Blazing Red

Lucifer's Bride

A/N: Sorry for the long wait. So here's a long chapter for you (^o^)

She walks along the sidewalk when a car stops near her. The window is being pulled down and a boy inside the car smiles at her.

“Noona, you forget your lunchbox again.” He says and passes the lunchbox through the car window.

She nods slowly and takes the lunchbox, careful not to touch him. The boy, clearly disappointed by the lack of reaction from her older sister, pouts.

“You shouldn’t forget this anymore, food from home is better than the cafeteria’s.”

Jun Heee stays silent, and instead stares at him with an unreadable look.

Still gets no reaction, the boy hasn’t give up yet. “Do you want to go to the school with me? I promise no one will see us.” he caoxes.

Still nothing.

Finally giving up, the boy sighs. “It’s okay if you don’t want to be seen with me. But you have to watch movies with me on Saturday! Or else I will cry again!”

Pretend not to hear the threat, Jun Heee walks away. “You have to do it! It’s a promise!” says Junsu loudly, amidst all of the morning frenzy.

When the car drives away, she fights really hard to keep a smile away from appearing on her face. She tightly clutch the special lunchbox made by her younger brother, Moon Junsu.

She touches slightly the middle of her shoulder blades that concealed behind her uniform, just to remind herself who she is, and starts walking again.

She glares at the algebra test sheet in front of her. She had pulled an all nighter just for this test and she still barely managed to do  the entire question. This is her last question, but her brain already gives up of thinking.

She is not a genius you usually see on all those dramas. She is a pretty clever girl, but she has to struggle to get into the top ten on her school. Math is one of her weakness, that’s why she needs to learn hard to get an A.

The thing is, her head hurts. Her stomach growling frol lack of food. Moreover, sound of the school’s new building construction near her class is too loud.

She can’t concentrate.

In the other side of the class, Oh Sehun, the school jocks, had done the test in a matter of minutes. Although it’s a usual thing, everyone’s eyes follow his movement when he put his answer sheet to the teacher’s desk. Some of the eyes are filled with envy, some with awe.

Before he leaves the class room, he turns around and gives everyone his infamous smirk. Even though he is a conceited jerk, she has to admit that Oh Sehun is a genius. He always be the fastest and get the highest score on every exam.

In a split second, she wonders if he did that smirk for her. His gaze was straight at her. For some unknown reason, he always messes with her, along with half of this school.

The bell ring, signaling the lunch break has started. The entire student in her class is forced to collect their answer sheet. She sighs in surrender and puts her sheet on the teacher’s desk. The last question is left unanswered. She hopes at least she gets a B.

All of the students go to the cafeteria. Yet, she have never been there except for her first day of this school. It’s too crowded and she attracts too much attention. If she goes there, it’s as if there’s a big red banner that says, “Bully Me, I’m Helpless!”

She always spends her lunch break in the library. There are only nerds in there, and the librarian is an old woman that never caught her bringing food into library.

Hiding in the deepest part of the big library, she opens the lunchbox. Fragrant aroma welcomes her as soon as the lid is being opened.

Today’s menu are egg rolls, bunny shaped rice with vegetables, and sausages with a few pieces of watermelon at the corner.

As usual, waves of guilt wash through her. She doesn’t deserve this at all. She should obey her parents warning. Do not to get close to Junsu in any way, but she can’t.

Every time she saw those upset looks plastered on his face because of her rejection, a part of her died. She doesn’t want to see him sad; he should be the happiest kid ever. His smile makes her happy, even if she only watches it from afar.

But there’s another reason why she hasn’t put a great distance between them. She is a human. She craves interaction from another human too. Junsu is the only source she can feel needed, even loved.

She knows she isn’t supposed to be like this, she’s a cursed child after all, people who come near her bound to get bad luck. So, yes, she knows she should be colder towards him like any other people. But he is the only reason she can live her life each day.

They say committing a sin is a pleasure in some way. Moon Jun Hee knows it best.

Halfway eating her lunchbox, she stops and closes the lid before putting it securely behind her.

“What do you want, Oh Sehun?” she says calmly while standing.

He appears beside a bookshelf in front of her, smiling nastily. “Nothing, I just want to see you.”

If his smile was nasty, now his smile is laced with wickedness, for some people it might look scary, but not for Jun Hee, she had faced Oh Sehun too many times to be scared.

“I saw a quite unusual sight this morning. I wonder what a good boy like a Moon Junsu did with you today?” he says, voice dripping with innocence although his face says otherwise.

Jun Hee’s face betrays nothing.

“And then, a thought crossed my mind. A very interesting thought, but I have nothing to prove it. So I went to the archive room of this school, pulled out some strings, and I found a really surprising fact.”

And then, Sehun leans in until his mouth is only a few inches from her ear. To outsider, it seems like Sehun is kissing her ear.

“Why are you acting like not know each other with Moon Junsu? when in fact, you’re his older sister?”

He chuckles and it reverberates through her neck. “I know his parents, but I never knew Mr. and Mrs. Moon have a daughter.”

Ignoring the distance, or lack of it, Jun Hee looks up at him since Sehun is taller.

“That is clearly none of your business. Stay out of this, Oh Sehun.” She says, an anger hidden beneath her voice.

A glint appears on Sehun’s eyes. This is the first time he can lure her to show some kind of emotion. But he won’t stop just with this.

“What happen Jun Hee-ah? Why don’t they admit you as their daughter? Are they disgusted at you?”

She grips her hand into fist tightly. She closes her eyes. No, she can’t be angry. She isn’t allowed to be angry.

But the whisper of Oh Sehun seeps through her, poisoning her blood, emptying all thoughts, burning her from insides.

“Are you that filth until your own family can’t bear with you? Poor little Jun Heee. Are you lonely? Do you want some company? But still, it can’t be helped that you are unwanted.”

The last word triggers everything that had been buried in the deepest part of her heart. Suddenly, it all comes back. Her anger, her disappointment, her frustration, everything. The blaze of emotion consumes her, and she is too weak to fight.

The lure of showing herself, her true self, is too enticing.

She glares at him with fierceness that will make gangster run into their mother. Her eyes glowing, but not in its usual brown color.

It is gleaming in the most beautiful hue of red. Fire is dancing in her eyes, fiery and intense. It is as if the fire comes from the hell.

Oh Sehun’s eyes are captivated in those scarlet orbs. His brain is screaming danger all over his head. But he is too scared to move.

The temperature of the room lifting so fast.  There’s some sweat start to rip in Sehun’s forehead.

“Don’t,” she starts, voice drown with vehemence. “Don’t talk to me as if you know everything!” she roars. Sehun takes a few steps back, finally processing what kind of predicament he tangled himself into.

“You don’t know anything! You don’t know how much I suffer! Have you ever felt what it’s like to be me?! Have you ever felt regret being born?! HAVE YOU?!” she shouts with wrath coating her voice. Strangely, it seems that no one except Oh Sehun hears her scream.

Tears of everything streaming down her face. After all this years trying hard not to let any tears out, the dam finally breaks, and the water flows like a tsunami through it.

But something stops her from lash everything out to Oh Sehun.

She saw fear in his eyes.

And from the reflection on Oh Sehun’s eyes, her brown orbs turn into red.

With a gasp of horror, she opens her first button with her trembling hand and reveals a burning birthmark.

It is hot, terribly hot when being touched, but miraculously not burning the skin around it.

Her frightened eyes slowly move over from Oh Sehun into her chest.

Her birthmark is glowing in a blazing red.

No, no, this can’t be happening again!

She stares in shock at his shining birthmark. The shape and the color make it looks like a striking scorching sun. But instead of being fascinated, she stands there in shock. Tremor washes her like a tidal wave.

Suddenly, everything around her is spinning so fast and her feet cannot hold her any longer. She kneels on the floor with hands still clutching the birthmark.

Her whole body is trembling in fear. It seems that her lungs have stopped working because she can’t breathe no matter how fast she tries to. Her heart is beating so fast and blood is rushing to her head.

Breath, Moon Jun Heee, breath. She chants like a mantra.

A few minutes after that, everything stop spinning and she can breathe normally. There is a headache but nothing she can’t stand for.

She stands up and reflexively touches her birthmark. It is still glowing.

This is all her fault. If she didn’t let anger take control of her, the birthmark wouldn’t glow. If only she acts more mature, none of this would have happened.

She won’t let anyone suffer because of her. It had happened twice before, and she won’t stay around and does nothing. She doesn’t care how long will it takes until her birthmark stops going red.

She has to protect Oh Sehun. She needs to.

She looks around, and another shock hits her.

Oh Sehun is gone.

Jun Heee runs and runs. Her eyes scanning every part of the school she passed by. Her feet are aching and her headache hasn’t completely faded. But she can’t give up now. She needs to find Oh Sehun now.

It seems that destiny never side with her, the school bell ring again, and the hallway is packed with students. She is out of breath but she doesn’t stop running.

She is racing with time, and she hopes, she really hopes she will win this time.

Sehun is nowhere to be found, and she nearly screams in frustration. He’s not in class, not in cafeteria, she even check men’s bathroom just in case. But there’s no sight of him. Everyone look at her and some even whisper about her, but she doesn’t care.

She search outside the school and takes a quick inspection. There’s a few people there, loitering around lazily.

And then she sees him, walking alone a couple of meters from her. She opens , wanting to shout his name when she foresees it.

A few meters in Sehun’s right, there’s a school building in construction. And right at the top of that, there’s a slice of metal, dangling tormentingly. All of the workers are too busy to notice that the metal is now sliding slowly from the building.

As in slow motion, she witness the way the metal slip and falling to the ground. From afar, she hears someone screams at Sehun to run. The scream is so scary, it’s overflowed with fear and terror.

Then slowly, Oh Sehun turns around an gives her a confused glance, before the metal cut through his body.

A/N: Sehun's fans don't kill me, please #runandhidebehindlulu

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Veltxx #1
SherlyThe #2
Chapter 6: Omg update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update. This story is sooooooooooooooo of gooooodddd. I need some romance between Jongin and Jun hee in this story. Don't stop writing this story pleaseeee.
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 6: Holy cliff hanger. This is really interesting.
Please update soon~
celine174 #5
Chapter 6: Pleaseeeee update
Faithjongin #6
Chapter 6: UPDATE PLZZ
Chapter 6: I really love your story! >.< hwaiting!
Chapter 6: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo im reading this in class right now like holy it's good.