Battle of the Divas

No Homo in Brolationships

Chanyeol happily helped Zelo drag his boxes into the fraternity, but stopped going up the stairs when he had fallen down them, which resulted in Baekhyun laughing at his boyfriend’s misfortune.  The stoned college student ended up planking on Minho, who was still talking to Sehun, who was no longer there, he had left to go find his doe eyed lover at a different fraternity.

Zelo finished shoving his clothes into his drawers before flopping onto his finally made bed.  He enjoyed galaxy patterns; he loved space and all the pretty colors of the stars that were clustered together.  He tilted his head and saw that Taemin had shifted into an even weirder position, the red head was now bent at an uncomfortable angle, but he looked flexible enough where he felt nothing, or he was really drunk.  He yawned sleepily; he had showered that morning, so he’d be fine the next day, the day he had to start his classes.  Zelo would probably ask Taemin to help him tomorrow to find them since the red head was in his second year of college; hopefully he’d be sober.


“Hey, you, wake up!  We have class in an hour!”

Zelo blinked repeatedly until his eyes stopped stinging.  He squinted up to see Taemin hovering above him, already dressed and looking fresh for the day.  The blonde sat up with a tired yawn, “What time is it?”

“Eight,” Taemin answered.  He had sat down to tie his shoes before rummaging around his room to collect random items and stuffed them in his backpack.  Taemin stood in front of the younger again, “When did you get here?”

“Yesterday,” Zelo answered with an annoyed look towards the floor.  “Practically half the house was either stoned or drunk.  You showed me here, but passed out before you could properly talk to me.”

Taemin scratched his head, “Hmm, I don’t recall,” he answered.  He stuck out his hand anyway, “Well, nice to meet you, New Guy, I’m Lee Taemin.”

“JunHong, but I preferred to be called Zelo,” he introduced himself again and shook the smaller hand—Zelo was getting tired of introducing himself.  He got up sluggishly and sifted through his drawer and pulled out faded gray skinny jeans, a black shirt that had a silver outlined rabbit with a sky blue surgical mask over its face, and blue boxers to wear.

Since Taemin could feel the awkward, he shuffled out his room to go see if anyone else was up or had breakfast ready because although he was hung over, he was pretty starved.  Before he left, he looked back to Zelo, “I checked the weather today, put on a jacket!  Can’t let my roommate get infected!  My immune system is strong as a sheet of paper!”

Zelo thanked him before the door shut to give him privacy.  He dressed slowly and pulled on his faded white Chucks, then he went to go find the bathroom.  He was quietly walking down the hall when he heard high pitched whining then he heard a smacking sound followed by a whimper.

Ken and Leo.

Zelo went to go scurry back to his room, but someone yelling at him made him freeze.  He turned a little to see a bubbly, brown haired male standing next to a taller guy, who had black hair, and looked like he wanted to kill everything within sight.  Zelo pressed himself against the wall and offered Ken a shy wave, “Hello.”

Ken instantly glued himself to Zelo, who was much taller than him, “Woah!” Ken smiled.  He looked up to Zelo, “For being a freshmen, you are freakishly tall!  You’re as tall as Leo!”

Zelo glanced at Leo, who was hidden around the corner, while giving the blonde a cold, judging look. 

“So what’s your name?” Ken asked, “I’m JaeHwan, but most call me Ken!” he smiled.  “Do you like it here?  Isn’t everyone cool? Do you do anything?  Leo drinks a lot…but I let him do what he wants because it makes him happy!  A happy Leo is a good Leo!”

Zelo didn’t even hear nor see Leo approach when he had punched Ken in the spine.

The hyper college student crumpled with a groan.

Zelo met awkward eye contact with Leo, “Hi, I’m Zelo.  I’ve heard about you and Ken.”

Leo just stared at him with dark eyes.

Is he a demon? Zelo wondered.  He watched enough Supernatural to defend himself. Where was the ing salt in this place?!  He looked down to Ken, “Did he break your spine?”

“He has a mean hit,” Ken whined.  He gave Leo a hurt puppy look, “I thought you loved me!”

Leo snorted at him, but said nothing.

Before Zelo could help Ken up, Leo was already hauling the whiny student up by his arm.  He looked at Ken because his look wasn’t threatening like it would his soul out with once glance.  “Do you know where the bathroom is?  I need to brush my teeth, also do I need to leave early to go eat somewhere, or does someone make breakfast?”

Ken pulled lightly on his arm, “I’ll show you!  Oh, sometimes HakYeon comes here to make us food.  He’s basically our mom.  He’ll be here today since it’s the first day of college.”

Zelo hurried and brushed his teeth; there were already eight people that he met, and he knew there was more, so he didn’t want to be the last to eat.  He hurried down the hall, Ken and Leo behind him, and by the time he got to the kitchen Taemin was there with Minho, they were in each other’s space, Kris was there too, and there were three new guys who Zelo hadn’t met yet.  The one cooking had light brown curly hair, there was a guy attached to his back wearing a black snapback backwards, his hair was fire truck red, and his face was buried between the cooking man’s shoulder blades, and sitting at the kitchen table was a guy with dark blue-purple hair.

The cook turned around with the other still attached to his back, “Hello there, you must be Zelo!  My name is HakYeon, but most call me N!”

Zelo bowed to him, “Good morning, and nice to meet you.”

N smiled warmly, “It’s about time my munchkins got up!”

Chanyeol had just walked in, “N, I’m taller than you.”

“Shut your—,” N snapped his finger’s twice, and the man with fire truck red hair put his hands over dark blue-purple haired boy’s ears, “—ing mouth,” he replied with a bright smile and flung scalding scrambled eggs at the taller.

Chanyeol screeched and fled out of the kitchen.

“A true brat,” N sighed.  He returned his attention back to Zelo, “This leech,” N gestured to the guy attached to his back, “is Ravi.  We’ve been married for a little over a year.”

Ravi rested his chin on N’s shoulder after he uncovered the other boy’s ears, “Welcome to the edition,” he murmured.

The blue-purple haired college student stood to meet Zelo, “Hello!  I’m Hyuk!  Are you a freshmen too?”

Ken was leaning against Leo, “Who doesn’t know you?”

N waved his wooden spoon threateningly, “Be nice to my son.”

Zelo looked at Hyuk, “Aren’t you the same age?”

“Ravi and N are juniors in college,” Hyuk said.  “I’m not really their son; N just…he was there for me a lot during my younger years.”

Taemin had finally detached his face from Minho, but his fingers were still in Minho’s dark, wavy hair, “What did I miss?”

“Nothing and no in the kitchen!” N scolded.  “Didn’t your umma teach you anything?”

Taemin stuck out his tongue, but said something.

“Anyway, aren’t you in your first year?” Hyuk asked.

Zelo nodded to him, “Yea, I hope my classes are fun.”

“Hope we have a few together too!” Hyuk smiled.

While everyone was talking, N finished up making the large breakfast and went out shouting for everyone to get up and get into the kitchen while threatening if they weren’t in the kitchen in five minutes, he was going to let Leo get first dibs.

Everyone was basically running over each other down the stairs, and Tao was nearly pushed over the stair railing.

Taemin handed Zelo a loaded plate before serving his boyfriend-not-boyfriend a plate too.  He had just stuck a spoonful of eggs and shredded ham into his mouth when his head shot up, “Key Umma is going to be here shortly,” he warned N.

Zelo looked at Taemin, “Who’s that?”

“Apparently my mother,” Taemin snorted.  He went back to eating, growling at Minho when he tried to steal food off Taemin’s plate.

N laughed, “If that was true, the magnets on the fridge would have reshaped into the pentagram and Satan would have—”

“Hello everyone!” Key beamed, bursting into the kitchen unannounced.

N shut his mouth.

Taemin leaned closer to Zelo, “It’s always been the battle of moms, who aren’t really moms.”

Zelo just smiled and nodded again.

Key saw Taemin and scooped him into his arms, “Hi Taebaby!  I thought you said you were coming over to eat here!  At least my eggs wouldn’t have looked like gray rubber!”

Ravi quickly wrapped his arms around N’s waist to restrain his lover from slapping the lavender haired diva.

Key continued to pet Taemin’s hair, “So how have you been?”

“Fine, per usual,” Taemin answered, trying to scrape some food into his mouth because he literally had thrown up from being hung over.  He wiggled out of Key’s hold, “If you want to baby someone, try Zelo.  He’s the new guy here.  Freshie, by the way.”

Key instantly cooed and looked over to the curly haired blonde, “Hi there!  I’m Kibum, but most call me Key!”

Zelo waved to him, “Do you live here?”

Key gave him an offended face, “I’d die in this pig pen.”

He got many faces from those sitting at the table and eating like they were pigs.

“Oi, if you don’t like it, shove it!” Kris scowled.

Key rolled his eyes, “I’m only here for my son and Jonghyun.”

“Take them with you then,” N commented.  “I’m sure they’d be so much happier,” he scoffed.  Really he just wanted Key to off because N was mom of this household.

“Fine, only if I get Zelo too!” Key smiled.  “I wouldn’t leave him to rot in this place.”

N glared at him, “Zelo is staying here.”

“Have you seen this place?” Key growled.

“They would take care of him too,” N frowned.  “I trust Kris.”

Minho held onto Taemin, “He can’t go!”

“Minho, you’re stoned as every second of the damn day, you wouldn’t even know he was gone,” Key sighed.  “I thought you said you weren’t dating anyway.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” Baekhyun cut in.  His face held a disgusted look, “I walked in on them giving each other s.”

Brojobs,” Minho corrected.  “There wasn’t any homo in it.”

N looked mortified, “Hyuk, finish up before your mind is corrupted.”

“But Umma—”

Now, Hyuk!” N hissed.  He peeled Ravi off him, “Eat what’s left, then we’re gone.”

Ravi whined, but did as his lover ordered him to.

Ken made a whip sound.  He whined when Leo hit him on the knuckles with his spoon, “That hurt, you ing !”

“No cussing at the table!  We have children here!” N scolded.

Key scoffed at him, “They’re old enough to know what’s going on.”

“No, no, they’re not!” N snapped.

“I can see why you’re the woman in this place, even Taemin is manlier than you,” Key smirked.

“Oh, ,” came the low unison.

Zelo grabbed his plate and stood by the door way.

N and Key bother flung themselves onto the table.

“Fight, fight!”

Zelo threw his spoon at Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who were cheering on the two divas, who were now clawing at each other and screaming ‘psycho ’ at each other.

Jonghyun had tiredly stumbled in, he was rubbing sleep from his eyes that widened comically when he saw his lover straddling N’s chest, who was tugging at Key’s hair angrily.  “Well, I get breakfast and a show,” he mused as he grabbed a half eaten plate from the destroyed table.

Zelo figured he was Jonghyun.  Then he remembered something from his short term memory:

Your mother and I will be here next weekend.’

Zelo never wanted to cry so hard before in his life.


Ravi and Kris stepped in.  Ravi managed to pull N away and Kris had basically body slammed Key into the floor because ing Christ, Key had muscle in that tiny body of his.

Zelo had went back into the living room to get his stuff, he didn’t want to watch anymore of it, or watch the couple end up making out, or getting stoned or drunk before class.  He felt like he was stressed over a test that he hadn’t studied for, and it turned out this test was called, ‘College Life: How You Know You’re ed When...’

He grabbed his backpack and ran into Taemin, “Please tell me you’re sober.”

“Is it Monday?”



Zelo sighed.  He walked towards the door, “Do you know where we go on the first day?”

“Sure thing, just hang on,” Taemin replied.  He walked around the couch a couple times before rounding back to Zelo, “Ready?”

“What did you even look for?” Zelo asked.

“I thought I left Kai here, but now he’s not,” Taemin shrugged at him.  “Later guys!” he yelled.

Chanyeol poked his head out, “Later Ginger and Peanut Butter!”

“That’s not even—”

Taemin just pushed him outside, “Don’t question it.  He’s Crackyeol for a reason, remember?”

This is getting more crazier than I intended, but there will the normal OTPs as you can sorta see in the ed up text lol

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Im surprised ramyum wasn't one haha
Chapter 7: i can not with this chapter <///3 chanyeol face first in a bowl of gray poop, then eating it orz tao is me when i see pics of my bias
Chapter 6: Eh, I wonder why did Minho reacted that way when Zelo said that he's an adopted kid. And god, finally, I'm so glad that 2min's together. Zelo should always cocokblock 2min so I can read them. Good luck on the exams btw!
Chapter 6: the last scene i'm crying– when minho went all bananas (just when i started to think that maaaybe he was a tiny bit normal) because zelo told him that he was adopted and when luhan got a net over him and got dragged around the corner i can not

it's midninght but chanyeol calling him food names makes me hungry
Chapter 5: Truthfully, if I was in Zelo's position, I would have gone mad already. Seriously.
Chapter 5: is it even confirmed that he's leaving?? ;;;

oh so Zelo's mom is Jiyong~ I can't stop laughing over Crackyeol and all his names for Zelo cx
Chapter 5: Lmfao I think Chanyeol is my fave character followed by Zelo!!!! This made me laugh so hard!!!! "))
Chapter 4: i feel high reading this ;~; you should tag this as crack~
seriously i pity Zelo and i probably laughed too much to this. my friends are staring at me like i'm some weird freak. this story is pure gold. i'm still laughing over the hunhan scene and i'm trying to imagine ninja Taemin.

i'm still not over professor bang and NHU literally this story made my day
Chapter 4: lmfao i just love this story like for real. I can't even explain how happy it makes me. It's the little things like Henry's mix matched shoes and Kai making a gurgling noise to assure Zelo that he was alive that have me creying legit.