
Five W's


Leo felt extremely cold.

He was curled up into a small ball as he tried keeping himself warm and cozy in a corner. He just woke up from a light nap, and for some reason, he fell asleep on the floor. He was quite surprised when he saw himself on the floor until he recalled that he slept there in the first place. 

The first thing Leo noticed was the inky blackness before him.

Next to it was the sudden cold environment.

And before he knew it, Leo found himself crawling in a corner, curling up into a small ball. His eyes were souless, his face was stern. His breathing was deep as his charcoal orbs scanned the place quickly. For some reason, he felt unsteady, unsettled. 

And he can't make it up why.

Inhaling and exhaling, Leo blinked slowly, seeing the nothingness over and over again. Sometimes, he wished that he would see something else aside from this. Something that interests him. Something that meant something to him. Something unusual. 

His life's been so plain, so stagnant, for as long as he can recall.

Since when did he began to be like this?

Since our paths went separate ways.

"I keep forgetting that." Leo mumbled under his breathe as he blinked those heavy eyelids of his. Like he would always expect, Hakyeon's voice whispered and seemed to communicate with him mentally. He was a part of him so forgetting and leaving him like that won't be easy for Leo. It felt like a torture that seemed to be an endless labyrinth. 

And Leo can obviously tell that he's trapped badly.

What ever happened to us?

"No idea."

Regretting it?

"I'm quite unsure if I do."

Unpredictable as ever, aren't you, Leo?

"Leave me alone for a while." Leo breathed out as he hung his head low, eyes closed. The voice slowly faded away, bringing the silence Leo craved for since he began hearing Hakyeon's voice in his head. It was nice for a while, being all silent that is. He was offered peace and serenity for quite a while after some long period of time.

Did he regret ever separating ways from his beloved?



... Another answerless question.

Leo slowly fluttered his eyes open, meeting face to face with the nothingness again. He still felt cold. He felt unsettled and troubled, confused or some sort. It was quite intruiging why, and even Leo sought why he felt such emotions rise in him. Again, he looks around, as if he'd see anything different.

But no.

There was nothing.

Leo tried standing up and walking around. He walked around in circles before he heard a familiar voice echo in his head. Who else would it be, but Cha Hakyeon? His heart skipped beats, making Leo fall down on his knees, pain coarsing through his veins. 

Leo, are you in pain?

Leo, how much pain are you feeling?

I want to help.

"How can you help." he stuttered as he gasped for air, his chest suddenly tightening. And right there, in front of him, memories flashed in a crystal-clear scenario.

And no, that isn't good.

It made Leo feel the pain twice as more as he is. It made him gasp for air and feel somewhat claustophobic.

The tortures were beginning again.

Leo, you're slipping away again. Calm down and breathe.

"Stop doing this to me, Hakyeon–" Leo panted. "Please, spare me this time. I'm having a real torture-filled life. Give me a break. Leave me alone." he continued begging.


Slowly, Leo fell on the flooring, breathing deeply as his eyes grew heavier and heavier as each second withered away. Bit by bit, he felt his chest loosen again, making breathing a lot easier this time. Slowly, he pushed his body up, panting heavily. 

He recalled those men Hakyeon was with before.

Those people Hakyeon spent times with.

Those time Hakyeon cheated on him like that.

And another one flashed before his eyes that it made him wish that he would have just been blind to not see these.  

"Stop–" Leo breathed out. "Why did you have to do those in the past, huh? You cheated on me!" he angrily exclaimed.

You never made me explain

Too late.

Leo had slipped to unconsciousness.




Where did you love?

Hakyeon nervously walked down the road as he glanced at everything around him. The trees danced along with the wind's song. Birds chirpeed a merry tune. The sun shone brightly up in the cloudless sky. 

His lips were quiverring. What should he say? How should he act?

Must he be like this and that?

After his boss had shared to him this joint-company project, Hakyeon finds himself booking a flight to America to be one of the company's representatives. Who ever knew, right? He has to stay in America for a total of seven months as the project took its place. It was nerve-wrecking, yes, but it was also gave off a vibe of accomplishment. He was going to a brand new place.

But things just suddenly crashed once he set foot in the new state. America was a different place compared to South Korea. Aside from the language barrier, there was this so-called "culture shock". People there are quite different too. Hakyeon, being a er for English speaking, was held back since he can't convey his thoughts well. He kept isolating himself and kept quiet most of the time.

The project was going well for its first month. Thankfully, a few Korean people were in this project to discuss things with him so he found it a bit relieving. But, thinking about it, the rest were foreigners, either Americans or people of other races, who weren't really bothered by the language. Most of them can fluently speak English..

And there's Hakyeon, who can't even pronounce words well. 

Hakyeon decided to take a break this time. It's been roughly two and a half months since he made his way in America and all those time, stress was his only company.

Or so he thought.

He came across Sanghyuk, or Hyuk as he wants to call him. 

Hyuk shares the same race with Hakyeon, being able to speak Korean and English well. They became strong friends, not only because they were both part of this "project", but also because they've been close peers back in Korea. They would always hang out, have a cup of coffee together and chill. They seem inseperable. 

Their stay in America soon withered away and before they knew it, they have to fly back to Korea, which they did so. 

Neverthless, their paths were brought up again by fate. 

The two's bond grew stronger and greater. They began as best buddies, before they knew it, they've entered this "mutual-feelings" relationship. Before they knew it, they found each other confessing their love for one another, which they both happily accepted.

They've been in rough times, but that didn't hold them back. A few arguements rose but were fixed with ease. They decided to push their prides away, keep no secret and to trust each other. Their relationship was stable.

Hakyeon and Hyuk loved travelling.

They've been in a few parts of Korea for a few times together. Here and there, pictures containing their moments together were pinned on walls. Some were in their wallets, some were in their residences, some were simply kept as a soft copy in their cameras and computers. 

And this time, Hyuk suggested that they go to Jeju Island.

Why not? Both of them were in a month-break from work so that'll be good. They wasted no time to prepare for their flight to Jeju. Together, they booked a place to stay there, enough for their three-day stay. Hakyeon was definitely pleased from this surprise from his boyfriend.

They played all day together in the beach, rode bikes together, ate a few seafood dishes and enjoyed their time together. Hyuk always brought his beloved camera along and would snap picture of them together or sometimes, Hakyeon alone. One of his masterpieces was Hakyeon posing magnificently beside the shore. He looked like a model.

Jeju was the place that made the two give off this new "energy". A sense of accomplishment. Those reflected the place they were in. New experiences that made them feel more mature than they already are.

When their second they passed, Hakyeon found Hyuk missing. He wondered where that guy lurked to this time, only to find a sticky note on the wall of their bedroom. 

"Meet me by the beach today at five in the afternoon, okay?" the note said. Confused, Hakyeon sat on their bed, wondering what that guy was up to this time. 

Neverthless, Hakyeon hurriedly prepared for this "plan" of his boyfriend. He clad himself in the best clothes he brought along with him, trying his best to look absolutely wonderful. Who knows what Hyuk has under his sleeve this time?

The clock ticked and tocked.

Without noticing it, the clock strikes five. Hakyeon jumped out of the couch and hurried down the road, running towards the beach, which was surprisingly near their place. He felt his heart beating fast and all of the sudden, Hakyeon stopped running.

What if Hyuk was trying to tell him something?

What if something goes wrong?

Should he act as specifically this or that?

What was Hyuk planning?

Worries crowded in his head as steps seemed to get heavier. The way towards their destination seemed to have grown longer and further. Hakyeon felt like collapsing.

But no.

He remained strong and ran in a blinding speed again. He wanted to see Hyuk, hug him and ask him what was wrong.

And there he was.

Hyuk was facing the calm body of water, back facing Hakyeon. He was sure that Hyuk was standing calmly, only to make Hakyeon feel a bit confused and relieved. 

"Hyuk!" Hakyeon called out, grabbing the other's attention easily. Hyuk calmly waved at him as Hakyeon made his way towards the latter. "What's wrong?" he worriedly asked.

"Can't I ask a bit of time to spend with you out of the blue?" Hyuk grinned, only to make Hakyeon smile more. When he felt Hyuk take hold of his hand, he simply complied and walked beside his beloved. The sun was slowly setting, painting the skies a red-orange color. It was a beautiful color.

"Say." he hears Hyuk call out. "How long have we been together?"

"Does our fateful encounter count?"

"No, start counting from the time I confessed."

"... I can't recall, but it's been for as long as I can recall. Can you?"


"Why ask in the first place?"


"... Hyuk, you're one weird creature." Hakyeon chuckled as he locked his eyes on the orange skies. It was a wonderful moment, just standing there together, the sound of the waves the only thing to be heard, the warm afternoon breeze and their hands tangled together. 

How long has it been anyway?

"Hakyeon." he hears Hyuk call out. Right before Hakyeon can even answer, he sees Hyuk kneeling down, his hands holding Hakyeon's. 

"Wait, what're you up to?" Hakyeon blinks.

"It's been a rough journey and I am thankful that we made it all the way through." Hyuk started as he grabbed a box smaller than the size of his palm is. Hakyeon gasped, knowing what will come next but he waited for the latter to finish his "heartfelt" speech. "I'm thankful that we crossed paths but now, I've decided not to be your boyfriend alone."

"... But to be your only man. "

Hakyeon gasped, seeing a silver ring inside that little, navy-blue colored box. "Cha Hakyeon, will you be the one and tie bonds with me?"

Tears flowed down his flushed pinks cheeks as Hakyeon lost all the strength in his legs. He nodded and flashed a wide grin on his face before he whispered his sweet "yes", hugging the kneeling male tightly. His sobs weren't brought by sadness but by extreme ecstacy. 

Hyuk was in front of him.


And he said "yes".




Hakyeon and Hyuk were finally engaged.

Hakyeon decided that the two should live under the same roof this time, which was in Hyuk's condo-unit. The place gave off a home-like atmosphere, which Hakyeon was truly comfortable with. They moved in together a month later after the proposal. 

Their relationship was better than expected!

Hakyeon sat in between Hyuk's legs, eyeing the ring on his ring finger, glimmering as the sun shone on it. He smiled on how perfect it looked on him. It was a simple silver ring with a few simple carvings on it, but for him, it was the best ring ever existed and created by the hands of man.

Hyuk had the same ring around his ring finger. Hakyeon can clearly see it as he eyed the hands hanging on his shoulders, Hyuk's arms wrapped around him. 

"You won't regret this, right?" Hakyeon asked, smiling.

"Should I?" Hyuk asked.

"... You shouldn't." Hakyeon grinned as he shared an honest and sweet kiss with his fiance.

When Hakyeon's asked where he loved.

He'd probably answer Jeju.

Where his beloved Hyuk proposed to him.

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signorina_klutz #1
Chapter 7: Ooooohhh this is niceee. I was wondering why Hakyeon wasn't there when Taekwoon got out. So its like all those situation with other VIXX members were him and the reason why he thought it wasnt was because it played in his over and over again? Or am I thinking too much out of this. Great read!
chaglutinous #2
Chapter 7: Wow i swear this is super good?!!! Like can i have a sequel???? Haha
DevilNextToYou #3
Chapter 7: Wait so...
all the other members represetned Leo at the different times?
So he repeated 2014-2017 five times or this is his second time?
Hello! ^^ I'd like to let you know that after rereading this story, I have posted it on my recommendations blog, vixxaffrec.tumblr.com . If you'd like me to take it down or if you notice some sort of mistake, please let me know. (:
nanaluska #5
Chapter 7: Gosh...i just read all of the chapters xD And I was like: " what the hell is going on? What is it?' And in 6 chapter I finally understood xD And again at the beginning of the last chapter I was really confused and the ending...woah now I understand xD This story is soo great, it was ages since I read something as good as this one! Thank you so much author-nim xD Love you <3
CocoMundo #6
Chapter 7: Wow this was amazing ! You're such an amazing writer !!
Chapter 7: WOAH. Few things: I was right about the boys' identities. I was somewhat right about Taekwoon's state. I was somewhat right about the end scene and lastly: this was amazingly beautiful. (:
SateAyam #8
Chapter 7: I'm confused when the first time I read it though haha.

Thank God you pictured it so neatly and awesome-ly (?)

This fic is so well written! <3 I like it~
MindlessSoul #9
Chapter 7: Praises to you Author-nim, you executed it perfectly. It fits the Eternity concept as well!