Hello - SHINee

~Our Love Story Is My Favorite~

Credit: Platypizz2

~Reina's Perspective~

Finally, junior year. I thought high school would be hard this year, and it was so far. Still no classes with him. But there was more interaction. A lot more.

~Luhan's Perspective~

I decided during our summer break. I was going to get her back. She was mine from the start, and she'll be mine forever. I would search for her in the halls, a bit. Use her shortness to my advantage. As pissed as she acted, I could see she was happy. We talked more. The awkwardness was lifting. This was my chance.

It started small. Teasing. Actual talking. I stole her sunglasses just to hear her call me Oppa again. I went outside on the way to my bus after school. It was very windy, but not cold. I saw her hugging our friend Sehun. My chest hurt a little. When they let go, she saw me and walked up to me. She hugged me and asked if she would have my sweater since I wasn't even wearing it. Her sweater might've looked warm, but she was shivering. I couldn't just let her freeze. I gave it to her gladly. The first step to us becoming one again. The sweater smelled like her after. It smelled sweet. I felt weird doing it. But I didn't care. I knew then, I wanted her back. 

It was the night before her birthday. I should be asleep. But instead, it's half past midnight. I'm staring at my computer screen, contemplating. Heart? No heart? Think weird? Think not?

Finally I just typed it. Heart. Send.

Happy birthday <3

My first move. With a heavy heart, I went to bed. I had lunch with her on her birthday. She hugged everyone at our table since she is lovable. She hugged me and I whispered, wishing her happy birthday. "Thanks Lulu~" She said quietly. She continued to hug me as she talked to the others at the table.

Courage man. Courage. Ask her. But no. I chickened out. She smelled nice. Geez man what am I saying?! But it was true. The rest of the week, I would Facebook message her since I noticed she changed phones. About time too. She's had the same phone since like, seventh grade. I would always message her to entertain me, even though she would reply that she's not interesting to talk to. But I didn't care. I wanted to talk to her at all cost. I would stop whatever I was doing when I heard the little ping from her. Her name popping up on the tab. It would pain me that I would've seen that she saw the message, but didn't reply.

~Reina's Perspective~

We were talking. Full on conversations. We talked until it was late in the night. Just like what we would do back then. Was this real? Or was it false hope? Does he like me again? Or does he just want to watch me crash and burn and break down? I couldn't know for certain.

We were getting closer by each conversation. I never wanted them to end. But when I read some, I would get distracted and couldn't find time to reply to them or I would think I pressed the send button, but I miss. He would reply that he was going to bed since I wasn't responding and I felt that he was just done with me. I knew I should've double checked it. I would bid him goodnight and continue living, more quietly now as my phone or computer wouldn't go off anymore.

We were on Facebook, messaging each other as usual as I was about to watch a boxing match and try to finish my history homework before they turned off the lights. He promised me a kiss on the cheek if I finished quickly. I knew I wanted his affection. I breezed through that homework assignment. But was this part of his plan to use me though? Watch me crash and burn? I didn't even care. I just wanted to feel wanted again. Even if I was being used.

Monday came. We saw each other in the halls, but could never get the chance. Monday passed, not enough time after school. Tuesday came and we had lunch together. I wanted to find him so bad, but my friend dragged me so we sat in the choir room instead of the cafeteria. I hope he knows I'm alright.

~Luhan's Perspective~

My eyes wandered. Where is she? I could've sworn I saw her this morning. Was she avoiding me? Did she not want her reward for doing well on her homework? I hope she's alright. 

~Reina's Perspective~

My heart was pounding. He met up with me when I left the choir room. He and I went through the back hallway while my friend went through the main hallway. We were in an awkward cloud. I wanted to kiss his chubby chipmunk-like cheeks, but people behind us were being obnoxious, typical in this school. He tried to pick up a conversation by staring at my history binder and its unique design, and I tried to hold it out. He walked me to class and I took my test with an anxious heart. I was scared. Did he feel the same?

The clock ticked by, my mind swirling. This test looked like it was written in German instead of English. I finished, half of my anxiety fading away. But now to the scariest part. Facing him. The bell rang and I raced outside, waiting for him to come out.

~Luhan's Perspective~

I raced outside. She was standing with our friends. Her face red from the chill of the wind. She saw me and came up and hugged me. She kissed my cheek and I kissed hers. Now's my chance. I kept my arm around her before she left for her bus. "Would you go out with me?" I actually had the balls to say it. She asked what, making sure she heard right. "I said would you go out with me?" She smiled wide and bright. "Yes. In a heart beat. Yes." I said good and ran to my bus before she noticed I was blushing. She was mine again.

~Reina's Perspective~

Is it true? Was it true? Am I sleeping? *Pinches* Ouch~ Nope. Awake. I messaged him, asking if I heard right. He teased me and replied what if I didn't. I simply told the truth and said I would've been very sad and disappointed. He said I heard right.

~Both Perspectives~

And we started from there. The new chapter of our story. There were many stories out there of falling in and out of love. But you never really get to experience it for yourself. And as much as it hurts, you grow stronger. And so do we. Each day, more affection is shown. More love is shared. More memories are made. We take each other for the good and the bad. The pretty and the ugly. And that's because we love each other. And we know that we aren't letting each other go so easily this time. Why? Because this was based off a true story. And we intend on having a happy ending.

~The End~

Pictures edited to somewhat save our identity~ Enjoy my stickers~ :3

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Chapter 4: Awwww great job in making such a nice fanfic! ^^