Painkiller - SPICA

~Our Love Story Is My Favorite~

Credit: husnaanith

~Reina's Perspective~

I saw him. We were supposed to match, but since we aren't together anymore, I guess it's natural for him to wear the opposite of me. I was blue, he was red. Our worlds were different once again. I saw girls talking to him, strangers I didn't know. My first initial reaction was that he found a new girl while I was breaking down inside. I promised myself that I would find someone better.

I liked a guy. A year older than us. But the thing is: He looked like him. He looked just like that pabo! Wae?!

My heart pained every time I saw him. I would try to be at least his friend again, but he would just brush me off like lint. I was a nuisance to him. I wanted to end my life.

My eyes would always search for him. I trained myself to not, but my heart was trying to reach itself out to him. Love me again. Hold me again. Just one hi would be enough. Why do you hate me Oppa? Do you want me to leave?

~Luhan's Perspective~

I wanted to forget her. My chest pained every time I saw her. She was beautiful, so it was natural for her to get close to guys. Her smile was the brightest. But what was I supposed to feel? Is she happy that we're not "we" anymore? My head hurts. My heart hurts. I had to leave.

A week was gone and out and I was a mess. Her face never left my mind. But did I still love her? But she doesn't love me back. This pain was too much. I just wanted to die. These painkillers did nothing for the pain in my heart.

Week two went and gone. Would she be worried about me? Did she even notice I was gone?

~Reina's Perspective~

Where did he go? My heart hurts more. I couldn't find him. Even his friends haven't heard from him. What if....NO! But I'm the whole reason for this. I have to be. I was the reason for that night. If he's gone, then let me be too.

That day I was going to do it. That Monday. I didn't know how, but I wanted to. But as a word from God, he came back. "Live on. Keep strong. You must live." I had to. He came back to me. Even if I wasn't his. A weight lifted off my shoulders. I gave him a big hug. Or at least, I wanted to. I decided that if I was the reason why he left for so long, I should leave him alone. I don't want to cause him more pain. Not anymore.

~Luhan's Perspective~

I've seen her around, but she seems to be avoiding me. Did I do something wrong? Is it because I put on a little weight? I had to do something to take my mind off of it. So I started doing magic tricks. It was fun, but she was still on my mind. A lot. Seeing her bright smile around others hurts me. She used to smile at me like that. Maybe even brighter. But now, it's just awkward hugs and hi's. 

The next year, I had lunch with her on every other Tuesday. I looked forward to it. But why? It's not like we talk. But I still sat with her and her best friend. They would fangirl and not even care at my presence, but I still happy to hear her melodic voice. It matured some. It sounded nice. Her laugh was the best. Always cheerful and sincere, unless it was a nervous "what the " laugh.

~Reina's Perspective~

He would always sit with us. Just eating a listening to his music. Nothing else. Why would he sit with us though? I mean, his friends were a table away. So why us? To get closer to me? How I wished. 

Boa would leave us alone together some days when she stayed in class or was just not in school. And I was scared. Terrified even. We would be alone. Together. With no one else there to lighten the awkward mood. We sat in near silence. The roar of the cafeteria dwindled down around us. I tried to interact, but he just wouldn't budge. So, plan B. Irritate him until he talked to me. I would make him stop spinning his headphones or smack his phone down to the table. At least there was some interaction.

I would force him to walk with me through the back hallway just so I wouldn't be lonely. I would cling to him arm, trying to be cute. Was it working? That I don't know. His cold shoulder brushed me off still, but it was lightening up.

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Chapter 4: Awwww great job in making such a nice fanfic! ^^