TaeJin Drabble (Avoidance)

TaeJin ❤
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Title: JinTae Drabble (Avoidance)
Pairing: JinTae/JinV (SeokjinxTaehyung/ JinxV)
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Word Count: 996


It is almost a week since the oldest of Bangtan starts avoiding V. He didn’t know what the reason is. He is not sure if he did something wrong or what. Every time he tried to approach and talk to Jin, Jin will make an excuse and will left him immediately then will start to talk to other members. It really makes him feel sad. He didn’t want this. He didn’t want his hyung to avoid him. It hurts him so much. And now he misses him. To be honest, V likes Jin alot and he always want to be with him. He wants to be on the other’s side always.

V tossed and his bed. He drew his animal stuff toy near his chest and he hugs it, fallen expression haunting his beautiful features.

And then a thought came to V’s mind. What if Jin already found out his secret feelings towards him and that’s his motive from avoiding him? What if Jin hates him now? What if the older didn’t want to be close with him anymore because… because he is disgusted to V?

He sighs. It makes him upset. Guessing that he needs to catch up some fresh air and to think, he rose up from his bed and exited his room then went down stair. Passing by on the dorm’s kitchen, he saw Jin busy cooking something there. His heart skipped a beat. Maybe two?

He stops on his track. He stares on his hyung back for a while.

“Should I approach him?” V mumbled, asking his self. Well this is his chance so maybe he really should.

After some seconds of thinking, he decided to go and talk to Jin.

“Hyung…” V called and tapped Jin’s shoulder which surprised the other and unfortunately causes him to cut his own finger instead the vegetable that he was slicing by now. V’s eyes widen when he notice it. He moves nearer to Jin and asked the later if he is okay but the older didn’t answer. He ignores V.

“Hyung I’m sorry. I uh … let me see it” The older flinched when V pulled the other’s hand close to him to check it. He saw the blood that started to stream from the little cut on Jin’s finger.

“I’m okay. Don’t mind me.” Jin stated coldly, wrenching his hand from V’s hold.

“But hyung… it’s bleeding.” V said as a matter of fact. “Now let me see it.” The younger pulled Jin’s hand near him once again.


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ruccrys #1
Chapter 2: Why so cuteee
NumAyehet #2
Chapter 2: What does oo mean Taetae ? hehehehe~ Taehyung is really cute ><~♥
Chapter 2: awww sooo cuuutee~~
Chapter 2: Its so sweet. More Taejin drabbles please.
Lee_Haneul #5
Chapter 2: Taehyungie is so innocent and a super cutie to top Jin
NumAyehet #6
Chapter 1: Toooo sweet and cute -////- can't stop smile !they are perfect together ♥
Chapter 1: yes top!jin for me too bcs i love it so much whenever jin either babies tae or dominates the latter <333333
kkkk sneaky jin but i love! it's sooooooo fluffy
nice story!! :D