
His Voice

Hyemin awoke to bright sunlight pouring in through the window. Groggily, she sat up and yawned, stretching her arms out to relieve the stiff muscles. She glanced over at the digital clock sitting on her dresser to find that it was nearly noon. 

"I overslept again," Hyemin sighed as she rolled out of bed and dragged herself to her restroom to get ready for the day. 

Twenty minutes later, she was a whole different person. Now that she was awake, she was prepared to do anything. Suddenly, her phone rang. Hyemin answered, "Hello?"

"Min, where are you? Weren't we supposed to meet at the coffee shop down town?"

"I'm on my way."

Why are you always so forgetful? The voice inside her head said. Although she was scolding herself, the sound of it brought a smile to Hyemin's face. One day, she would find her soulmate. The owner of the voice inside her head. Everyone does eventually. With that happy thought, she skipped out her front door and started towards the bus stop that would lead her into the city. 

"You were supposed to be here an hour ago. I can't believe I even waited that long for you," Jang Jihyun said, pouting. "Ew, stop trying to be cute. It doesn't work for you," Hyemin snickered, pushing her best friend's head away with two fingers. 

"Whatever. But I have something to tell you." Jihyun became serious. "I think I found the one," they both say in unison. 

"You've said that more than once before, but you were wrong all those times, Ji," Hyemin frowned. She didn't want her friend to go through another heart break. 

"I'm sure of it this time though! Their voices are-" 

"exactly the same," they say in unison once again. "I'm serious, Min!" Jihyun stomps her foot on the ground and crosses her arms over her chest like a kid would. 

"Sorry, Ji, but I think you shouldn't get your hopes up too high before you actually meet this guy." Hyemin shakes her head before sipping her caramel macchiato out of a mug with hearts stamped all over the side. 

"Ew, this is not caramel," two voices say in unison. Only this time, it wasn't Hyemin and Jihyun. It was Hyemin and another boy. The two immediately turn towards eachother. 

"Are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking?" The man asks, his eyes wide. Hyemin nods slowly. Could it be? That she found her soulmate so coincidentally? "We should complain to the owners about this low quality coffee. It's horrible, and my girlfriend only deserves the best," the stranger says, pulling a disappointed face. 

The girl's face drops. So he didn't hear her voice. And he has a girlfriend already. "That's not what I was thinking," she mumbled before turning back around to face Jihyun. 

Her friend was looking at her with an amused expression. "Think you found the one?" she snickered. 


"Junhong, buy me a macchiato, will you? I'm in desperate need of some caffeine." Junhong's girlfriend whines as she sprawls herself out on the couch in his living room. 

"Yes ma'am!" He says enthusiastically before heading off to his favorite coffee shop. His girl can only have the best of the best. He was sure she was the one. The voice that belonged in his head. 

After buying the coffee, he took a test sip to see if the caramel blend was just right. To his dismay, it did not taste like caramel at the slightest. "Ew, this is not caramel," he says. At the same time, another voice said the same thing. His eyes widened, and he turned to face a girl who was nothing but average. There was hardly anything special about her, but somehow, he felt attracted to her. "Are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking?" 

What are you thinking? You've already found your soulmate. 

The girl nods. "We should complain to the owners about this low quality coffee. It's horrible, and my girlfriend only deserves the best," Junhong says, forcing his facial expression to change into a disappointed look. 

He didn't even wait for the girl's response before standing and walking out the door hurriedly. He didn't want another listen at her voice. He was afraid it might sound like the one inside his head. 

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Chapter 4: So interestinngggg! Please update soon!