, your English name is John Lee. You live in the same apart…..

(interrupted by the Murderer)

Murderer: STOP! What did you say? Do you know me? I’m a murderer? Yes, I killed my wife because she was cheating on me. My kids they kept making me mad. So I killed them all. Ha……(then he started cry) I‘ve …killed….them all. Wait how did you know me? No, you are her. You , you cheated on me, I kill you. ( the Murderer was about to kill Gui but Aaron rise his leg up and stop the Murderer from coming near her)

Aaron Yan: YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER! ( Aaron and Mike use their body as a shield to protect Gui Gui)


Murderer: Are you two playing hero? Just to save the girl? NO! I WANT OT BE THE HERO! I WANT TO SAVE HER! Yoooouuu……two... two can... can be the vvvillains. I...I will save the girl. ( the Murderer untied Gui Gui ) Ha… I saved the girl, you two…two are l…losers. ( when the Murderer was about to turn over Gui Gui, she wacked his head with a shovel, both guys stared at her, horrified.)

Gui Gui: ( she untied the guys) What? There's no time for staring, let's get out of here before he wakes up. ( the three ran as fast as they could, trying not to stop, but Gui Gui was out of breath and fell )

Mike He: Come on, what’s the matter?

Gui Gui: ( out of breath) I…can‘t…run…anymore,…so…tired.

Mike He: You…(interrupted by Aaron)

Aaron Yan: Let’s carry her, hurry before he finds us. ( suddenly the same dog that they saw yesterday was growling at them)

Mike He: Why does this have to happen now? Good doggy. (Gui Gui saw that the dog was wounded and felt bad for it.)

Gui Gui: Come here, come on, good boy.

Mike He: What are you doing? Are you trying to get us killed? (Gui Gui looked at him with puppy eyes) Oh my god, why do all women have the puppy eyes?

Gui Gui took out a bag of half eaten chips and fed it to the dog. It slowly stopped growling and walked over to Gui Gui.

Gui Gui: What a good boy.( she pet the dog) ( while the dog was eating the chips she took her handkerchief and tied it around the dog's wounded leg) I think you'll be ok now.

Murderer: ( blood running down his face) You , I saved your life from those two and this is how you repay me? Go Go. ATTACK THEM NOW! ( the dog didn’t do what the murderer demanded, but started growling at him.)

Aaron Yan: Looks like your buddy is on our side now.

Murderer: YOU STUPID DOG! YOU TRADER! FINE! I DONE NEED YOU! I'LL SHOOT YOU ALL! ( he pulled out a gun) Ha…( the murderer pointed the gun at Gui Gui) I'll shoot you first girl. ( the gun fired, but nothing happened, Gui Gui slowly opened her eyes and saw Aaron shielding her with his body. Behind Aaron, was Mike, who tried to cover Aaron)

Gui Gui: (she started crying) Are you guys ok? ( the guys slowly opened their eyes and notice that they were unharmed.)

Aaron Yan: Nothing happened. Mike are you…?

Mike He: No, I’m fine. ( the three was so happy that nothing happen to them, but when they looked up the dog lied on the ground unmoved)

Gui Gui: Go Go?

Murderer: It's his fault for being in the way. I'll kill you three too. ( Before the Murderer could shoot, the deafening scream of sirens echoed through the forest.)

Policeman: Police! Put your hand in the air! ( the Murderer tried to run, but the polices caught up and cuffed him. The three felt relieved and thankful to the police and Go Go for saving their lives.) Mr. Yan and Mr. He, both of your families are waiting for you at the police station if you could just go with my partner, he'll take you there.

Aaron Yan: What about Gui Gui? Where are you taking her?

Policeman: She's going to a different direction than you gentlemen. Don’t worry. She'll be alright.

Mike He: Come on, Aaron. Don’t worry, she'll be fine. (the three was headed in two different directions.)

From that day on, Aaron and Mike haven’t see Gui Gui for weeks at school. They asked Xiao Xun and Ya Tou about Gui Gui, the two girls said she sent a letter home a few days ago saying that she'll be taking a couple of weeks off from school. This had everyone curious, even Senior Wu Chun haven’t been to school for weeks.

Mike He: This is weird, how can a person just disappear for weeks and just send one letter home like that. I wonder if she's alright or maybe something happened to her again.

Aaron Yan: I don’t know, but let's hope she'll be fine. Do you think she perhaps went home with her parents?

Mike He: She can’t be, remember? She said her parents died. Maybe she's with her other relatives. (Ella walked out of nowhere)

Ella Chen: Since when did you two start to worry about Gui. I thought you two hated her. (Mike and Aaron ignore Ella and walked to class.) It seems this girl has a big affect on them.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
chinesepinkpig #2
My stories is be grammar fixed. Will upload soon.
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In case you need your original poster from winglin: https://photo.asianfanfics.com/user/1406/886515.jpg
Please come back and finish this fanfic^^
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leimarie #8
Chapter 10: Hi. Can you finish this story? thanks
Chapter 10: author when are you going to update this story? please update soon
elinelletorres #10
Chapter 10: wow....it's very nice...i hope u can update soon...