

Hongbin just sat there and thought to himself. Could it be that Hyuk liked him too? He hadn't backed out of the kiss. Hyuk had to like him! Right? Right. Hongbin got up. He decided that he had to go talk to Hyuk. He should tell Hyuk, right? Ravi stood in the kitchen making breakfast with N-hyung (or he stood with his arms around N while N was making breakfast). Ravi looked up and saw the artwork walk past them, towards the bathroom where Hyukie was. “Morning Hongbin, how's Hyuk” Ravi loved teasing Hongbin. But today it didn't work, because Hongbin was not embarrassed of the fact that he liked Hyuk. Hongbin didn't care what anyone thought, except for Hyuk. What Hyuk thought was very important. “He's handsome as usual, I'm about to go talk to him right now actually, see you hyung.” Ravi looked pretty surprised, usually Hongbin would blush and/or get mad. Hyuk heard a knock on the bathroom door. It's probably Hongbinnie he thought to himself. Hyuk wanted to impress Hongbin, and seem cool and adventurous so he decided that not wearing anything when opening the door would be a good idea. Hyuk opened the door with a confident smirk on his face. “AAH! MY EYES! FO GODS SAKE HYUK PUT ON SOMETHING!!” Ken fell backwards while pressing his eyes tightly against his eyes. Hyuk slammed the door close. Quickly he put on a pair of pants and crawled up in a corner. He could hear screams from the outside. “Hyuk don't you dare do that to my precious Ken ever again!” Leo shouted. “Hongbin your boyfriend is CRAZY!!” Hyuks heart stopped (like every other time there was something about him and Hongbinnie). Boyfriend. Ken just called them... Hyuk, Hongbin, boyfriend. Boyfriend.Hongbin came running. “What's wrong? Is Hyuk okay?” But the only thing really going on in his head was boyfriend. “Yeah he is, but I'm not.” Hongbin didn't really listen to Ken anymore. He knocked on the door. “Hyukie? It's me can I come in?” There was a short time of silence. “No” Hongbin didn't care about Hyuks answer. He opened the door, walked in, and locked it behind him. Hyuk looked at Hongbin. Ahh, he really was the most beautiful person Hyuk had ever seen. Hongbin walked over to Hyuk and sat down besides him. There was a slightly awkward silence. Hongbin took Hyuks hand and said; “So boyfriend, huh?” Hyuk blushed and looked at the floor. “Um... Well... Eh... I'd like that...” Hyuk whispered. Hongbin put his hands on Hyuks cheeks and kissed the embarrassed maknae. As he pulled away he whispered; “Me too Hyuk, me too.”

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Ugh, im sorry that the chapters are kind of short. But I have alot at school right now... And this way I can update more often. Thank you for reading^^


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Chapter 5: This is so adorable! I love it! UPDATE SOON PLEASE! You wrote this notice before summer break which was... 7months ago! UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEE!
joanna20 #2
Chapter 5: Hi how r u? Please update soon! Ty:)
Chapter 5: GAAAAHH I JUST FOUND THIS LOVELY HYUKBIN STORY AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH HUHUHU ;_; why they are sooooo cute omg why. I will wait you to continue this story authornim. Fighting <3
xx_nickyyy #4
Huhuhu I miss your story
xx_nickyyy #5
Chapter 5: Fighting Beanypie chingu!
xx_nickyyy #6
Chapter 5: Aww your story is so good! I like it ;) please continue if you've some time
xoxobaozi #7
sirrathena #8
Chapter 4: Toooooo much cutenessssss omg;A;
Chapter 4: Haha omg Ken... Hyukbin is a couple! Whoop whoop ^-^