Evil Eyes

Keeping Secrets Under Wraps

P.S. Italized or Colored statements are spoken in Japanese or sometimes used for flashbacks

Chapter Three:Evil Eyes


In Japan

"Once again, everyone! Thank you for joining our cosplay event today! The staff, the designers, the cosplayers and I myself are thankful to all of you! Now, Let me introduce to you guys once again, the cosplayers!"  The president of the cosplay club clapped his hands as he welcomed the cosplayers back on the stage.

"Shiotsuki Taichi as Sebastian Michaelis of Black Butler!" 

"Sasaki Misaki as Ezra Scarlet of Fairy Tail!"

"Do Kyungsoo as Trafalgar Law of One Piece!" Kyungsoo then went out of the curtain holding a katana on his right hand and a huge smile plastered on his face.

He looked at the audience as they clapped at him and took pictures of him while he did various poses at the center. He was already used to this kind of audience that he didn't get butterflies on his stomach before walking up the stage and that he got rid of his stage fright.


When the blue curtains were already down, Kyungsoo looked at his wrist watch-4:23.His eyes widened and hurriedly went in the mini-changing room and removed his clothes.

He made sure that he didn't damage the props because it would cost him 15% of his salary. He wore his normal clothes and rushed out of the changing room while carefully carrying the props. He looked for Adachi-san and handed the props to her.

Then he dashed towards the makeup table and grabbed the sponge and dipped it on the on the water container that was prepared for the makeup. He made sure that the black eyeliner around his eyes was already removed before walking past many people to reach President Kaito.

"Kaichou! I really need to get home now and my parents need the money, so could I have it now? I'm sorry if I’m rushing you so much, I just really have to get home to help my parents move our things" He spoke rapidly, in rhythm with his fast heart beat that he was having due to the anxiety of not getting home before his mother starts having doubts.

"Okay okay! Calm down Kyungsoo! Here's your pay for today and Good Job!" He handed Kyungsoo his usual salary and gave him a push on the back as Kyungsoo started running off.

By the time Kyungsoo arrived at their 'ex-apartment' he was already out of breath and can barely hold down his weight, but he didn't sit down to rest for his father was already calling him to help them carry some box downstairs.

"Did you reach the pizza shop in time?" Mr.Do asked as he handed a box to Kyungsoo.

"Y-Yes" Kyungsoo panted as he went down the stairs trying to catch his breath

"Why are you panting?" 

Kyungsoo's head shot up, he didn't know what to answer to this question. His parents knew that the pizza shop offered him a motorcycle to ride whenever he delivers and he could take it home "I...I...umm...The…umm, my motorcycle was broken..So, umm...I had to…use the bike…instead" He was uncertain of his answer, but the way he said it only seemed like was panting

"By the way, your mom and I came up with something, we'll just have to stay somewhere tonight to talk about it." Mr.Do handed Kyungsoo another box "That's the last one"


In Korea

"Where have you been?" A cold shrilly voice greeted Bomi as she closed the door.

She looked at the huge single chair at the living room where her mother was sitting, she looked around to see if anyone was there except the two of them "Didn't the twins tell you where I was?"

Bomi walked towards the kitchen to avoid her mother and to eat dinner. She did get hungry after all that fighting; she opened the fridge and found only raw food.

"Why were you in a hospital?" Her mother's tone was higher this time than what she used earlier.

"I got my baby removed, why?" She said sarcastically and closed the door of the fridge.

"Answer me PROPERLY!" Her mother raised her voice again and walked towards Bomi, who only watched her as she closed the distance between them.

"I visited a friend, for 's sake!" Bomi yelled and walked away from the kitchen, she had the feeling this was going to get nasty, but she was in no mood after all the fighting she did and she already had enough to worry about; with Kyung Jae and Jong Shin being at the hospital, and she was going to face Big Mama after all the ruckus she caused at Parrotfish's hideout.

"Don't you dare walk away from me! Come back here Yoon Bomi!" Mrs.Yoon grabbed Bomi's arms and tried to turn her around but Bomi shook her arm away.

"What's happening here?" A husky voice was heard from the staircase, Bomi and Mrs.Yoon looked up and saw Mr.Yoon "Why are you both shouting?"

Bomi looked away and fixed her bag pack on her bag, while Mrs.Yoon glanced at Bomi and straightened up "Your daughters been answering back to me"

“‘Your daughter’ ?" Bomi answered "That's new! Why am I not surprised to hear that you disowned me?" She raised an eyebrow at her mother and crossed her arms with a smirk on her face.

Her mother's face dropped "I...I didn't mean it that way, Bomi-ah..I'm sorry" She tried to approach Bomi but she shrugged and grimaced.

"No! Don't come near me" She turned her back and started walking towards the stairs

"Yoon Bomi! Get back here! Your mother's not done talking to you!" This time it was Mr.Yoon who raised his voice and his booming voice made Bomi stop walking

"No dad! We are DONT talking!" She faced her father back and glared at her mother

"Your mother said she was sorry! She didn't mean to say it!"

"YES! She did! Now! Can I go! I'm done talking!" She started walking up the stairs again

"Yoon Bomi you have no right to talk back and walk away from us!" Mr.Yoon grabbed her hand and spun her around to face them but Bomi once again shoved his hand away like what she did to her mother.

"Yes I do! YOU don't know what I'm capable of, dad!" She shouted at the top of her lungs "I can break this family in less than a MINUTE!" She shot a dagger at her mother, whose eyes grew wide.

Mrs.Yoon knew what Bomi was talking about. She was going to reveal her secret about cheating on Mr.Yoon.


"Yah, Cheong Dae! Go to that male's store and tell the manager that you're here as Big Mama's representative and that you'll be getting the pay for their rent here" Bomi ordered as she pointed at the store beside them.

"Neh Goldfish Noona" A stout figure beside Bomi bowed down and walked inside the store

"Pil Seung, You're the last one. Go to that restaurant and tell the manager that they only have 5 more days to pay for their stay in this mall or they'll be out, It's an order from Big Mama tell him or her that" Bomi pointed at the restaurant in front of her

A healthy young man bowed to her "Neh Noona" He then walked inside the restaurant. Bomi followed him as he entered the restaurant using her eyes. She hoped he wouldn't fall on the floor on his own, Pil Seung was probably the clumsiest person Bomi has ever met.

But gladly he didn't fall and safely arrived at the counter acting like a big bully. Bomi massaged her  temple to get rid of the annoyance she was having "It's idiots like you who makes people hate us so much" She mumbled and looked away.

Then her eyes landed on a familiar face sitting on the far left of the restaurant. Bomi narrowed her eyes to get a clearer look on the face and she confirmed it, the figure was her mother acting all giggling and feeding someone. Was it her father? But Mr.Yoon already had white hair covering his head, this man had his head covered in black hair.

Or did Mr.Yoon dye his hair? There were many ways that this could be Mr.Yoon going on Bomi's head, but she had to be sure who the man was. So she walked towards the left side of the restaurant and stared the guy.

It wasn't her father.

But it was her mother; Bomi felt her world stopped spinning. Everyone around her walked past her but she just stood there, frozen at her spot staring at her mother as she continued feeding the younger lad.

Time passed by and her blank stare turned into a glare. She was already boiling inside as she stared at her mom giggling as the young man fed her.

Bomi waited until her mother could catch a glimpse of her before walking away with Pil Seung.

___________End Of Flashback__________

"What are you talking about?" Mr.Yoon's eyebrows creased, hoping to get a clear answer but Mrs.Yoon held unto his arms "I think she should rest for now. I think I've said too much" She whispered.

Bomi smirked and walked up to her room. Once she was inside, she leaned at the door as a tear fell from her left eye. She locked the door and dragged her study table towards the door for it not to be opened.

She threw her bag on top of her study table then she scanned her room. She hoped something could at least make her busy with, but nothing came up. Only her bed was spread wide as if it was telling her to lie down on him and cry herself out.

She drifted her gaze to the window and walked towards it. Outside her room was an old tree huge enough to even surpass their three story house. She opened her window and wondered how high her room was from the ground. It was indeed high like how her siblings said when they were eating breakfast a few days ago.

How did they even know that it was high, when Bomi herself hasn't seen her window until tonight. They've been living in this place for 2 years now and yet this was her first time looking out from her.

She wondered if she'll survive after jumping down from her window. She looked around for anymore ways, and then the answer appeared; the tree's gigantic branch was stretched out far enough for her to land her short legs.

Bomi sat on her window and stretched her legs to reach the branch. She tested the branch if it was sturdy enough to carry her weight, she tapped it with greater weight every time she stepped on it and she proved that it could carry her. A smiled appeared on her face then looked back on her room.

"See you later" She jumped on the branch and landed safely.


In Japan

"So anyway, what did you guys decide to do?" Kyungsoo asked as he dug through his bag to get some clothes before he takes a bath.

They were currently staying at their neighbor's-Mrs.Yukuzuna's house. She was the kind old lady who offered the Do Family to stay at one of her rooms since it started raining when they were done bringing their things down. They were only going to stay there for the night and then they'll be out by tomorrow afternoon.

Mr and Mrs.Do looked at each other and sat down "Your father and I decided that..." Mrs.Do started then looked at Mr.Do for support. Kyungsoo looked at both them with furrowed eyebrows. He had a feeling they were going to say he was adopted and that they couldn't support him anymore and that he would soon live on the streets.

He was ready to let tears roll down on his face, but he sat still waiting for them to talk.

"Well, we decided to go back to Korea" His parents chorused

Kyungsoo processed the words they said. Adopted and Korea were very different words compared to each other, so that means he didn't have to let the tear roll down.

"What?" Kyungsoo asked and sat down on the bed.

"Well, you see Kyungsoo, we've decided on this a long time ago we just didn't have the money. And well we didn't get to pay the rent for 5 months because we were saving for it" His father explained and gave a sly smile to his wife.

After hearing this, Kyungsoo's already huge eyes became wider. How could he say this so calmly?!They just lost their house for 16 years and that's his reaction?!

Then Kyungsoo witnessed something so shocking that he didn't expect his would parents to do. They were both giggling with evil eyes on.


"What is wrong with you two?!We just lost our house! Why are smiling like maniacs?" Kyungsoo frantically asked his parents who were still giggling.

Updated:June 4,2014

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Guys,I'm putting this story on draft mode.I'll be finishing 'Something Great' first,See you soon!


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maechille123 #1
Chapter 1: Update soon

Chapter 1: interesting:) .. update soon
guritimur #3
Chapter 1: Update soon :)
wow~~ update soon :)