ch 2

a box of kittens

When they reached their apartment complex, some girls hanging around outside swarmed Jimin and Yoongi thanked God - God, the Gods, Buddha, whatever higher existences there were - because maybe they’d take one of the cats and leave him with less work. He rolled his eyes and swore up at the sky as Jimin glared at them and continued on his way without stopping.

“Jimin, please. What are we going to do with so many cats?”

Yoongi was ready to throttle him when he shrugged again and started up the stairs to their place.

“I’m going to move out!” He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry or walk away because they both knew that wasn’t going to happen so he just followed Jimin to make sure nothing got hurt in this crazy endeavor. (Specifically: the cats. He couldn’t let the cats get hurt if he was going to find homes for them later). (Jimin he could live with getting hurt as long as it was by his own hands). (Anything else was debatable but that’s another topic entirely).

“Yah, Hyung! Hurry up we can’t stand here all day!” It took Yoongi a few moments to process that Jimin probably couldn’t unlock, open the door and handle all the kittens at once so he jogged to the door and opened it himself. Before he could turn around after shutting the door after Jimin entered there was already the sound of feline chaos behind him.

He sighed, turned around and yes, Jimin had let loose every single kitten and was laying with them on the floor. He had to smile and laugh at that, the pure delight on Jimin’s face wasn’t something he got to see often with how hard they had to work to even keep their place. Speaking of which, Jimin actually contributed to more than he did (a lot more) so his opinion regarding the cats was a bit… less influential than he’d like.

And Jimin knew that.

“See, hyung, you’re starting to like them already!”

“It’s not particularly them that I like,” he frowned and walked over to the horde and sat down next to Jimin only for the kitten he had liked before to leave the other and start climbing up his arms.

“Well it seems the hard feelings are not mutual,” Jimin smiled and his cheeks pushed his eyes into that crescent shape that Yoongi loved (but would hopefully never admit).

“How do we take care of cats? Do you know? What are we going to do with so many? Jimin, I swear--”

“Hyung, calm down for a minute. We’ve been here a total of 10 minutes. Taking care of them for even a week won’t hurt us. Seriously. Just enjoy it.” The smile had left Jimin’s face and he was staring up at Yoongi intently, even while a few cats were playing with his hands and one was biting his ear. “And it’s not like we’ve got much around here they can destroy,” he gave an unmissable glance around their sparsely decorated and fairly unoccupied apartment before settling back at Yoongi’s eyes.

Yoongi frowned at the younger boy -- since when did he gain this sort of wisdom? -- then shrugged and winced and picked the black cat up off his shoulder after it dug its nails into him.

“Are we going to name them?” He dropped Jimin’s gaze and focused on the cat he was holding.

“If so, I want to name this one. But wait, seriously, how do we tell if they’re boys or girls?”

“Hmmmm, yes. But I don’t know. We should contact someone or something.”

Yoongi huffed and laid all the way down next to Jimin and laid his (yes, he was referring to it as his now but Jimin didn’t need to know that either) cat on his stomach. It started kneading and he laughed and arched off the floor to get the cat to stop, just for it to dig its nails in again but it still tickled so he couldn’t stop laughing. Once he stopped and looked over to Jimin, he saw the younger boy was flushing but couldn’t fathom why.

“Do you know anyone who knows anything about cats?”


“Ohhh, right. Yeah. Doesn’t he have his own cat?”


“Well? Call him.”

Yoongi watched Jimin dig his phone out of his pocket to call Taehyung and explain their situation and invite him over.

“Taehyung is weird, you know.” Yoongi said absently while petting his kitten.

“Yes but he’s also really cute and a good friend.” Jimin defended.

Yoongi’s attention was caught with that. “Cute?”

“Yes, like me.” the younger boy giggled.

“I don’t understand,” Yoongi said out loud, “Do you like him?”

A/N: HAHAHA I'M SO SORRY I'll hopefully get the next chapter up soon, I hope you guys like it!

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-Jimean #1
napigeonhae #2
Chapter 3: omg its so cute can u please update again?
iamnoone #3
Chapter 3: ahhh this is so cute but... update soon like pls pls pls??? ;-;
Chapter 3: I want to know what happens Dx but the comments are from 2014 :( still really cute :)
I am all over this kitten cuteness.

Sungjong_infinite #6
Chapter 3: Update soon
Klauschleifcheneule #7
Chapter 3: I wonder what Yoongi will do kekeke~ Anyway nice chapter! Can't wait for the next one.
Hwaiting ♥
Chapter 3: This is so cuteee seriously >< update soon hehe
GabyOwens #9
Chapter 2: This is so cuteeeeeee ;;