Chapter Five

멈춰 있던 나를 깨워줘 | Waking up would stop me

A young man stretched as he listened to the bells of his college campus echo through the dead quiet building, signaling the end of the day. Packing away his MacBook, textbooks, and other supplies, he cheered, "The end of the day! Finally..."

Double checking to see if he left anything, he pulled out his phone from his backpack and began walking out the classroom as he checked his messages; several from both his friends pestering him to hang out with them today, even tough they knew he knew they needed to study for exams coming up for them. He just sighed, "Typical~"

Before he could even think to respond to his friends, he saw a text from his father. He shrugged, "Family first. Hah, too bad for you two."

To: Sunggyu
From Abeoji1:
Sunggyu-yah2, I'm at the office now. When you're done with classes you should head home and clean up a bit. You should look nice for your new sister!

Sunggyu grinned to himself. His father finally went through with the decision. He'd rather see his father upset about something his new daughter did, something temporary, than to be this miserable pile of skin, meat, and bones.

To Dongwoo and Hoya:
From Sunggyu:
Don't count on me to drive you guys to the party. I'm not your damn babysitter! Find someone else, I have something better to do~

Humming to himself, Sunggyu slipped his cell phone back into his backpack, then grabbed his keys as he slowly approached his car.



"Hye Jin!" Woohyun growled as he tried to shake the sleeping girl awake. It's already so late in the day and she wasn't up at all, "Wake up!"

She turned to face him and smacked his hands away, groaning, without opening her eyes. Woohyun smirked and lowered face in front of hers, whispering, "If you don't I'll your face~"

Hye Jin shot away from Woohyun's warm breath and shook her head as she opened her eyes. "Good morning sunshine~ I have such great news for you! First, let's get you ready though. Shower then I'll tell you."

Hye Jin puffed out her cheeks as her lower lip poked out, and Woohyun just pinched her cheek, "Hurry, Miss Lee gets impatient fast!"

Woohyun just watched as the young girl nodded and scurried to the girls' bathroom to make herself pretty; of course, Woohyun would help make her even prettier.

Frowning, he sighed as he threw himself on her bed, "I know everyone has to leave... I just wish me and Hye Jin could be together forever..."

In his deep trance, he didn't even notice a small girl stumble her way into the room.

"Eonni is leaving, Woohyun oppa?" He could see his frown mirrored off of the small girl's own, "Is she going to a good family then?"

"Jeil3, Yoon Ae-yah~" Woohyun pet her hair carefully, trying his best to be comforting, but keeping enough distance as to not scare Yoon Ae, "I'm sure Hye Jin will be, okay."

"Yeah, oppa," She tugged his shirt sleeve to pull him closer so she could hug him, "But are you going to be okay, oppa?"

Suddenly thinking back to his happiest moments with Hye Jin, Woohyun grinned. He grinned so much he could already feel his cheeks ache in pain, "Yeah. Even without my special dongsaeng4, I still have you and the others~"

Hye Jin made him happy, when he didn't think he would be able to again, so this is the least he could do.

Woohyun gently pushed Yoon Ae away and got up from the bed as soon as he heard the girls' bathroom door open down the hallway, and stood outside the room to allow Hye Jin to change. He spoke up to allow her to hear him from the other side of the closed door, "Today you leave, Hye Jin. Someone's adopting you."



엔드 | Waking up would stop me

N1 - 아버지 (a-beo-ji) is a polite term to refer to one's father.

N2 - 성규 (-ya/-yah) follows a name and shows the level of affection and usually people close to one another use this term.

N3 - 제일 (je-il) means "the best".

N4 - 동생 (dong-saeng) is a term an older person would use to a younger person. Used either between family or friends.

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UPDATE: Chapters 13 and 14 have been switched


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great job!
CrissyLovee #2
I'm a new subscriber and just wanted to say that I enjoy reading your story and hope you update soon(:
radxrey #3
Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen:
omg! she finally spoke!
Agh, cliffy. you're a jerk, haha kidding.
please update soon. I want to read more
like really bad
it's super good. i can't even write down all my thoughts
super awesome fanfic
and Myungsoo is so precious and i want to hug him
and idek. please update soon and sorry for the spam of my comments!
radxrey #4
Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen:
I think I have an addiction problem to your story
haha, I read each chapter in like a minute
or maybe it's because your chapters are short
not that it's a bad thing!
omg, the ending is so interesting.
eeeek, can't wait to read the next chapter
I hope nothing is wrong or happens to Myungsoo
radxrey #5
Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen:
What caused Myungsoo's outburst?
Aw, does Myungie have a crush on someone? :))))
Ahhhh!!!! NO Myungsooo ;________;
someone tell me it's just a dream
radxrey #6
Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve:
It's Myungsoo! He's so mysterious.
Is he mentally disabled? or is he crazy?
or maybe he's crazy because the monsters do exist
ack, idk but this is getting interesting
and my mom tells me to pray too!
woah, my mind is blown. I can't even comment on the latter part I read.
I'm just going to continue reading now~~
radxrey #7
Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven:
I want to know who the dream belongs to!
I also want to know what it means
Ah, who's the boy she sees and he is the snake?
what's up with this mystery? -___-
aha, i really can't wait to figure it out
radxrey #8
Chapter 10: Chapter Ten:
OMG, I disappeared off the face of the earth.
Sorry, I have work now and school and it's killing me slowly.
When I finally logged on today and saw your update I nearly peed myself with joy.
Anyways back to the story~
so cute!! she's starting school. yay ^^
She's going to have fun at school with Hoya and DongWoo
and she's so adorable with her asking Sung Gyu
I wonder if he gets tired of people teasing him about his small eyes
it is cute though, haha.
short chapter but it made me happy to read it :)
gabyfany #9
Awesone story! Looking forward to the next update :)
applejuice #10
Hurray new reader! I'm just going through almost all your fanfics! Haha. But I love infinite so I'm sure I'll love this story. Well I'm already loving it~ but I'm sad about how hye jin can't talk /: that means it'll be harder for her to communicate with others.. I hope soon she somehow finds her voice! (: and we still don't know who's gonna be the "main guy". Can't wait to find out! Update sooooon! Oh and for your poll question thing in the previous chapter, I vote sungyeol.