The Calm Before The Storm

Caught On Fire

“Geez…. Omg.. ohhh.. just put it inside please Kris.. im begging you..”

“You just can’t resist mine…”

“ Im so done by stuffing myself with this ..can I just grab the real one? “

“ lemme hear your one last moan and I’ll be giving mine….” He said while grabbing her hair..

“ ohhh.. uhh..urgghhh…mmmphh… just lemme taste yours… make me feel soo…”

Beep..Beep.. kris’s phone was flashing a name… “Dad”


And his dad hung up..

“ Sorry sweetie pie.. I would love to shake your bum bum but I got an emergency.. ADIOS!” he sped up to the elevator while picking up his clothes.

“KRISSS YOU BETTER BACK.. OMG please just put it a sec then you may go… “ she shouted while grabbing kris’s wrist.

“Sorry sweetie.. I need to rush so sorry for letting you taking care of your problem down there..alonee….”

“ DAMN IT KRIS WUUUUU.. I DON'T DESERVE THISSSSSS..” said the girl while pushing the door closed.

The latter just pushed the button of the elevator and rushed into it when the elevator door opened. But while kris hurried to bring his jeans to his leg, much to his partner in the elevator’s surprise of him being in his pants only, that the partner immediately only brought his hands to cupped his eyes.

“sorry for the inconvenience, I just have to rush.. “  said Kris

“Uh huh..” said the partner while still cupping his eyes.

Suddenly there was turbulence in the elevator, and the light just went off for a sec then it came alive after it. Both of kris and the partner were surprised because of it. The partner tried to contact somewhere through the emergency call button in the elevator. The said officer in the building confirmed them that it would be fixed just about 30 minutes, so at least they had to wait for a half hour. They stood there with kris done buttoning his shirt. No words for 10 minutes, neither of them would like to start a conversation until…

“Im truly sorry for letting you to witness the inappropriate action of me. if you allow me, I will treat you coffee someday.” Said Kris

“No problem… it’s not that you tried to harm me or something. Just let us forget about what happened earlier that okay for you? “ damn I feel like I know him before..

“But still, I will treat you coffee later…….. Kris Wu and you?” he offered his hand

OMG yes this is the prince charming..the one that has been adored by all the guys and girls at school..The Mighty Kris Wu..omg he’s damn gorgeous from up close..oh wait “ Baekhyun…Byun Baekhyun… Thank you so much for your offer but  you really don’t have to treat me anything because of what you’ve done just before.” He brought his hand to shake with the latter’s hand

“But I feel like to..okay.. So Baekhyun, are you a resident in this building?

“ Hmmm.. yes.. I live in the 4th floor.. I just visited some friends in the 11th floor” urgh he doesn’t know that we’re enrolling in the same class or he doesn’t know that I’m exist…

Then to their surprise, the elevator started to let out a machine sound and proceeded to move.


“Oh it’s your floor.. I guess we’ll see each other next time.. “ said Kris

Damn why would they fix it fast.. at least let me stay with him for couple minutes.. “Oh yeah..thank you kris..” he said while walking to his door….how about the coffee that you promised me kris? Sobs

Then somehow the elevator door just opened again revealing this boy “ Hey..Byun… If we meet again I promise to hand you the coffee.. what is your favorite?”

OMG YES “Caramel Machiatto…”

“Then caramel machiatto is it……bye!” closing the elevator.

“Byun Baekhyun…4th floor…caramel machiatto……. Been long time not to top a guy, I guess I should just try my luck this time..” he smirked while walking out from the elevator.




“Good morning how’s life?” said kris while lying in a silky brown sofa in the middle of the living room.

“Damn it you Kris Wu.. you don’t give me that ing im-so-cool face in front of me. You’ve been messing up with your life and you have brought a shame for the Wus. What did you think you’re doing by calling off the agreement that I have settled earlier with the Kims? You don’t think I will able to dump you as my successor do you? As long as I live, I will not let you touch any of my properties. You hear that dumbo?”

“Geez..Dad..calm your pants down.. It’s 6 in the morning and I still have to catch my school in 2 hours from now…and..” said kris while resting on his hands with his eyes closed

“You jackass trying to calm me down… And you’re not even giving a to your study, so stop talking about the school. You’re nothing but a bleak in the Wus. “

Kris slid off from the place and ran away to his room as his father kept blabbering about manner..him being the successor of the industry. After that, Kris arrived in his bed, settled his position that about to do the hibernation when suddenly..

BEEP BEEP… kris lazily picked up the phone and answered..

“My man…. I’ll be in front of ur door in two hours so just prepare okay..”

“ Chanyeol… im not going to school.. I wanna go to catch my deep slumber..” said kris

“Aww, so how’s Sally The Bum Bum? Don’t you dare to sleep without telling me about her…. “


“WHAT THE …………....KRIS WU!!!”…. he hung up




Kris felt like there was this huge leg grazing his shoulder. He thought that he was still in his dream with this pretty guy who tried to flirt him by massaging his shoulder. But then he realized that Chanyeol’s leg was brought him back to life by allowing kris smelled the unidentified aroma which he thought it could become a chemical weapon to burn the enemy down.


“easy lad… it’s not that I want to murder you with that sweet aroma of mine..hhahahah… By the way, you promised me the story of Sally the Bum Bum..”

“ should be so sad right now because I just didn’t even shake her bum bum yet” said Kris

“ hell..what? does my ear is in function or not? You’ve got to be kiddin me.. no ing way.. “

“Emergency duty has abort the plan.. My father ruined it..but to be honest, I was relieved that he called me..”

“HUH? Why did you? .. “

“ it’s just that her aroma is not that appealing for me? I mean.. her voice and everything inside her is just not that attractive except that big asswipe. And looks like her axwound has been pounded a lot.. “ said kris while went into his shower.

“Geez… you sure looking for those s. Hold on….man… you’re not joining a group of some freak with cloaks who have the needs to bang those s and sent them to the top of the mountain, are you?........ OUCH…urgh damn” he brought his hand to massage his nape that previously being hit by the duck toys.




“and who said just now that he would not go to school? ..” said Chanyeol while adjusting the wheels in the carpark.

‘Feel like my father will be lecturing me a lot if im not getting out of the house..” said Kris while walking to the school gate.

It turned out that the teachers were having a meeting until God-knows-how-long. So here they are, in the cafeteria. Kris and Chanyeol met with their gang who already set their in their usual spot just right  in the middle of the crowd. Bunch of popular guys are always being surrounded by those fangirls anyway. Kris and Chanyeol belonged to the group that consist of  Sehun, Kai, Lay and Xiumin. They were being adored as the pillar of the hottest gang at school. Easy people…yes you might want to relate them with the F4. They’re just together because the similar hobbies and mostly it was because of their parents’ background. And just about the three tables behind them, there was Baekhyun and his friend Tao looked into the group with smiling face drawn in their face.

“I just really wish that time would go back and I would do anything to keep Kris inside the elevator….” Said baekhyun while clasping his hands in front of his chest.

“me too.. I would like to do the same with Sehun in my arms…mmpphhh” said Tao while cupping his chin with his hands… “ “ HOLD THE UP… were you just wishing that time should go back just now? OMG are you for real? WHEN DID YOU MEET HIM? Tellllll meeehhhh..” Tao grabbed Baekhyun’s shoulder

“Just this morning I guess.. just after we had a sleepover at your house and I woke up just to find myself walked to the elevator going home and there was Kris with only his pants trying to get on his jeans and his shirt…..”

“DAMN LUCKY U BYUN BAEKHYUN!!!!!!...........” He screamed out loud not realizing all the eyes in the cafeteria went to their direction..

“WTF U ass calm your omg….” Said baekhyun while dropping his face to the table and so did Tao.

“sowrrriieeee bee…I just can’t control my voice..too excited….but then what would you do with this voice of mine that looks like im about to eat a horse just now.. urgh..what if sehun heard it omg that is so unflattering urgh I wanna go stabbing myself bye..”

said Tao while walking out from the table and just to find himself bumped into a person which he had predicted that the person had a chocolate bubble tea, besides it’s his favorite, and he knew it very well just by smelling it and how the brown stain spilled over his uniform and that person’s uniform as well. He tried to straightened his body and tried to apologize many times to the latter while trying to get the brown stain off from the uniform by brushing it with his handkerchief.  He didn’t look up to the latter and when he did, he startled on his knees, his eyes directly looked to the floor because he didn’t want to see the latter. He suddenly felt the need to go to the church to confess his sin. He knew that he would not get away from this upcoming hell.


“OMG that boy will no longer be live in peace….” Whispered a girl


“here comes trouble……………………….” Whispered the other girl..



First Chapter is up! I really want to know about your thoughts about the first chapter so... pleaseeee.../aegyo-ing/ just click the comment button and voila! it's just that simple....

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2449 streak #1
Chapter 3: ohhh i wish this was continued
Suho just wants revenge coz Kris was an to him huh... but wanting revenge is different from acting like a god almighty to his tolerant and caring friends as well! threatening them like he did to Baek too... damn Suho, Kris was a jerk but you're trash too!

i would've loved to see how he'll be kicked off his high horse... this was really really interesting, thinj it could've been really fun to read!
2449 streak #2
Chapter 2: this might be wrong recollection, but i think this is the first time I'm reading a Suho who is this level of evil and manipulative!!! he deals with his adversaries on his own??? DAMN

Baek slapped him back tho! LMAO
get you a friend like Baek who'll protect you no matter what!

just when the previous day he was winking at Kris, now he eants Baek to date him???
2449 streak #3
and then i discovered that it was 6 in the morning??? KRIS WTF??? HAHAHAHAHA

Baekhyun crushing on Kris tho???
rhapsodyofnothingnes #4
Chapter 1: Who's the main pairing by the way?