Series of un-expectancies

Forget Me Not
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Series of un-expectancies

The sound of the waves splashing by the shore appears to be a music to Ji Hyun's ear, alongside the cacophony of conversation proliferating as she draw nearer by the beach. The sun is up, and the usual warmth of the summer is brushing through her bare skin.

With her camera slung on her shoulder, she made her way and walked to the sandy beach of Haeundae. It is indeed a bright sunny day. The people seem to enjoy the sun, especially the little kids who are either running around, or building sand castles. Some adults were sun bathing, while some seem to stay on the shade, afraid of the sun.

Walking on the white and soft sand, Ji Hyun felt nostalgic. It's been four years since she last stepped on this sand, and she can still, clearly remember how she always want to go and stay here, no matter how hot it is, playing hide and seek with Baekhyun under the sun, not minding how her protective mom scolds her for staying that long under the scorching heat. Being the usual Ji Hyun that she is, the one that is fond of taking pictures, she fish for her camera, and started capturing the beauty around her.

Ji Hyun loves taking pictures. And so she pursued photography. She thinks a single picture tells a thousand words, especially the candid ones. She thinks candid pictures show the real side of whatever she is capturing. It is unplanned, it isn't faked, it is genuine. A candid picture shows true emotions, genuine smiles, and naturality.

She was at that state, when two strangers suddenly popped out of nowhere. "Hi miss." The first guy with a reddish hair, and a tattoo on his left arm, winked at her.

Ji Hyun stayed still, startled, while the second guy moved closer to her. "You seem new here. Are you a tourist?" He asked with a smirk, which in turn, made Ji Hyun more uncomfortable.

Taken aback, Ji Hyun took several steps backward, which earned a huge grin from the guys. "Hey, don't be scared. The first guy uttered, approaching her. "We're not what you think."

Cornered by these two maniacs, as she label it, Ji Hyun gathered all her strength, and heaved a sigh, "Excuse me, but I have some businesses to do." Avoiding their gazes, she tried to step out of their way, but the guys blocked her.

"Well, not until you come with us." the other guy, with black hair, and a piercing on his right ear, said.

Hearing that, Ji Hyun's eyes widened. Her heart skipped a beat, not because she was flattered, but because she was shocked. Oh no, scratch that. Shocked is an understatement.

The red-haired guy grabbed her wrist and dragged her, "Come on.. You'll be thanking us after this."

Frightened, Ji Hyun get a hold of her camera and contemplate on what to do. The guys were holding her so tight that she can't make a move.

"Let me go." She retorted, pulling her hand. She was about to step kick them where it hurts the most when..

"Hey, seems like you found another kind of fish?"

A familiar voice caught her attention. She can't be wrong. She heard that voice before. But why is he here? And what fish is he talking about?

"Woahh, looks like someone opt to be your knight and shining armor, huh?" The red-haired guy teased.

You look around, and to your surprise, it was really him. What is he doing here? Is he... stalking me?

"Just let her go." He demanded, his voice is the same. Cold and cracked. 

The guys snorted, "Just get out of the way, mister. We still have some bussinesses to do." They responded, as they grabbed Ji Hyun's wrist tighter and continue to drag her, shoving the guy away. On the other hand, Ji Hyun kept pulling her hands, fighting back in her own little way, trying to get away from these two lunatics.

"Well, looks like I need to call Hyuk Jae then." he emphasized, which halted the guys from dragging Ji Hyun. 

They turned around, exasperated. "Don't you dare." the red-haired guy protested.

He just shrugged, tapping his phone. "Let her go, then buddy."

"Aish!" both of the guys shrieked, viciously letting go of Ji Hyun's hands. 

They both glared at him, before walking away. Whereas Ji Hyun heaved a sigh, much to her annoyance.

"Hey, you two! Come back here! I haven't done what I am supposed to do! You jerks!" she yelled, but she was halted when she heard the guy behind her scoffed. 

She turned around and face him, "H-hey." she pressed her lips into a thin line before continuing. "Thanks, if not because of you, most probably I am—"

"Don't flatter yourself too much. I just did it because someone needs help." he responded, nonchalantly.

Ji Hyun let out a small laugh, trying to hide the embarrassment, "I am not flattering myself, I am just expressing my gratitude." she defended.

"Okay, then." he answered, leaving Ji Hyun standing there.

"Anyway, who's that Hyuk Jae that turned them to scaredy cats?" Ji Hyun asked, out of curiousity.

"It's none of our business, anymore. Don't try to prolong the conversation. It's too obvious."

"Hey wait!" she shrieked out of frustration, but the latter continued to walk away. "Hello? I'm not trying to prolong the conversation. I'm just asking." she murmured before pursuing on calling out for him.

It was harder than she expected when this anonymous guy collided with the cluster of people on the seaside. "Wait, stop right there!" she yelled, trying to get into the crowd, following him. "Wait! Mr. Park! Mr. Lee!" she shook her head, "Uhm, Mr. Kang?" she continued mentioning different surnames, while some men turned to look at her, maybe because they thought they were the one being called. In return, Ji Hyun would just smile at them, and persist on calling names.

"Hey, Mr. Kim!" she yelled, before finally getting on her knees, panting. She then looked up, only to see the guy static, and looking at her. She sighed, much to her delight, and success. Mr. Kim, huh?

She stood up, and walked towards him. 

"What's with you?" he asked, right before she could speak.

She let out an akward laugh, "I'm sorry, i was just.." she rubbed the back of her head, "Oh well, nevermind."

The guy sighed in response, and was about to turn his back when..

"Wait! About last time—"

"Forget it."

Ji Hyun rolled her eyes, "Could you just at least let me finish?" she protested, her patience already wearing thin.

He tugged his hands on his pocket, "What about last time?" He asked, nonchalantly.

Actually, Ji Hyun doesn't want to bring that up, but since she feel a little bit of guilt in her, she cracked it up. "I am really sorry about what happened." She glanced at him. He is looking at her with cold and distant eyes. Nevertheless, she continued. "I was being crazy that time, you know, too fascinated-"

"I heard that same thing before." He cut her off, tapping his foot against the sand, which looked like he is becoming impatient.

She threw her hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. I am just trying to be sincere here, you know."

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hi guys! just so you know, I'm still editing the first chapter of Forget me Not. I've read it and shame on me, I did lots of mistakes. yay. mianhe~


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Chapter 3: this seems really interesting!!! please update soon~
HappyLeeDreaming #2
Chapter 3: Ah~ I'm already liking this ^^