
His Voice

The sound of an alarm blaring startled Hyemin awake. She slammed her hand down onto her digital clock to shut off the incessant sound. Groaning, she dragged herself out of bed and into her bathroom. She came out wearing her work clothes: a simple white tee and jean shorts. 

On her way out the door, she grabbed an apple and made her way to the bus stop. 

At the Internet cafe she worked at, her boss practically tackled her down, causing her apple core to fall from her hands. "Hyemin, thank goodness you're here. My wife is in the hospital and we have a new intern here. He's in the back, and make sure to lock the door when you close the shop down, bye!" He spoke so fast, Hyemin didn't understand anything he said but wife, intern, and close shop. Dazed, she pushed her way through the crowd into the back room where there was, indeed, a man she's never seen before. Quite a good looking one at that. 

"Hey there, you must be Hyemin." He flashed a charming smile and stuck out his hand. Her eyes widened, and she shook her head. Did she really hear correctly? "Are you okay?" He asked hesitantly, reaching out to press his palm against her forehead. "Your temperature isn't high. Thank goodness. I don't want another person to abandon me today," he joked.

"Your voice!" She blurted without thinking. His voice sounded similar to Junhong's. "My voice? What about it?" He smiled, knowing all too well what she meant, but he wanted to hear her say it out loud. "You know what I mean, don't make me say it outloud," Hyemin scoffed. 
"Sassy, I like it," the man laughed. "And for your information, your voice is similar to the one who speaks to me all the time." With a grin, he grabbed her hand and placed a chaste kiss onto the back of it. "I think we're meant to be." 

Flustered, Hyemin quickly retracted her hand and stared at the man with wide eyes. "V-voices can sound the same. Don't assume so quickly, intern boy." She rushed out of the room, fanning her burning cheeks and slid into the chair behind the counter to help customers. 

About an hour later, she remembered that she needed to help the new intern. Groaning, she got up and dragged herself to the back room. There, she saw him asleep, sprawled across a bunch of chairs pushed together to make an uncomfortable couch. 

"Hey, wake up," Hyemin said, nudging him softly. He groaned and turned the other way, mumbling, "Five more minutes..." Annoyed, the girl smacked his arm. "Wake up! If boss man was here, he would have fired you by now. Sleeping on the first day," she rolled her eyes. The intern woke up with a start, rubbing his sore arm. He sat up and looked around. "Wha...?" 

"Come, intern boy. Let me teach you the ways of the Internet cafe," Hyemin said before marching out of the room and back to her place behind the counter. Still dazed, the boy followed her without a thought. 

"By the way, I need to know your name. It would be weird if I kept calling you intern boy, don't you think?" She asked as she moved some things around, organizing the papers and pens that were scattered around the countertop. 

Yawning, he came from behind her and leaned against the counter, ruffling his hair. "My name? Call me Sejin." 

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Chapter 4: So interestinngggg! Please update soon!