Chapter 31: Popularity More So

K-Strike | Simtong Entertainment New Girl Group | AlphaBAT Sister Group | STORY STARTING!

The girls of K-Strike couldn't believe their eyes or ears because their single, their Japanese debut single 'Catch Me If You Can' charted #3 on the Oricon music charts, 'Girls' followed not to far behind at #6. So to thank their fans, last minute the girls decided to perform 'Run Devil Run' and 'The Boys' (both Korean versions) at their Japanese debut showcase.


Alyssa was all smiles as they prepared for their Japanese debut showcase and she went to each of her unnies in preparation. While Bella and Hana were the most nervous since this was their live performance and more so since it was in a language that they didn't really understand to well, and to add on to that they would be performing K-Strike's debut song plus the song that got the group their first music award trophy. What couldn't you add more to the stress for the first live performance? But the other K-Strike members reassured both girls that they would do fine. 

They first performed 'Run Devil Run' and 'The Boys' and ended their showcase with 'Catch Me If You Can'. During the next two weeks the girls appeared on variety shows and would make a comeback in Korea later on in the year.


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Chapter 175: great concert!
Chapter 175: great!!!
Why did we do AOA - Heart Attack when there’s only 8 of us?
MinRin04 #4
Chapter 174: Loved the concert ^^
MinRin04 #5
Chapter 173: Happy anniversary girls !!!
MinRin04 #6
Chapter 172: Can’t wait to see what they will do next !
Chapter 171: yay!!!!!!!
MinRin04 #8
Chapter 171: Can’t wait for the new song !
Chapter 170: the girls did fantastic!
Chapter 170: i'm really happy the girls are still doing well despite their busy schedules.
but it just means more for them to promote and interact with fans and such.
loving everything so far!!