Her Calamitous Fate

Lucifer's Bride

A/N: I'm sorry for not updating for months :( I deserved to being kicked X(. thank you for ddio23 and heartarcfantasy21 for commenting and reminding me to update, kekeke. Oh btw, watch out for cliffhanger at the end of this chapter.

In another dimension, far away from earth, there was a palace hidden beneath star's constellations. It was hovering above nothing and everything. The palace was grand. The color was striking white with glimpses of gold here and there. The pillars were as big as Empire state building and twenty times its height.

Instead of marble, the floors were made from crystal. Under the floors were water flowing endlessly that could be seen clearly. There were thousand of doors, each holding different decoration but still with the same beauty. Fountains which spurted honey, milk, and finest wine were placed in the middle of the palace. Flowers, gems, and other incredibly astounding things were scattered elegantly.

Simply said, there was no such thing as beautiful as this in earth.

But there was no single human in that palace.

Instead of human, there was only angels, hundreds of them doing their job while laughing around, creating the most beautiful melody that every surfaces.

Amidst all of that, there was one angel flying swiftly toward the biggest door in the place. Every angels is definition of beauty, but he was even more beautiful than all of them. The ethereal beauty  flew through all of the angels, leaving their bows in an unusual haste.

He was in a hurry, and there was no time for formality when the world’s future was in danger.

The biggest door opened with a loud bam. If the other rooms were lilies, this room was roses. The magnificence simply undescribeable. But the angel in rush didn’t have time to admire the exquisiteness of the striking room as usual.

With a speed of light, the said angel stopped at the end of the room.

There were four thrones inside the room, each with its own regal aura. But there’s only one occupied.

“What bring you here, my dear brother?” said the angel who sat in the throne.

The newcomer bowed before answered, “I am in no mind to bother you, my brother. But I’m afraid I have something urgent to tell you.”

The angel in throne straightened his back a little. “What is it, Lay? Please, do tell me.”

“It’s the Lucifer.” Lay answered, and his face went a few shades paler than usual. The name was forbidden, as taboo as sin itself in the palace.

If the angels in throne was surprised, he didn’t let it show. “Is it about the girl?”                                                                              

“Yes, my lord. The Lucifer’s mark razed again, a male human’s soul had to paid for it.”

The young angel’s face gone paler seeing the angel in throne’s features darken.

The angel in throne stares at his clasped hands. “Call all of my brothers. This isn’t a matter that I can decide on my own.”

The young angel bows again before dissappearing behind closed door and fluttered wings.

The Council of angels are gathering along a circular table. There’s a symbol of a sun engraved on it. the symbol is really similar to Jun Hee’s birthmark. But instead of black its color is white, pure white. Four leaders of angels are having an argument with a hushed voice.

“We can’t let this keep happenning.” Said an angel with a stern voice.

“You’re right my brother, but the girl is innocent.”

“But prolonging her life only make everything worse!”

“Don’t shout at your brother, Luhan.” Reprimands one of the angels.

Luhan sighs exasperatedly. “But we have to do something. Yes, the girl is innocent, but the mark on her is something that we can’t ignore.”

“Luhan is right, we can’t let another soul wasted no matter how it saddened us to kill the girl.”

“But the girl’s doom is so terrible, I want to at least delayed it as long as possible.” Says an angel, trying to convince his brothers.

Silence hovering in the air. Two choice swirling inside their mind, but both of them are wrong. So what choice should they choose?

One of the angels clears his throat.

“We’ve already delayed it for years, Suho. Fate is unavoidable, and we can’t let another soul pay for our decision.”

“But Tao..” Suho says.

“Let’s vote now.”

One of the eldest walks a step closer to the table. “I am Xiumin, the eldest of the council, I’m voting for.. slaying the girl’s soul.”

Then the other one beside him come forward too. “I am Luhan, the second eldest, I vote vor slaying the girl.”

Suho repeats his brother’s action. “I am Suho, the third angel og the council, I vote for prolong the girl’s fate.”

And then he looks at his younger brother, hoping he would choose to let the girl be happy even if it’s just for a little bit longer. But the aloof posture of his brother gives him a bad hunch.

“I am Tao, the youngest of the council. I vote for... killing the girl’s soul.”

Ignoring Suho’s fallen look, Xiumin announced, “Voting had been done. The majority of vote is to slay the girl for the better.”

Then, he continues, “Call for the reaper.”

The sky is cloudy, just like the school’s mood today. Everybody is gathered in the school hall and the principal is giving his speech.

After the accident, it was such a chaos. Everybody panicked and the teachers were too shocked to do anything. It was acceptable since everyone wasn’t used to see a dead body laying in their schoolyard.

Police eventually came and investigated the location. They wrapped the body in a bag and took it to a hospital. The crime location was marked and lined, nobody is allowed to enter it. The building’s worker were investigated and it seemed that they would be the one who is blamed for the terrible accident.

But human is a disgusting creature. Even though they know it was an accident, there are still a lot of speculation about a certain girl that they believed involved in the accident.

“She trapped him.” a girl says.

Then there’s  murmurs going on the students, completely ignoring the principal’s speech.

“Yeah, have you seen her uniform’s? It was soaked with blood you know.” Says a boy

Another girl is sobbing. “Yes, she was so cruel. Sehun hadn’t done anything wrong.” Her voice break at the end of her sentence.

It seems that everyone in completely forgetting Sehun’s daily bullying activities and closed their eyes. Someone needs to be the one who’s being blamed while they’re acting all sad and miserable.

As I said, disgusting.

But a lone boy stays silent in the middle of cruel murmurs a whispered words. His hands are gripped tightly in his lap. His mouth aching to say something, anything, to defend her sister. But an event is swirling inside his mind.

He knocked slowly on his sister’s door, but nobody answered. He wanted to let all of this go but he couldn’t. So he braved himself and opened the door himself.

The room was dark. All of the curtains were shut tightly and the lamp is off. He would have missed his sister’s presence if not from the light that came through the opened door.

He wanted to say a hello or something but hersister’s unmoving body that sat in the dark scared him.

“I trust you.” He blurted out.

His sister’s stared at him, as if just realized there was someone else in her room. But she didn’t say anything.

“You’re innocent!  You were in the wrong place at the wrong time, so was he. You’re not a murderer!”

But the said girl’s empty gaze wasn’t changed at all.

Junsu took the silence as a confirmation, and his eyes brightened a lot.

“Yes! I know you’re innocent, sis. You’re a good person, you can’t be a murd—“

“I am.” Said Jun Hee in a soft spoken whisper. It was said in a way that showed she was already accept the fact.

The whisper stopped Junsu’s blabber.

She looked at him in the eye. “I killed him.” she said in a louder voice. “I killed Oh Sehun. I am a murderer.”

All of color left Junsu’s face. He was frozen and his jaw opened in shock.

“No... It’s impossible... you can’t be a murderer...” he whispered to himself.

Jun Hee smiled. Really smiled. “Thank you for trusting me, but... I am a murderer.” She said slowly, letting Junsu to accept the fact. “Close the door before you leave.”

And then she stared back at nothingness, leaving his broIt’ther still frozen in shock.

Now, he really wants to say something, to stop all the lies and blind accuses to his sister. But how can he says that when his sister blame herself?

Jun Hee is waiting for a traffic light in a cross road. Her investigation session went smooth, if she could say that. The police decided that she was innocent and had no correlation what so ever.

is hoarse from saying the same sentence hundreds of time.

I am the murderer, imprison me before I kill another person. I am the murderer, imprison me before I kill another person. I am the murderer, imprison me before I kill another person. I am the murderer, imprison me before I kill another person. I am the murderer, imprison me before I kill another person.


She even beg them to jailed her right away, but they never listen.


It wasn’t that they wouldn’t listen.

It was more like they couldn’t hear her.

Everytime she said the sentence, everyone were suddenly going deaf. No matter how of often she said that or how loud her voice was. They just continuing whatever their activities as if she said nothing at all.

Nobody could hear her.

But as soon as she talk about anything else, everyone were getting back to normal.

For other people, that would be very peculiar. But she is already used to strange occurences around her.

Like for example, she can’t kill herself no matter how hard she tries.

The first time she realized it, it was when she was fifteen years old. She went to her bathroom and accidentally looked at her reflection. The loathe she felt toward herself is enormous. So, she reflexively grabbed her toothbrush. She broke it into two pieces, one of them had a sharp edge. Without even thinking twice, she stab her chest with the broken toothbrush.

But before she could feel the pleasure of her heart being stabbed, she fainted.

No, it wasn’t because she was in a fatigue or something. It’s just like her body decided to switch off suddenly.

When she opened her eyes, she was in her bed, laying as if nothing ever happenned. And in her disbelieved state, she ran to the bathroom and found nothing.


There was no blood at all, and the toothbrush is standing sweetly in the bathroom, mocking her.

At first she thought that it was only a dream, or her imagination. But she tried it again and the same thing happenned.

Whenever she was feeling depressed and felt like she couldn’t survive anymore, she tried again.

Drank an insectide she found in the basement, hung herself, drown in the tub, jumped from a building, threw herself in front of a speeding car. Everything.

But none of it works.

She would be alright and healthy as ever. And whenever she did it in a public places, nobody realized it. As if they couldn’t even see her.

And now, she’s looking at the road in front of her. The rush hour is starting and she wonder whether to test her luck or just to let it go.

She decides on the latter, because it only wastes her time.

Whoever out there that punishing her with this torture, they never stop watching her.

The sky is start to darken, and the sun is going lower. She looks at the sun, and it reminds her of something.

Her birthmark, and her disgusting self.

She clenches her hands tightly and closes her eyes, fighting the oncoming tears.

She’s a murderer.

Oh Sehun died because of her.

If only she could control her emotion, none of this would happen.

If only she’s aware of her cursed being and forbid any interaction with another living being.

If only she’s the one who died.

She thinks about people who are grieving right now. Oh Sehun’s parents, his friends, his neighbours, all of the school, and maybe his pet.

How she wish she’s the one who died.

Nobody would grieve. Nobody would cry histerically at her grave, nobody would grasp their chest because finding it’s hard to breath when thinking of her. Nobody.

How she envy Oh Sehun right now.

No, not because people who love him no matter how bad his behaviour is, she’s used to being abandoned anyway. But because he finally can escape this world while she’s stuck on it.

She looks at the sky and says in a broken and trembling whisper. “Who are you? And why are you doing this to me?”

She holds back a sob and a lone tear drop from her eye. “

The traffic light finally allows people to cross, and she starts to walk, but a really soft whimper stops her.

She turns around and finding a very small gap between two stores. It’s dark and very small, only one person can enter it with a lot of wiggles.

She approaches it and heard the whimper again. She look at it and decide it’s too much of a hassle to enter it. A wind flew pass her and create a few goosebumps. There’s something weird in there, and she’s a little scared to find out.

She feels like she’s being watched. She’s a little bit used to that feeling, but this time, it scares her.

Before she could pretend to ignore it and continue her way, a creak is heard.

And something’s definitely coming out from the dark right now.

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Veltxx #1
SherlyThe #2
Chapter 6: Omg update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update. This story is sooooooooooooooo of gooooodddd. I need some romance between Jongin and Jun hee in this story. Don't stop writing this story pleaseeee.
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 6: Holy cliff hanger. This is really interesting.
Please update soon~
celine174 #5
Chapter 6: Pleaseeeee update
Faithjongin #6
Chapter 6: UPDATE PLZZ
Chapter 6: I really love your story! >.< hwaiting!
Chapter 6: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo im reading this in class right now like holy it's good.