
Five W's






Questions that were often dumped in Leo's mind. Questions that were the roots of more complex questions. Questions that were left unanswered. Questions that drove Leo crazy. 

Not a moment of silence was blessed upon him.

Voices continuously clouded his head, making him want to throw up. He shut his eyes, tears slowly forming on the corners of them, sweat balling on his forehead. His head hung low as he curled into a ball in a corner nearby. He continuously gasped for air, the walls slowly closing in.

The tortures were beginning again.

This time, they were coming back a lot stronger and a lot more painful. 

And this is something Leo didn't like. Not even a bit.

The pleasant yet painful memories came rolling towards him in a split second, coming back to him, crystal clear. It didn't help.

He didn't want to see them.

He didn't want to see Hakyeon.

Nor hear his voice.

All he wanted was to forget.

But how? How can he forget if they're all being reminisced by Leo out of his control? Much as he wants to forget, he can't. It was beyond his control, as if his head has another sense of thinking. It was always against Leo's wants. Always.

Repeatedly, he saw Hakyeon's smiles.

Heard Hakyeon's laughter.

Heard his soft, cute giggles.

Saw his joy-filled eyes.

Felt his gentle touches.

Everything about him was coming back.

"Where have I gone wrong for you to do this, huh, Hakyeon?" Leo breathed out, panting heavily. His eyes were tightly closed, not wanting to see the scenes again. 

They were all useless, his attempts that is.

Whether he tried clouding his thoughts with some other things, the memories always won and kept on showing up.

No matter how he closed his eyes, the scenes won't leave his field of vision.


He was a crying mess, huggled close in pain's torturous embrace. It was hell. It was agonizing. It was unsettled, uncomfortable and was ripping his heart into a million of pieces repeatedly. 

"What have I done for you to do this torture to me, Hakyeon? It's unfair!" Leo shouted, trying to let out his frustration and anger with his loud roar. "Where? What? Why?!–"

If only you can listen to me, Taekwoon. You'd understand everything.

"You're just going to lie all over again. You're not going to help." Leo breathed.

How can you be so sure?

"Because you've betrayed me numerous times, Hakyeon. That's why..."

Taekwoon, just listen. Listen to me.




I never betrayed you, Leo.

Leo paused, raising his head. He blinked a few times, trying to process what the voice in his head had just stated out. "What do you mean? You've betrayed me a lot of times! You've cheated behind my back!"

Leo, I never did.

"Then how do you call your relationship with Hongbin? With Ravi? With Ken and Hyuk?" Leo angrily asked, scowling, jumping back to his feet. "How do you call all of those relationship then, Hakyeon? Play time?!–"

I never cheated on you. They're all part of your insane memories.

Leo blinked. 

He slowly sat down on the floor, reminiscing those memories. 

First and foremost, how can he know those moments with Hakyeon with different men? He was never there to witness them in the first place anyway. 

Or was he?

He scowled again, thinking deeper and deeper. How can he recall those memories and scenes if his presence wasn't there in the first place? Hakyeon never told those to him neither.

Wait, how come he's unsure of things? How come he can recall every bit of those moments in those sceneries Hakyeon was with other men? 

You were there, Leo. 

"What're you saying?" Leo panted, his chest growing tighter as he recalled more. "I was never there–"

Are you sure?

Was he sure?

No. Leo was not sure.

Then it hits him.

The questions repeated. Who. What. When. Where. Why. Leo blinked and his eeys moved in a quick pace, scanning his place, the "nothingness" now clearing up into something. Leo thought deeper, recalled deeper in his memories. 

It hits him again.

Hongbin. Ken. Ravi. Hyuk. 

Those men...

Leo, they never existed in the first place.

Never existed... yes, they never existed. Those four were never even existing in the first place! "Then... who were you with during those times? Who were those men?" 

Leo then snaps. He recalls everything.

Everything was a broken and insane fantasy he had constructed since who knows when. 

It wasn't Hongbin who Hakyeon was love-struck with. It wasn't Hongbin, who was problematic from the day's burdens, in the bar. It was not that dimpled man who drank himself until he got a terrible migrane. It was him.

It wasn't Ken who Hakyeon had the greatest date with. It wasn't Ken who took him to the calm park. It was him.

Ravi wasn't the guy who Hakyeon shared a hot moment with in that narrow alley after a quarrel they both had. It was him.

Neither was it Hyuk, who managed to propose to Hakyeon at Jeju. It was him.

They were all Leo. They were all him.

It hits him like a bullet shot straight to the heart. Leo felt his heart skip beats  as he finally realizes reality. He now sees everything. All those moments, it's been him. He was Hongbin, Ken, Ravi and Hyuk. 

He was all of them. 

Those times he thought Hakyeon was cheating, he wasn't. It was all a fruit of his broken and crazy imagination.

His environment soon clears up.

The nothingness soon becomes clear.

He finds himself in an empty, white room, a transparent glass window in front of him. Everything around him was white, a texture of softness felt greatly. The walls, the floor, everything. Everything was a mattress-like texture and painted white.

As he tries to stand up, he felt that his arms were glued around him. 

Just to find that he was wrapped in a straight jacket. 

He looks around, reality finally hitting him. Once he decided to step out of his insane and agonizing imagination, he finally recalls everything.

Leo, you've gone insane, dear.

Leo's eyes grows wide as he realizes where he was: in a cell.

A cell specially designed for insane people. Leo is one of them, one of those people who was nearing insanity. Leo was already in the edge of falling into the painful journey of insanity. 

After he felt panic and adrenaline rush in his veins, Leo ran towards the cell door, tackling it with his body in hopes to get free. Unfortunately, he fails as the specially made walls prevented any harm being done from the inside. 

He slowly falls and curls up into a ball.

"What happened? Since when have I been like this? Why did I become like this?" Leo whispered to himself as he curled into a smaller and smaller ball, eyes tightly shut. 

Silence was all he can hear, along with his heavy breathing. Later on, he hears voices, faint voices. Leo was sure that one of them uttered his name, allerting him. He stood up and listened again, now sure that he heard his name again.

Slowly, he stands up, seeing a blurry silhouette nearing the glass window.

A familiar figure–

"Hakyeon?" Leo gasps as he sees his beloved standing outside the window. Hakyeon had this familiar worried face, tears slowly flowing down his cheeks. The sight of Leo in a straight jacket pained the tanned male, who was now banging his hands on the glass window. Unfortunately, his weak pounds and the strong glass window was an obstacle. 

"Hakyeon–!" Leo cried out, running towards the male, tears on the corners of his eyes. Hakyeon was now crying his heart out, the scene giving him sorrow.

"Hakyeon!" Leo continued to call out. "Hakyeon! Hakyeon, I'm sorry for everything. If you can hear me, I want you to know that I'm sorry. I am truly sorry, Hakyeon."

Leo was definite that Hakyeon smiles sadly and nods his head, probably reading the message his lips conveyed. Hakyeon can read lips, as far as he can remember. The sight of his beloved in front of him pained Leo that his legs grow like jelly, slowly falling. His head touched the glass window, tears flowing down his cheeks.

When he hears a knock on the other side, he raises his head and meets Hakyeon's sad charcoal orbs. He showed a familiar thing wrapped around one of his fingers.

The silver engagement ring.

He still wore it. Hakyeon still wore it despite ending things before with Leo.

A sad smile paints Hakyeon's teary face. Leo tears up more, transforming into a broken and weeping mess. Oh, how he wanted to wrap his arms around Hakyeon and tell him numerous times that he loves him and that he's sorry. 

But no, he can't. He can't no more.

"If only time can turn back. I'll do whatever it takes to correct everything." Leo weeps.

A man in white gestures Hakyeon to get going. Hakyeon shoots Leo with a sad look before he turns his back, following the man in white. As Hakyeon slowly vanished, Leo falls down, crying his heart out.

If only he didn't turn like this, Hakyeon and him would be living happily and peacefully.

He'd have Hakyeon around his arms.

He'd be out of this cell.

He won't be in a straight jacket.

He wouldn't be insane.

"Forgive me, Hakyeon." Leo weeps. "If only... time turns back, I'll do whatever it takes to do everything correctly."


He falls back to the blackness.

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signorina_klutz #1
Chapter 7: Ooooohhh this is niceee. I was wondering why Hakyeon wasn't there when Taekwoon got out. So its like all those situation with other VIXX members were him and the reason why he thought it wasnt was because it played in his over and over again? Or am I thinking too much out of this. Great read!
chaglutinous #2
Chapter 7: Wow i swear this is super good?!!! Like can i have a sequel???? Haha
DevilNextToYou #3
Chapter 7: Wait so...
all the other members represetned Leo at the different times?
So he repeated 2014-2017 five times or this is his second time?
Hello! ^^ I'd like to let you know that after rereading this story, I have posted it on my recommendations blog, . If you'd like me to take it down or if you notice some sort of mistake, please let me know. (:
nanaluska #5
Chapter 7: Gosh...i just read all of the chapters xD And I was like: " what the hell is going on? What is it?' And in 6 chapter I finally understood xD And again at the beginning of the last chapter I was really confused and the ending...woah now I understand xD This story is soo great, it was ages since I read something as good as this one! Thank you so much author-nim xD Love you <3
CocoMundo #6
Chapter 7: Wow this was amazing ! You're such an amazing writer !!
Chapter 7: WOAH. Few things: I was right about the boys' identities. I was somewhat right about Taekwoon's state. I was somewhat right about the end scene and lastly: this was amazingly beautiful. (:
SateAyam #8
Chapter 7: I'm confused when the first time I read it though haha.

Thank God you pictured it so neatly and awesome-ly (?)

This fic is so well written! <3 I like it~
MindlessSoul #9
Chapter 7: Praises to you Author-nim, you executed it perfectly. It fits the Eternity concept as well!