Chapter Ten

멈춰 있던 나를 깨워줘 | Waking up would stop me

My responses to your comments:

radxrey says, "Chapter Nine: YES! I think you should keep Woo Hyun as a regular minor character. :) And Myungsoo should be added too! with the disorder. xD and I think Seong Yeol & Sung Jong should be added too. They're both so cute. :D but of course, do whatever fits with your story! My memory is fuzzy. Was she born a mute? Or did she lose her voice? Sung Gyu is such a good older brother!!!! I can't wait until she can talk too! update soon"
Thank you for the comment! I really enjoy reading you're comments, you never fail to write every thought you have, and I really appreciate it! Do you take notes or something? ᄏᄏ Because I could never write comments like you do, so much~
And as for Hye Jin's ability to talk, no she was not born mute, but because she can't remember anything prior to the car crash, she doesn't know that. Her disability, because being mute is a disability, was caused by the traumatic stresses post-car crash after she awoke. Some other symptoms of post-traumatic stress is memory loss too. Ah~ If you have anymore questions do ask! And if you want to know more about it you can always google it!

applejuice says, "Hurray new reader! I'm just going through almost all your fanfics! Haha. But I love infinite so I'm sure I'll love this story. Well I'm already loving it~ but I'm sad about how hye jin can't talk /: that means it'll be harder for her to communicate with others.. I hope soon she somehow finds her voice! (: and we still don't know who's gonna be the "main guy". Can't wait to find out! Update sooooon! Oh and for your poll question thing in the previous chapter, I vote sungyeol."
Welcome new reader! I love your name by the way, reminds me of an old inside joke~ ᄏᄏ Aigoo, that's beside the point though. Ahh, you've read my fanfics? I'm embarassed! They're not not good since they're older! But I'm glad you love this one! I hope not to disappoint~ I see your concerns, but I do have plans on how she'll be able to talk, so please look forward to that! ᄏᄏᄏᄏ Oh, I have someone in mind, and he's not Sunggyu sadly for you Sunggyu/Hye Jin shippers... It just can't happen. I'm as disappointed as you are, I never thought Sunggyu would be this cute! Ahh~ well.. thank you for voting! I've decided it should be Myungsoo though... but thanks for voting ^^



Mr. Kim had returned later than usual that night, as what Sunggyu told Hye Jin, and it had made both siblings worry for their father. Mr. Kim held in his left hand a bag that looked heavy, and in his right a coat hanger with a zip-cover on it. Hye Jin, out of the two, was very curious as to what it could be, slowly watched her new father step into the house with a wide grin and a loud, "I'm home~"

"Welcome home, abeoji!" Sunggyu greeted with a grin as big as his father's. The only difference between the two were Sunggyu's dimples; Hye Jin noticed how both pairs of eyes disappeared so easily. She curiously wondered if hers did that too. "Where have you been?" Sunggyu asked the obvious question with an obvious answer.

"I figured since I was out and this was probably the only time I could do it," Mr. Kim set down the stuff on the dining room table, "I registered Hye Jin for Dongwoon and Hoya's school. I thought it'd be better she was around someone she knew-"

"How did you get a uniform so fast?" Sunggyu was puzzled, it usually took a week for a new student to get their uniform and textbooks. He remember having to start the school year without one because they had a problem with mailing, "You just registered her today?"

"There's a new policy that just recently went into effect," Mr. Kim shrugged, "The school has an extra amount of each size uniform to ensure that students start the year with the uniform."

"Ah," Sunggyu nodded, "That would have made my life easier! I wouldn't have to have spent the whole first week in detention!"

Hye Jin curiously looking over the school uniform; a white button up blouse and a grey pleated skirt that would come down just above her knees. She looked up to her new father with a smile as if to say thank you and he handed her her school stuff.

"It's no problem, Hye Jin-ah," He had a gentle smile as he instructed her to place these in her new room, "It's the second room to the left, right next to Sunggyu's. Sunggyu, show her for me will you?"

The brunette nodded and gave a halfhearted salute as he motioned Hye Jin to follow him up the stairs and down a short hallway. He opened a closed door and stared at Hye Jin, patiently waiting for her to walk through the door into the room. When she did she smiled at the decorations; a light brown desk with a laptop and cushioned chair, the wall above the desk had a blank bulletin board, and on the other side of the room were her bed and vanity, the wall was decorated with a variety of celebrities. Hye Jin stared at them curiously as she placed her stuff on her bed.

"Dongwoo and Hoya gave me those posters, but I don't really need them, so instead of letting sit and collect dust I decided to put them up in here." Sunggyu smiled, "It's not much, since abeoji did most of the decorating, but I hope you like it."

Hye Jin smiled and nodded as she continued to look around the room. There was a pair of sliding doors on one wall that lead to the balcony, which had a perfect profile of the city. On another wall was her closet door.

She reached for her notepad, 'Thank you for this room. It's really beautiful.'

Sunggyu smiled again, his eyes disappearing for the second time that day and she curiously got to writing again, 'Sunggyu oppa, can I do that too?'

"Do what?" His smile dropped as his face gave a confused expression.

'Your eyes disappear when you smile,' Hye Jin wrote, 'It's really cute.'

Sunggyu blushed and rubbed the back of his neck before clearing his throat and replacing the flustered look with a smile, "I'm not sure, Hye Jin-ah. Maybe you'll be able to when you're happy."

'But I am happy,' Hye Jin said and Sunggyu laughed.

"Well yes, but when you're sincerely happy," Sunggyu nodded, ruffling his younger sister's hair, "Alright, get ready for bed. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow, Hye Jin-ah."



엔드 | Waking up would stop me

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UPDATE: Chapters 13 and 14 have been switched


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great job!
CrissyLovee #2
I'm a new subscriber and just wanted to say that I enjoy reading your story and hope you update soon(:
radxrey #3
Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen:
omg! she finally spoke!
Agh, cliffy. you're a jerk, haha kidding.
please update soon. I want to read more
like really bad
it's super good. i can't even write down all my thoughts
super awesome fanfic
and Myungsoo is so precious and i want to hug him
and idek. please update soon and sorry for the spam of my comments!
radxrey #4
Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen:
I think I have an addiction problem to your story
haha, I read each chapter in like a minute
or maybe it's because your chapters are short
not that it's a bad thing!
omg, the ending is so interesting.
eeeek, can't wait to read the next chapter
I hope nothing is wrong or happens to Myungsoo
radxrey #5
Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen:
What caused Myungsoo's outburst?
Aw, does Myungie have a crush on someone? :))))
Ahhhh!!!! NO Myungsooo ;________;
someone tell me it's just a dream
radxrey #6
Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve:
It's Myungsoo! He's so mysterious.
Is he mentally disabled? or is he crazy?
or maybe he's crazy because the monsters do exist
ack, idk but this is getting interesting
and my mom tells me to pray too!
woah, my mind is blown. I can't even comment on the latter part I read.
I'm just going to continue reading now~~
radxrey #7
Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven:
I want to know who the dream belongs to!
I also want to know what it means
Ah, who's the boy she sees and he is the snake?
what's up with this mystery? -___-
aha, i really can't wait to figure it out
radxrey #8
Chapter 10: Chapter Ten:
OMG, I disappeared off the face of the earth.
Sorry, I have work now and school and it's killing me slowly.
When I finally logged on today and saw your update I nearly peed myself with joy.
Anyways back to the story~
so cute!! she's starting school. yay ^^
She's going to have fun at school with Hoya and DongWoo
and she's so adorable with her asking Sung Gyu
I wonder if he gets tired of people teasing him about his small eyes
it is cute though, haha.
short chapter but it made me happy to read it :)
gabyfany #9
Awesone story! Looking forward to the next update :)
applejuice #10
Hurray new reader! I'm just going through almost all your fanfics! Haha. But I love infinite so I'm sure I'll love this story. Well I'm already loving it~ but I'm sad about how hye jin can't talk /: that means it'll be harder for her to communicate with others.. I hope soon she somehow finds her voice! (: and we still don't know who's gonna be the "main guy". Can't wait to find out! Update sooooon! Oh and for your poll question thing in the previous chapter, I vote sungyeol.