Chapter 16

Red War

"I love you...."

Xero gasp as he hold Hansol closer to him.

The older wizard blushed hearing his own word as he stare at Xero,staring at the love of his life.


"...A wizard...have to sacrifice himself....To stop the war".

Xero wide his eyes as he saw blood rolling down Hansol's chin as the others gasp in shock.

Hansol cough out blood much to the other shock and Xero hold him tightly.

"Hansol,no...Why you..."said Xero.

"It for the best...For this world...."said Hansol,gasping.

"Hansol..."said Xero as his tears fall to Hansol cheek.

"Goodbye,Xero...You will always be...My best friend...."said Hansol as his eyes rolled back and closed.

Xero touching Hansol neck to feel he was no longer breathing

"No...No...Hansol,please don't do this to us!! Please,don't leave me!!!!I love you too".

Xero scream and sob but Hansol not responding.

Everyone look down in sorrow as they lost their friend.

"Hansol...."said Xero,embracing Hansol's corpse tightly.

The sky then slowly return to normal.

But Xero know it will never get Hansol back.

Hansol is dead.

His tears keep rolling down his eyes,falling to Hansol's cheek.

Slowly,he leaning and put one last kiss on his forehead and whisper.

"You my best friend,forever"

With that,he start crying.

The others stare as they amazed.

Xero was never cry,never.

But Hansol's death trigger him to start crying.

"!!!",Xero gasp as he saw Hansol's body wrapped in light.

As the light gone,Hansol eyes were still closed,but he look perfectly fine.

Xero touching his neck to feel Hansol was breathing.

"He's alive...Hansol's alive!".

His heart skipped a beat as Hansol start coughing,opening his eyes and sit up

"Xero...I'm alive?"said Hansol,staring at Xero.

Xero burst into tears,relief as he hugged him tightly.

"Hansol....I'm so worried...."said Xero,sobbing.

"Don't worry,Xero.I'm here and everything back to normal.The war already over"said Hansol,as Xero help him stand up.

"Did you say something to me when I'm dead?"ask Hansol as he stare at Xero.

'I don't think he remember what he said before he said a wizard have to sacrifice himself'

"N-nothing at all"said Xero,blushing.

"I say to you that I love you,but I don't want you to hear it"said Xero to himself.

"What was that?"ask Hansol.

"Nothing.Do you want to fly around ToppKlass?"ask Xero.

"Sure,why not"said Hansol.

Before Xero know it,Hansol leaning and kiss his cheek,making him blush.

"It's obvious that he had a crush on Hansol,huh?"ask Seogoong,putting his head on Kidoh's shoulder.

"He totally is.Hansol the love of his life and best friend.And I know Hansol see Xero as his best friend and the love of his life too"said Kidoh.

They both jump up and fly,giggling.

They had end the war,and still preparing,who knows what will happen in the future.

But now,they enjoy that they bring peace back to ToppKlass.

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ezi1994 #1
Chapter 16: Dear please so more stories. I really love it