Chapter 4

Red War

"Xero is gay... Other than that, his ancestor once betray your ancestor eventhough they were best friends."

"Why I'm not wonder,he even kiss me once. And I don't really care that his ancestor betray his best friend, my ancestor"said Hansol.

"Will you listen to me?! What if he betray you?!".

"Shut up.Xero is my best friend.He will never betray me.I will never let anything happen TO HIM. I don't care if his ancestor betray my ancestor, as long as he doesn't betray me"said Hansol,turning on his heels and walk away.

Tears roll down his cheeks as he sit on the corner,crying silently.

"Hansol? Why are you crying?".

Hansol look up and saw Xero standing in front of him.

"Xero..."said Hansol.

"Are you okay?"ask Xero.

"I'm okay...I just tired because of this endless war..."said Hansol.

"I know something bothering you.Come on,tell me"said Xero.

"It just...Kidoh said you will betray me".

Xero stare at Hansol,sitting next to him and hugged Hansol.

"Hansol,you my best friend.I will never betray you.We need each other.I need you and you need me"said Xero.

He slowly stand up and lend a hand to help Hansol stand up.

"Thank you"said Hansol as he wipe his tears and he notice the moon colour return to normal.

"You had to rest for now.It going to be a very long day tomorrow"said Xero.

"You right.We have to keep our magic until the end of this war"said Hansol.

Xero leaning and kiss the older boy forehead as the moon shine on them.

"Good night then"said Xero and run to his room.

"....Good night to you,Xero..."said Hansol,blushing.

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ezi1994 #1
Chapter 16: Dear please so more stories. I really love it