

"In my bed of course! Silly..."

Soojung tells me as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

"I-in y-y-your b-bed?!"

"Yeah. Why? Don't you want to sleep with me?"


I say maybe a little too excitedly.

I start blushing and stare at the wall to avoid her eyes while she just openly laughs at me.

Ugh... Seems like I messed up again.

This stupid mouth of m-

Before I get to end my train of thought suddenly a pair of lips meet mine.

"This is exactly why I fell in love with you...

You always manage to make me smile and even though we've never really talked to each other I feel like you know me better than any other person." Soojung whispers.

I give her a small hug. "I feel the same..."

We stay like this for a while until Soojung breaks the silence.

"Do you want to go on a date?"

"A date? Do you think your mother is okay with that?"

"She probably went to work already so we can do whatever we want!"

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go!"

Once outside Soojung starts clinging to my arm and we walk like that for a while.

"Soojung! Where are you going at this hour?"

A middle aged woman who appears to be Soojung's neighbor asks friendly.

"I'm going on a date!" Soojung states proudly.

"A date? With who?"

"With this girl here of course!" She points at me and grins.

The middle aged woman though just looks at us weirdly and goes back into her house.

"Huh? This is weird. Usually Ms Park is always friendly to me.

I wonder why she'd just ignore me like this..."

"Maybe she's homophobic. Korea is a really close-minded country..."

"You're right. But treating someone close to you like this just because they're homoual... I think I'll never be able to understand."

Soojung looks really hurt by that woman's behavior so I hug her close to me without saying anything.

But then something weird happens.

Soojung shoves me away.

"Maybe we shouldn't do these kind of things in public anymore."

She says while smiling at me awkwardly.

Her sudden cold attitude saddens me but I do understand her so I just nod.

"Where do you want to go first?" I ask to break the tense atmosphere.

"Let's eat ice cream!"

"Whatever you wish my princess." I say cheekily.

Soojung just giggles and drags me to an ice cream shop nearby.

This is the reason why I'm still alive.

The reason why I never want to die.

I want to live and see her smile everyday.

I glance at Soojung who is right next to me, smiling brightly and my heart is filled with happiness.

"What flavor do you want Nina?"

"Huh? U-uhm... I want strawberry."

"Okay. I would like one strawberry ice cream and one chocolate ice cream, please. No, not in one waffle, I want it seperately. Yes, thank you. Here you go, Nina."

"Thanks, Soojungie."

She flashes me a smile and holds my free hand.

We go out of the shop together but before leaving I look back one last time and see the cashier stare at us like we're lunatics.

I sigh.

How I wish we didn't live in Korea.

I look at Soojung and see her troubled expression.

She quickly lets go of my hand and walks ahead of me.

"Let's just go home Nina."

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So this story has finally ended :P If you enjoyed reading it please do give it an upvote! I'd really appreciate that :D


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patriciiaa #1
Chapter 13: Omg. Mind blowing 🤯
hdsall01 #2
Chapter 13: Just, wow...
Chapter 13: Jajaja se enamoró de su sombra literal
Chapter 12: Nmms
Chapter 10: Cuando te pasa de todo en menos de 24 hrs
Chapter 9: Cómo sabia donde vive si le mintio desde el inicio?
Chapter 1: Jajajaja
Chapter 13: Woah... Awesome*thumbs up
Chapter 13: Woah this is wow
Woah.. Just woah. This is.. Woah.

I adore this, I've been reading those kinds of fanfics the whole day and I keep stumbling upon them.