Forbidden Love

Sophia wad walking infront of their school's gate when Yoona saw her. 

"Sophia, Good morning"

"oh,Yoona. Good morning too."

"Sophia, how's your elder brother?"


"your sister said he had a fever and you needed to tak care of him. that's why you didn't attend class."

"oh yeah, right."

"and Sophia yesterday you missed a lot of lessons and you need to catch up. But good thing I'm your friend. I coppied you the lessons you've missed. Here." while handing the notebook "oh and Sophia we have a quiz today so you better study now."

"thank you so much. Yoona."

"and Sophia.Din was actually looking at your chair yesterday. It was like he really missed you."

"really?" *smilling*

"yes. oh it's already time. we should head to class now."


"Hi Din!" sophia greeted while waving her hand at him. but Din just ooked away. "Din is it true that you've missed me yesterday."

"no. who made you think of that?"

"really? sowhy are you blushing?"

"no.I'm not" and he lloked away.

"really?" *smilling*.


Yoona and Sophia at the school grounds.when a ball hit Sophia on her head.

"oh my gosh. Sophia are you okay?" yoona said to her.

"Miss are you okay? I'm really sorry. I didn' mean to hit you're head." Ken said.

"yes, I'm fine. thank you for your concern."

"we'll are you sure you're okay?"

""yes Yoona. I'm fine"

"Ken you really should be careful next time.

"I know Yoona. I'm really sorry."

"You know him Yoona?"

"yes. his my childhoodfriend."


"well Sophia to repay you. I'll invite you for some snacks. think of it as an apology."

"sure Ken."

"Yoona. would you like to come too?"

"Yes I would like to."



"oh sorry my phone is ringing." Ken said. "I'll answer it. it will be quik."


"hey. Yoona by any chance do you like Ken?"

"me umm... no. of course not."

"really? I don't believe you. you like him do you."

"Sophia, Yoona I'm really sorry I need to go now. couch is looking for me. bye." and he kiss Yoona on the cheeks.

"bye Ken." Sophia said. while Yoona was shook of what happened.


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