The Deal

Caught On Fire

“ZITAOOOOOO……WATCH OUTTTTTTT……………!!!!” screamed Baekhyun……




“AOOOUUUUUUCCHHH…….” shrieked Tao

Tao fell to the ground with his back facing the floor. Baekhyun ran to him immediately. While the latter that bumped into Tao already stood in his feet with the help of his friends that previously had caught him on his back. The latter gave a deep sigh as his friends helped him –scratch that…he did nothing and just stood there- to get rid of the bubble tea chocolate in his face and his uniform. Tao caught the glimpse of his victim and then he immediately brought his handkerchief to the face of the victim tried to brush the face gently. But then..

“OH NO..PLEASE don’t touch his face.. his face is just so sensitive… please..” said Luhan, the latter’s friend.

“ it’s my fault..let me take care of his face please.. That’s the least that I can do now…” Tao insisted while keep brushing his handkerchief in his face.

“No..please..i’ve warned you..” said Kyungsoo.. one of the member from that group.

Tao insisted on helping but then he felt that the pointer in his right hand was lifted by a hand which made him frozen at the act of the victim. At that time, no sounds was even produced and only the sound of chirping birds outside the cafeteria was heard. That moment, Tao only got to see the latter’s eyes that filled with dark aura that would your soul alive if you dare to stare deep into it.




“HEYYYYY….. WHAT THE DID YOU DO TO HIM??? “ screamed Baekhyun.

Tao got shocked with the sudden slap from the latter that he only brought his hands to touch his now reddened cheek fast. Baekhyun stood out immediately and reached for Tao and suddenly he got this flame of fire radiated in his eyes which probably was intended to scare the latter’s action. He couldn’t endure the feeling he had for someone who just slapped his bestfriend until….






Suho probably got the twirl in his head right now because hell he surely didn’t know that Baekhyun got this hapkido hands. He grazed his thumb to his tip of mouth and saw some blood. He just gave a slight rotten smile.


Ain’t nobody in this world wants to intrude on SUHO…not in their right mind…

Anything about KIM SUHO is exclusive…secretive ..and manipulative….


No one wants to interfere on KIM SUHO after the unfortunate things happened to Jessica. She was disappeared before she got to attend her graduation. Jessica was the “Miss Universe” in the school. All the boys and girls bent down on her behavior, beauty and brain.  Kim Suho thought that he was on top of the world and nobody should have blocked his way.  Not even an ‘angel’ like Jessica. It had been done just as simple as flipping hands, with the title as the Heir of a multinational company, he brought not only Jessica but her family as well to the situation called bankruptcy. It was done in a clean cut because after all this year, his parents didn’t know anything about it.

That’s it…. All students that gathered in the cafeteria knew for sure that there will be another ‘Jessica’ or maybe it would end in an even worse matter. Whispers like “poor him..”…..”can we just have a moment of silence because someone’s might want to jump over the cliff because of Suho?”….and “baekhyun is such a good boy actually..i pity him..”.


“Hahaha……WOW.. can anybody in this house give this boy a stand up ovation please? “ said Suho..

At first, there’s no one who followed but then in the back heard this one clapped his hands in awkward beat then it followed by the other as well.

“ PLEASE SUHO… I want you to forgive my friend’s bad behavior. Pleaseee I’m begging you.. Spare my friend’s life….” sobbed Tao while bowing in front of Suho

Suho cupped his hands in Tao’s cheek

“Oh please dear.. I’m not that bad.. Why would I spare someone’s life… “ said Suho

Baekhyun ran to Tao and tried so hard to make Tao stood. Then he went to in front of Suho.


“You have such a gut…  I appreciate that….. so……much…..” said Suho to Baekhyun’s ear.

“But you know… you can’t easily get away from me… I …will…. be ….the…. death…. of you…. Keep that in mind………………cutie pie….” whispered Suho.

Suho went to outside of the cafeteria with his group following in his back. At that moment, he glanced to a direction where Kris eyed him. Suho threw his flying kisses to Kris while keep walking in his path. Kris just rolled his eyes while was shaking his head.




Tao cried so hard about the things that might happened to Baekhyun tomorrow. They both knew that Kim Suho is the abstract definition of cruel. He was unpredictable. He could be really soft but the moment you knew, he brought the hell just right in front of you. Baekhyun tried to calm his bestfriend.

“Don’t cry anymore please.. It’s been 3 hours  and heck.. aren’t you tired of crying all the time..??” asked Baekhyun.

“ What will happen tomorrow Baek?.. we both know that he won’t just let things happenned that calm. What if he tries to get rid of you and your family? What if he tries to murder you by hiring a sniper? What if he brings you to the cliff and make you jump over it? What if…..” said Tao

“ ENOUGH WITH ‘WHAT –IFS’!!!! Let’s just face it… I believe that there will be a better way to solve this matter..” said Baekhyun.

“ I see that face…. I’m your bestfriend Baek…. You’re panic…”  said Tao.

YES… He wanna scream to the whole world that YES he was scared to death because he didn’t have the power to fight Suho back. But he had to look brave so that his friend wouldn’t be crying anymore. That night, Baekhyun prayed to God hoped that everything would be just alright.




“The assignment should be submitted the next Friday on my desk……Class is dismissed…Thank you guys…” said Mr. Joe, the algebra teacher.

“I guess we should have another session of sleepover in your place ,Baek… This algebra assignments start to make me lose a half of my brain.. I can’t think of anything just by looking at those filthy numbers and formulas… PFFT.. I need Sehun….” said Tao

“Hell…what’s with sehun….ahhh Tao…. You should just chase other people other than him…” said Baekhyun

“ Damn it Baek.. you are my best friend and it seems like you didn’t even put any thoughts to cheer me up.. “ sighed Tao.

“ You confessed your love to him like thousand times maybe?? And he acts like he didn’t know you’re exist.. He’s a dumb for turning down your pure heart . So that’s why, as your one and only best friend, I suggest you to find your happiness and not to follow him every day. That .. you know….”said Baekhyun

“I hate that you know me so well……….” answered Tao


The sound of hands clapping twice heard in the class surprised Tao and Baekhyun. When suddenly all the students were out and leaving just Tao and Baekhyun sit still in the class. Tao widened his eyes when he was looking at the figures in front of the class. Baekhyun stiffened and whispered me…. It was Kim Suho and the group. Luhan and Kyungsoo stood behind Suho who folded his arms in front of his chest. Jongdae stood near to the door and made sure that nobody came to interfere their business. 

“ We meet again Byun Baekhyun… So how’s life? “ asked Suho

“What are you doing here?...” asked Baekhyun

“ Well, I’m just dropping by and feeling like to meet you… We’re friend anyway..” said Suho

“You are not…. So what’s your point anyway… as far as I know … Kim Suho is not the type of person who will stall some time just to say hi.. right?” said Baekhyun

“ Aww, you’re a meanie…. I’m…afraid… let me pee on my pants….. UGH..hhahahha..” said Suho

“ Ugh well..look how smart you are.. no wonder.. you’re getting all the As… You know exactly what I want.. I just want to make a deal.. That’s all …no more or less..” said Suho

“What kind of deal?...” asked Baekhyun

“ This could be the simplest thing you can do. Only if you know how to do it……………. You know …I just have this feeling that if you failed then I guess there will be headlines everywhere with the title “PARKCHOONG FOOD BASIC ‘S VICE PRESIDENT HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN A CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT BRIBERY”…” said Suho

“ YOU !!! DON’T YOU DARE TO RUIN MY DAD’S LIFE…. YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING!!!” shouted Baekhyun as he was running to Suho.

“ oh well, did you forget about my power dear? Thanks to my guardian, now I know that your father’s company is just a small client of my dad’s company. It won’t be hard for me to turn that small company into a dust.. Your father would be blacklisted and I am totally sure that he won’t get to work anywhere in this earth.. Is that promising enough uh?...” said Suho


“ Well then, game on….. “ said Suho while walking outside and suddenly he stopped his way, making Luhan bumped into Suho’s back.. “ U LUHAN.. WHERE THE HELL YOU PUT YOUR EYES ON??” screamed Suho.  He gazed Baekhyun while saying “ You know how to find me….. because you will….soon..” said Suho while was giving his sly smile.

Baekhyun was shivered. He couldn’t think right just now. He felt like crying. He wanted to be embraced by his mother and told him that everything would be just okay.’s not okay….. He gave a deep sigh and tried to breath for air because he thought that his brain was full with what Suho just informed him. Kim Suho and his threat……  




“ You know that last month we had an agreement about that Busan project with KimDong. Everything was on control when suddenly they put a hold on the deal. My company has been putting so much work and money for this project. If it’s happened then I might have to suffer for the concern of all of my employees.” Said Mr.Byun while sighing..

“ Is there anything that you and President Hwang can do to survive on the deal? “ asked Mrs. Byun

“ I’m afraid that we have already used all the back-up plans. KimDong is our long time partner. I never thought that something like this will be happened.” Said Mr.Byun

“Honey, everything will be just alright.. I will always be by your side. We have experienced the worst. Don’t you worry… But if this all could turn out to be the worst of all then... we will face this together. I’m sure Mr.Hwang will do the same.. “ said Mrs.Byun while was trying to comfort her husband by cupping her hands to the latter’s cheek to her face. “ Now, what you should do is stand up straight..lift up your chin.. and believe that everything will be just fine.. God protects us…our family.. and prove me that you will fight for me.. for us..” Mrs. Byun smiled to the latter.

“That time when I saw you in the bridge holding this red umbrella… You smiled at me that had caused my heart to skip a beat. You gave me this brown scarf that u repeatedly said that you had knitted it with love. At that point I triggered myself and I knew that all my questions did have its answer finally. It is you afterall..” said Mr.Byun and kissed the forehead of his beloved one.

“ Geez.. do you want me to mention your age now? You’re just too old to act that cheesy urghh.. haahah” said Mrs. Byun

“Oh come on… give this old man a hug..” asked Mr. Byun. Mrs. Byun reached her arms and buried her face in his husband’s neck while whispering ‘I love you…’

 They didn’t know that someone had been eavesdropping.  The person let his hot tears were running in his face. He knew that he shouldn’t have taken that threat lightly. He felt so much burdens in his shoulder that he felt he should do something to help his father. He wanted to save them.

“Mom…Dad.. .. Everything will be just alright.. I promise you…” mumbled Baekhyun.




“Baek, where are you going?? Slow your pace please….” asked Tao

“Baek…tell meee pleaseee….. what…h-h-happen..w-with y-youu..???” Tao tried to catch his breath while was trying to catch Baekhyun’s pace.

Tao looked so worried. He kept matching his pace with Baekhyun’s so that they would at least talk about where they would head to. They walked from their respective class and past the cafeteria and to his surprise, Tao looked at his surroundings. He never knew that such a beautiful garden had existed before. But Tao didn’t know that Baekhyun scanned every side of the garden just to look for what he wanted.

“OMG …….. THIS IS BREATHTAKING BAEK…. This is beautiful.. ehmmm……do you want to catch some amazing views here? .. Baek……Byun Baekhyun answer me pleaseeee…     OMMO” Tao widened his eyes just to find the real reason on why Baekhyun insisted to go to the garden…

“ KIM SUHO……” shouted Baekhyun..

“OH HI! Nice to see you again Baekhyun… Did you miss me?? Suho gave that rotten smile to Baekhyun.

“ Let’s just not beating around the bush… what do you want me to do?..” asked Baekhyun with his fierce eyes looking straight to Suho’s eyes.

“ oh my cutie pie… don’t give me that look because I told you before that the mission is just that easy. You won’t need anything and just bring yourself to the plan. I will arm you with everything you need. Just don’t worry a single thing okay?..” said Suho

“ IT OFF SUHO……JUST TELL ME..” shouted Baekhyun.

“Wow…wooooww….slow down dear.. This mission probably will be the greatest gift from me to you. I bet you will love it… so…much… Trust me!..” said Suho.

“damn…..just THROW IT OUT ..” said Baekhyun..

“ Date Kris….” Said Suho











HI guys! I'm back with the new chapter. This looks like the vomit of words.. I just got carried away..

Thanks for reading.. I appreciate it a lot.

Hi rhapsodyofnothingnes ! Thank you so much for reminding me about the main pairing.

This story will be mainly referred to Baekyeol and Krisbaek.

To be very honest that i'm a huge shipper of Krisho. As much as i wanted to see their interaction in this story, i just can't get a hold of myself because........ a little bit of snippet for you guys..... I plan for the sequel. Even i already got the sequel's plot. And i can guarantee you that Krisho will have their golden age in it. This story is just plainly a door to the real story anyway.

I will add some EXO couple as the side pairings. Just wait and see..

Thank you guys for reading this story. It meant a lot for me..

I'm so sorry for every mistakes that i've done in this chapter..

See you in the next chapter!

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2452 streak #1
Chapter 3: ohhh i wish this was continued
Suho just wants revenge coz Kris was an to him huh... but wanting revenge is different from acting like a god almighty to his tolerant and caring friends as well! threatening them like he did to Baek too... damn Suho, Kris was a jerk but you're trash too!

i would've loved to see how he'll be kicked off his high horse... this was really really interesting, thinj it could've been really fun to read!
2452 streak #2
Chapter 2: this might be wrong recollection, but i think this is the first time I'm reading a Suho who is this level of evil and manipulative!!! he deals with his adversaries on his own??? DAMN

Baek slapped him back tho! LMAO
get you a friend like Baek who'll protect you no matter what!

just when the previous day he was winking at Kris, now he eants Baek to date him???
2452 streak #3
and then i discovered that it was 6 in the morning??? KRIS WTF??? HAHAHAHAHA

Baekhyun crushing on Kris tho???
rhapsodyofnothingnes #4
Chapter 1: Who's the main pairing by the way?