Secret Lives

Keeping Secrets Under Wraps

P.S.-Italized or colored statements are spoken in japanese

Chapter Two-Secret Lives


-In Japan-

'Masayuma Chasing Cha---' Kyungsoo's phone rang, telling him that he received a text message.

Kyungsoo! Where the hell are you?!
The shows about to start in 2 hours!
You still have to prepare! If you don't
arrive before Kaogami does, you're out

-Kaichou Kaito

Realization slowly started hitting him, Kyungsoo was supposed to attend the event at Hakone. He looked around at their apartment; they were only half-way from packing their things.

"Uhh..Umm.." He dumped his stuff at the box immediately and moved on to the next one. He can't leave his parents do the entire job, he can't be late for the event too since it would help him earn money for them. He'll just have to make the work faster and lie to his parents again to go out and attend the event, yup, that's it.

He just needs 25 minutes and he'll get out.

Kaichou! I'm really sorry, we got
kicked out of our apartment, but
don't worry I'll be there after
25 minutes, Please wait for me


He peeked out of his room to see if his parents were busy packing, and they were. The feeling of guilt was already overpowering him even before doing the crime he's going to commit, what will he feel after he has done it, then?

His parents needs him when they will be looking for a place to stay, they'll need him for transferring their things outside and carry it somewhere. But he also needs to go to the event because after doing it, he'll earn money so they could pay for their new rent.

"I'm sorry mom, dad" He whispered before turning back to his room and zipped the bag full of his clothes.

After 10 minutes, Kyungsoo finished packing his things. He checked twice if all his things were already there: clothes, shoes, posters, cds, piggy bank, cellphone and men's needs. All were already checked, he just needs to bring it outside and find a good excuse to get out of the house for 4 hours.

"MOM!DAD!" He called out after making up a lie. He fished his phone from his back pocket and opened the door "Mr.Yamada called, he said no one was available to deliver some pizza at the shop, all of them were busy when he called them, so he called me and he said he'd give me extra tip if I get there after 5 minutes. Can I go?" He said it slowly and clearly so they would catch every word he said.

He entered the house and closed the door behind him, he waited until his parents have processed what he just said and gather at the center.

They both exchanged looks of hesitation; something told Kyungsoo that they weren't going to agree so he decided to just use his special weapon.

"If you guys don't want me to then it's okay. I'll just help you guys wait until we find a place to stay instead of working hard to earn money" He carried a box near the door and opened the door.

He knew that this would have a great effect on them. His parents always had a weakness when it comes to him.

Before he went out of the door his parents released sighs then "Fine you can go. How long will you be out?" His mother asked.

A smiled immediately appeared on his face "4 hours or more, Thanks mom! Thanks dad! I'll be going out now!" He wore his shoes and ran at full speed hearing "Take care" before descending down the stairs.

When he arrived at the event after successfully not being held back from the people whom he met on the street, Kyungsoo ran towards their president.

"Kaichou! I'm here now! Please allow me to do it!He said through pants while leaning on top of his legs. He knew that the president wouldn't allow him to join since he saw Kaogami on the way to the backstage; meaning he already had the part of Trafalgar Law from One Piece.

Everyone at the backstage stopped what they were doing and looked at him in surprise. The president Kaito smiled at him and patted his back heavily.

 "Adachi-san! Give Kyungsoo-san his costume and help him with his make-up." Kyungsoo looked up and smiled at him.

"Kyungsoo-san, please follow me.A girl with braided pigtails approached him. This girl is Adachi-san, she is one of the make-up artists and costume designers of PonPon Cosplays.

And Kyungsoo is about participate in that event as Trafalgar Law along with other cosplayers, and yes that's right Kyungsoo is a cosplayer despite having a mother who hates anime.

Every weekend he meets with the club members and discuss things about events for cosplaying, and every weekdays after class he works at the pizzeria of Mr.Yamada. It was stressful everyday with the chores at home, but working everyday has its benefits, he earns money.


-In Korea-

"Class Dismissed" The teacher announced and the students of Class F all stood up at the same time and raced towards the door.

Bomi was one of the students who stayed behind until the traffic jam at the door disappeared. She slowly stood up and slung her bag at her shoulder. She walked towards the door followed by two guys with different hair colors. They all walked in silence as they went out of the building.

"Hey Goldfish" The guy with green hair called out her so-called codename "I heard your underlings got beaten by Parrotfish last night" He snickered along with the guy with orange hair.

Bomi stopped walking and spun around to glare at them "Listen you little pieces of ! I told you not to come near me when we're inside the school grounds nor call me by my codename. If you care that much for them, why don't you visit them at the hospital instea--"

"Eonnie!" "Noona!" Two squeaky voice called as they ran towards Bomi.

Bomi faced her left side and saw her twin siblings running towards her with their bags jumping up and down as they ran. She faced the two guys again and sent daggers at them "Scram" She said one little word quietly and the two boys headed towards the gate.

When her siblings were already in front of her she furrowed her eyebrows and tried to not look at them "What?"

They were still catching their breath so they didn't answer her immediately, causing Bomi to look below them and raised an eyebrow.

Xiumin noticed this and immediately spoke "Mom said she'll pick us up today"

Bomi rolled her eyes, she couldn't stand being at the same vehicle with her mom twice a day. She needed an excuse to get out of this one "Tell her I can't. I'm going to visit a friend at the hospital. You two go ahead" then she started walking away from her siblings.

But they didn't bother to catch up to due to lack of breath.

It wasn't an excuse though, she really was going to visit someone at the hospital and these were her comrades. It was quite a shock to her knowing it from someone else instead from them. She sure was going to give them a sermon when she arrives.

And what shocked her more was that they were beaten up by someone whom she hasn’t touched before. She needed to know what really happened before giving them a sermon so they won't be scared to answer her.

Upon her arrival at the hospital, her comrades were already running towards her with tears running down their faces and crying out, some knelt down before her and held tight to her hand. They were all saying something but she couldn't catch it since they were all talking at the same time.

"Someone talk" She said firmly and glared at them one by one to keep them quiet and regain their cool."What happened?"

They were all hesitant to telling her and shared looks, pushing each other to tell her first. She rolled her eyes; she walked towards the curtains while her friends tried to stop her. Bomi opened the curtains one by one, looking for a familiar face or two or three.

She saw different patients sleeping with bandages around their faces. If her friends were in this section of the hospital, they mustn’t have suffered that much since all the patients were just sleeping soundly and has minor injuries.

Then when she reached 9th curtain, she saw one of her comrade lying down with a bandage wrapped around his head and his right hand clipped tight towards his chest.

The guys who greeted her with cries at the entrance ran behind her after trying to stop her and stopped on their tracks when she finally reached the curtain.

When the injured guy, known as Kyung Jae noticed Bomi's presence he jumped in surprise or fear and ended up flinching from the pain from his body "G-G-G-G-Go-Goldfish Noo-Noona" He stuttered

Bomi closed her eyes and breathe in the air that she could take in and tried to calm down "Were you the only one?"

He looked down and exhaled "Jong Shin's next to me" He cocked his head to the right. Bomi immediately swished the curtain open and saw a person who had a magazine covering his face. Bomi caught sight of the cover and her anger grew.

"Yah!" Kyung Jae hissed, gaining the person's attention.

"Wae?" His attention diverted towards Bomi and he immediately shoves the magazine below his bed "N-N-N-N-Noo-Noona!"

His injury was a lot worse than Kyung Jae's, he had a brace around his neck, he a black eye, his lower front teeth were missing, both his arms were bandaged thickly and both his legs were hanging in the air with two thin wires supporting it.

"Hyuk Young! Grab me a chair" She demanded and almost immediately a chair appeared behind her. She sat down and breathed in and out while the two patients exchanged looks of nervousness.

"What happened?" She asked while closing her eyes, she was still trying to calm down. After this visit, she's going to barge into Parrotfish's hide-out and have a chit-chat.

She was answered with silence since the two patients were debating whether who should answer her.

"I'm not growing any younger with you guys being quiet" She whispered.

"We were only going to the karaoke room to sing a little and collect the monthly payment when Parrotfish and his minions cornered us and started hitting us" Kyung Jae immediately answered

"You didn't provoke them?" She looked up at Kyung Jae waiting for an answer.

"We didn't Noona. We were just passing by and accidently knocked down an empty can and they all started threatening us." Jong Shin answered

"Just rest Jong Shin. Kyung Jae, how many were they?" 


Bomi bolted up and stormed out of the hospital at the speed of lightning, leaving her comrades looking at each other with worried looks on their faces.

Her blood was already boiling, she ran towards an abandoned warehouse.

She banged on the huge gates of the warehouse and waited until someone opened a small opening "Who are you?"

"It's me Goldfish. Open up you big lump!" She raised her voice and glared at the person.

A sly smirk appeared on his face "We've been expecting you Goldfish!But you came a---" Before he could even finish his insult, Bomi kicked the gate "I DONT WANNA ING HEAR YOUR TALK !OPEN UP SO I CAN TALK TO PARROTFISH!"

The guy looked taken aback and hurriedly opened the gate.

When Bomi stepped foot inside the warehouse, she was already greeted with sly smirks.

She didn't wait for them to attack her first, instead she did. She looked at the person who opened the gate and spun around and gave him her flying kick that she was so used to using. The guy immediately fell on the ground unconscious.

Everyone in the warehouse froze, then suddenly someone charged towards her with his fist ready, but she sat down and slid her right leg around, making the guy fall. She stood up and raised her leg 180 degrees and gathered strength then smashed it to the guy's stomach, making blood come out of his mouth.

One by one they charged towards her and fell down unconscious one after another. She wasn't feeling the least bit tired, she was overpowered with anger.

She finished all of Parrotfish's men until he was the only one left, clapping at his so-called thrown. Parrotfish is a gangster 2 years older than Bomi. He's been longer at the gang than Bomi, but she was alot stronger than he was when it came to fighting, that's why in just a year, Bomi already had her crew and followers.

Parrotship used to be Big Mama's left hand, until Shark Bait replaced him. And now he wanted to be as strong as Shark Bait so he was starting to attack the right hand, an even more higher position than the left hand, which was occupied by Goldfish or Bomi.

"I didn't expect you to come alone Goldfish. We were actually waiting for you and your underlings but I didn't expect that you wouldn't bring any backu--"

"What did my guys ever do to you, Parrotfish?" Bomi glared at him, breathing heavily.

He smirked "Impatient are we?"

"Just answer it"

He laughed like a maniac and stopped immediately "Simply because I wanted to finish all your guys and then! finish you off"

Bomi yelled and charged towards him. She punched his nose and next his stomach making him spit blood. Then she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his seat, she spun around and stepped on his feet, then she elbowed his stomach hard, making him spit even more blood.

Then she threw him over her and when he landed on the ground with a loud thud, she sat at his back and grabbed his legs, she twisted it to the side and the breaking of a leg could be heard echoing around the warehouse.

He let out a shout of agony asking her to stop, but she didn't, instead she grabbed both his arm from behind and stepped on his back, she stretched his arms until she was sure that his arms were both dislocated.

The warehouse was already filled with a yell of pain, but Bomi didn't stop there yet, she kicked his body to turn around and sat on top of him. She started punching his face until his nose broke and started bleeding.

"This isn't even enough after what you've done to my friends." She stood up and placed her right foot on top of Parrotfish's cheek

"Listen Parrotfish! Before declaring war against me, make sure that you already have an insurance for death understand?"


To Be Continued…


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Guys,I'm putting this story on draft mode.I'll be finishing 'Something Great' first,See you soon!


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maechille123 #1
Chapter 1: Update soon

Chapter 1: interesting:) .. update soon
guritimur #3
Chapter 1: Update soon :)
wow~~ update soon :)