
Forget Me Not
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It is the start of summer and Ji Hyun decided to spend this season in the lovely place of Haeundae district, where her aunt, Song Yon, lives.

"Are you sure you wanna stay there?" Her mom suddenly asked while helping her pack her things up.

"Of course mom, I missed aunt Song Yon's galbi." She answered cheerfully, while zipping the last bag which she filled with shoes.

Her mom sighed in disbelief. "Aish, this kid. You missed your aunt's cooking more than your own parents." Protesting, she carried two bags and pull opened the door leading them out.

Ji Hyun looked at her mom, quite holding her laughter. "Aigoo omma, are you throwing a fit? You sound like a kid."

Instead of answering, her mom just glared at her and walked down the stairs.

Ji Hyun had been living in New York for the past 4 years, because of her studies. She pursued her photography major in the New York University, and fortunately, she was able to graduate last month.

Trailing her down the stairs, Ji Hyun asked her mom. "How did you miss me when you always go to New York when I was there?"

Her mom turned to her, and gave her a vague look before almost hitting her with her arms. Luckily, Ji Hyun was fast enough to block the sudden attack. "Omma! I'm just kidding." She said, still holding her mom's hands. "I will be back soon, or you can come with me! I'm sure aunt will be glad if you stay there too."

Her mom snorted. "You'll be back in no time, right?"

Ji Hyun frowned.  "After summer."


Upon getting outside, Ji Hyun's mom opened the car trunk and put her bags in. "Take good care while you're there. Call me every night. Or atleast send me a message. Keep in touch. Ok?" she lectured, making Ji Hyun a bit exasperated. 

"It's not like I'm going somewhere very far as New York." she answered, then closed the trunk.


"I'll call you when I get there. I'll call you every night. I'll send pictures too, beautiful pictures. And don't  worry about me. I know I am kind of poor when it comes to directions but—"

Her mom cut her off, enveloping her in a warm hug. "Open your GPS while your on your way." 

Ji Hyun's mom can be as clingy as a five year old kid that Ji Hyun can't help but get annoyed, but of course, she also likes how her mom always wanted to be with her, for her to be safe and sound, just like what other mom's wanted their child to be. She can still remember the first time she was departing to New York, her mom broke down in tears in the airport, whailing like a little kid just because Ji Hyun was going to leave them. The funny part is that, she was the one who insisted her to study abroad. How ironic. Ji Hyun and her dad wanted to bury theirselves that time. It was so embarrassing.

suffocated from the tight hug, Ji Hyun finally released from the hug and wiped the tears on her mom's cheeks, "I gotta go mom. I love you." she said, then kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, baby."


Excited as ever, Ji Hyun hopped in to her new Honda Civic which her dad gave her as a graduation present. She roamed her eyes inside the car. It's her first time driving it and she is undeniably excited, she can't wait. The car's scent appeals to her—like the car was personally made for her—smells like cake, the vanilla one. It reminds her of her mom's homemade cupcakes.

She rolled down the window for a one last look, "Bye, mom! Take care."

Her mom smiled at her and waved goodbye, forlorn.  

This is it.  She closed the window and stared at the steering wheel, giggling. She has really transformed into a jumpy five year old kid who can't wait to play with her new toy. hwne she had finally composed herself, she started the engine and headed off.

The ride from Seoul to Haeundae usually takes about 4 to 5 hours. For a girl like her who's just driving her new car for the first time, for that very long ride, sounds really worrisome. Her mom, and even her dad almost begged her to just take the flight, but Ji Hyun insisted that she wanted to drive, and eventually, with some aegyos and more and more aegyos, she made her parents agree.

Since it will be a long ride, Ji Hyun stopped by a convenience store first, and bought some snacks to eat. She wouldn't want to starve herself on the road, anyway.

While on her way, she can't help but compare Seoul from New York. Honestly, Seoul looks quite the same as New York. The buildings, the skycrapers, the shopping malls, especially in Myeongdong, looks like the shopping malls in Beverly Hills too. The only thing that differs is the people itself. There were few, or maybe she just see few, Koreans in New York that somehow made her feel alone when she was in New York. And she admits, Seoul is still the best for her. Not just because it's her hometown, but because it is where she created lots of memories.

After almost two hours, she finally took the exit to Busan. As she continue driving, she can't help but be amazed on how beautiful Busan is. Though it doesn't have tall buildings and such infrastractures as in Seoul, still it is something that your eyes can't ignore.

The road was pretty calm. Only few cars passed by her. It felt new to her, since in New York, it has always been a busy road, from the cars speeding off like they were always late or they were in some sort of a race tournament, down to the many people who fights over who will ride the taxi first.

After almost 4 hours, Ji Hyun decided to stop by a near fastfood chain, to eat, since she had already ate all the snacks she bought earlier. She ordered one big mac, an upsized coke, and a large fries. She really loves McDonald's for it has been her comfort food in New York. It has always been burgers and her during those emotional i-miss-my-parents nights.

After eating, Ji Hyun rested for a while and did some little stretching. She can't deny it. Her back hurts as much as her arms feel like separating from her body. Thoughts of why she insisted driving to Haeundae instead of taking the plane and just sleep throughout the whole ride battles on her mind. She shrugged. This wouldn't help. Anyway, in an hour, she will probably arrive there already. So, what's the point of complaining and regretting? Driving like this is fun too.

After some resting, Ji Hyun decided to go. She went back to her car and set her ipod. She started the engine, and continued her roadtrip.

To lessen the boredom, and somehow feel alive and awake while driving, she sang along the songs playing on the stereo. Ji Hyun has a beautiful voice. She inherit this talent from her father who used to be a band vocalist on his high school days. She even often teases her dad on why he didn't pursue his singing career and audition to some talent search in South Korea, but her dad just laughs at the idea and tell her he isn't the hallyu-kpop-type of singer.

It was almost 2pm when Ji Hyun reached the Haeundae District. She roamed her eyes, and she can't help but smile on the surrounding. Not long after that, she finally saw a familiar infrastracture. The bright green color of the gate which she remembered she painted with Baekhyun was still as bright as she left before. It was 4 years ago. Is it possible that it didn't fade? Or maybe they repainted it? She shrugged, and smiled. She's finally arrived. She pulled off at the front of the house, and took her cellphone. She scrolled down her phonebook and dialled her aunt's contact number. After two rings, her aunt finally answered.

"Ji Hyun ssi!" She answered in a loud, cheerful voice.

"Hello auntie..." She was about to tell her she is already outside when her aunt cut her off. The next thing she knew, her aunt was in front of her car, waving at her.

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hi guys! just so you know, I'm still editing the first chapter of Forget me Not. I've read it and shame on me, I did lots of mistakes. yay. mianhe~


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Chapter 3: this seems really interesting!!! please update soon~
HappyLeeDreaming #2
Chapter 3: Ah~ I'm already liking this ^^