The Runway

Lucifer's Bride

Angels can’t feel. They are the most virtuos creature that God has ever created. However, they are the most cold creature too. Their indifference toward whatever happenned around their realm prevented them from making mistake. If devils are cursed creature blinded by rage and fury, angels are merely God’s automaton. They obeyed god’s order without protesting at all. Emotions are foreign to them. Otherwise, they would be like just human, prone to hurt others.

A sinner.

Nevertheless, they still can sense glimpses of human’s emotion by looking at them. That way, they can know what humans are feeling.

Right now, Jongin is observing the girl. The girl that has been the source of heaven’s problem this last few decades. It seems that Heaven’s fear on that girl is justified, because that girl can feel his presence.

No mortal being can feel Children of God’s presence. The one who can should be diminished immediately.

He orders a pup near him on that alley to distract her. It works. The girl seems to lost his presence. However, there’s a little thing bothering him. Right before she turns back and walks away, the aura surrounding her changed. Even though her face still looks straight, she can’t trick him.

It is misery.

Jongin has lived since the earth was still nothing but spectrum of dusts. Yet, he never thought human could bear that kind of horrendous feeling up until that extent and... still alive.

Not only that, she even managed to pretend everything is okay.

It seems it is true after all. Heaven, hell, and earth, would really crumble because of a mere mortal girl.

She feels suffocated, and it is not only because the caging walls surrounding her. She needs an escape. Even inside her dark and cold room, she cannot feel free. She opens her balcony’s door and laugh.

Even her mind betray its owner and torture her too. Besieged by Seoul’s night air, her bitter laugh sounds so pathetic.

The cold wind blows her hair, making them fly everywhere. It refreshes her though. If she closes her eyes, she can hears a muffled roar of engine and the hustle bustle of Seoul. She let her guards down for awhile and enjoying the moment.

And that’s when she notices it.

Startled, she turns back in a flash and looks at the empty dark space on her balcony. Nothing seems out of place and everything looks normal. However, nothing in her life is normal.

Cold sweat starts to appear on her forehead. She swear something was standing behind her a mere second ago. Her eyes scanning her room. It is dark, but the moonlight allows her to vaguely sees whatever creature in it.

She found nothing.

“I know you’re there. Show yourself!”

But nothing answers her. Although the once comforting wind strangely seems to whisper words of warning to her.

Whatever it is, she is convinced that it doesn’t have a good intention.

That night, she only allows herself to sleep a few hours, before dawn starts to appear, with a dagger clutched tightly on her hands.

A few days have passed since the police incident. Each day she grows more and more restless. The creature is always around her. She can feel it. Fear and stress smother every steps she takes. She even reach to the point where she tries to beg, to coax, to do whatever it takes to make the monster to appear. However, no matter how hard she tries, it won’t appear. But it is there, blending with silence and slipping into her shadow.

Occult thing set aside, there’s another thing not less surprising. One night, her parents suddenly told her to have ‘a little chat’ with them over dinner. Knowing that this is going to happen, Jun Hee obeyed albeit a little reluctantly.

So here she is, with her parents who fidget on their seat. Jun Hee couldn’t care less though, she is busy at a little stain on the sofa’s cushion their maid is missing.

She is good at this. Masking her feeling and act indifferent. She has been practicing this for years. It is okay to be weak. But look weak is an entirely different matter. As long as people don’t know what she feel deep inside, it’s okay.

She may looks as if she is bored, waiting for her parents to say something before she can go back to her room. No one knows though, that behind layers of pretence, she is building a wall.

She gathers everything desperately. Anything. She has to do something to lessen the blow. Her hatred towards her parents, frustration to the world, everything. It is easy, since they are always loitering behind her head.

When she is convinced that she won’t be hurt much. She started the conversation.

“Well, aren’t you gonna say something?” she said lazily. “I don’t have all day, you know.”

Her parents look at each other. Her mother gazes at her father pleadingly and her father nods slightly at her. Jun Hee doesn’t notice this though. Her wall is strong, made by concrete hatred and frustration, but not strong enough to look at her parents eye more than a few second.

Eyes are the window of heart. She couldn’t bear to find out what’s her parents feeling towards her. Knowing it, is something but confirming it is a different matter altogether.

Her father cleared his throat. “We’ve already thought over it for awhile.” He taps his foot slightly to the floor, a sign of nervousness.

“We... think it best for you to live in an apartement near your school.”

After the verdict has been announced, she stunned.

A cruel, cold voice screams inside her head.

They disown you!

After that, her mind rolling in a tremendous speed and her breath stuck somewhere inside . A great headache strikes her and she blinks to get rid of it. However, something wet fall off her eyes when she blink.

Vaguely, she can hear her parents saying something but her brain is too much of a mess to understand it.

Far from school...walk...commute...apartment...near...


Hearing the last word, she forces herself to wake up and get herself a grip. Casually, she erases her tears as if it’s nothing more than a dust. Her parents become silent after that.

“You know...” She clucks her tongue in a mock dissapointment. “You don’t have to sugarcoat that. I know you both want to get rid of me once and for all.”

Seeing an embarassment look instead of an offended one on her parents face make her laugh. “It’s a pity I don’t have a camera right now.” She said

“Or else I would have been able to capture...” her face turns cold gradually and she looks at them in the eye.

“The most hideous face in the world.”

Color left the face of two people she refuses to call parents.

“Well, I’m gonna do you a favor and get out of your life.” She said and get up from the sofa. “Thank you for...” She’s at last for word, because what should she say?

Thank you for your love? Kindness?


She shrugs and decides to let it go. They doesn’t care for her, so why would she bother?

Only when she reaches the front door, she takes off her mask. With her back facing them, she takes a deep breath before saying.

“Tell Junsu my goodbye, will you?”

Then, she get out of the building she has never called home.


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Veltxx #1
SherlyThe #2
Chapter 6: Omg update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update. This story is sooooooooooooooo of gooooodddd. I need some romance between Jongin and Jun hee in this story. Don't stop writing this story pleaseeee.
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 6: Holy cliff hanger. This is really interesting.
Please update soon~
celine174 #5
Chapter 6: Pleaseeeee update
Faithjongin #6
Chapter 6: UPDATE PLZZ
Chapter 6: I really love your story! >.< hwaiting!
Chapter 6: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo im reading this in class right now like holy it's good.