Opposite Personalities

Keeping Secrets Under Wraps

Chapter One - Opposite Personalities


Kyung Soo's Point Of View

In Japan...

"Going to Fighting days to exceed now,Futsuke au isshun ga shoubu saa,Atsui kodou tsurete tomo ni ikou"  Kyungsoo happily sang to the 'Ace of Diamond's OST being played on his mp3 as he sweeped the floor of their living room in a very tiny apartment in Osaka,Japan.

Ace of Diamond is currently the anime that Kyungsoo is going crazy for at the moment.Well not only him but all of the otakus in Japan.

Japan is well known for the animes they create,yet only a small amount of the Japanese population watches it.But Kyungsoo is proud to live in Japan even though he isn't japanese.He's Korean in blood but grew up in Japan,because his mother wanted to pursue her dream of becoming a famous voice actress,but sadly couldn't get the job so now she stays at home as a housewife,loathing anime.

Leaving his father doing all the work at the furniture shop.As for Kyungsoo,he works part-time at the pizza shop,but it's still not enough to help pay off their rent every month.

And Luckily,his mother went to give his dad his daily lunch,so she couldn't hear Kyungsoo sing a soundtrack from an anime.His mother goes berserk everytime she hears or sees anime being played somewhere,and when we walk somewhere and she sees a poster of an anime,she scowls and walks away from that poster.

"I told you Chitose!If you can't pay by midnight last night you're out!I want you all out before 5 pm today understand?"  The landlady's voice was booming from outside the door scolding Kyungsoo's mother in japanese.Kyungsoo guessed they didn't get to pay the rent again.

"I told you Mrs.Nishida,we will pay you tomorrow.My husband's salary just came late this month" Mrs.Do pleaded

"That's what you said 5 months ago Chitose!I'm not taking that from you anymore!Get out of my apartment by 5 pm today or bars,understood?"  Then footsteps were heard fading away by the second.

'Running hearts inochi wa kak----' Kyungsoo panicked as he searched for the 'on/off' button of his mp3 before his mother could open the door.

The door knob twisted,and Kyungsoo was still looking for the on/off button.The door opened and he finally found it.Mrs.Do went in and Kyungsoo pressed the button just in time.

Kyungsoo flashed a smiled trying to act normally,but remembered what he just heard outside and frowned at his mother.Mrs.Do frowned back at him "Pack your things Kyung Soo-ah.We're getting out of here" She whispered and walked to the dining table.

Kyungsoo dropped the broom and sat infront of her "Can we really not pay the rent?Don't you guys have like a...an emergency saving or something with dad?"

She looked back at Kyungsoo with disappointed eyes then she shook her head and looked down.

"Can't she extend the due until next week?I'll work harder and have 4 part-time jobs" Kyungsoo suggested,rushing his brain to think of any more ways just not to be kicked out of the apartment.

"Mrs.Nishida has been kind enough to not send us to jail" Then she looked at the wall clock behind Kyungsoo "We have only have 4 hours,better start packing up your things.I'll call your father so he can help us" She stood up and fished her phone from her pocket.

Kyungsoo scanned their living room,although it was as small a cubicle at a mall's restroom he still cherished the living room,he's .There was our small couch which could only fit his parents and the floor where Kyungsoo usually sits when they watch the television together.The old television with the attena already covered in tape.

"There isn't much to pack,though" He whispered hoping his mom wouldn't hear and do her speech about how lucky we were to find a place to sleep in for 16 years now.

Kyungsoo started walking towards his room,right beside the living room.He opened the door and went in.


Bomi's Point Of View

In Korea....

"Bomi-yah~It's already time to wake up" A pair of amber eyes shot open.She glared at the door and noticed their helper poking her head in.She wondered why their maid would bother waking her up every morning when she can just attend to the kitchen and prepare their food.

Bomi didn't move thinking that if she didn't say anything or act like she was still asleep,their helper would just go away.But she didn't. 

"Bomi-yah~It's already time for school.If you dont get up,you'll miss your first subject" She chanted.

Bomi groaned and threw the comforter away so she could sit up."I'm awake.You can go down now" She didn't look at helper but instead looked straight ahead on the bright pink wall.

"Please take a bath already,your uniform has been ironed and lying there in your study table.You have 24 minutes." She looked at her watch before disappearing.

Bomi rolled my eyes and went out of bed.She looked at the white circular alarm clock at the bedside table.


Bomi jogged towards the restroom,twisted the doorknob.When she was already inside,she removed her pyjamas and turned the shower on.

Cold liquid immediatley greeted her skin making her shiver.In less than a minute, started chattering.

Bomi stayed inside the shower for 15 minutes or so and hurriedly wrapped herself with the towel on the sink.She searched the room for her uniform and found it where the middle-aged maid said it would be,at the study table.

After changing she headed downstairs where she found her younger twin sister and brother already dined at the table,both being spoon fed by the helper who woke her up earlier.

She grimaced at the sight,they already knew how to feed themselves but they cry out and ask every adult in the house to feed them so they could play with each other.And the helper also feeds them.

"Do you want me to cut off those hands of yours?" Their heads immediately shot up to where they heard the voice.Bomi sat down at her usual seat,the one that's opposite to So Hee.

Bomi's sibling were both afraid of her,their helper said even the mention of her name scares the living daylight out of them.Not that she hate them or anything,they act like brats and she couldn't stand them so she burst out yelling at them,telling them to take care of themselves,that's why they get scared when she looks at them.

"How old are you guys?Don't you have your own hands to feed yourselves?" She scooped some rice and placed it down on her plate and stared at them intently and they lowered their heads.

“What did I tell you about talking to your siblings like that Yoon Bomi?”

Bomi looked up on the stairs, staring as her mother descended with full.She came down with her father and they both had the look they always had when they were scolding Bomi,and Bomi was so not in the mood to receive a sermon at this time of the day.

She looked down on her plate and started to fasten her pace.She could have choked on her food by now,but she  was already used to it,and she knew when to drink water when she's almost at the point where she can choke.

After 30 seconds that her mom and dad sat down on the table,Bomi was done eating and immediately shot up from her seat to walk towards the sink.

She hated being at the same place with those people.Bomi hated them acting like they were a perfect family.Bomi hates them for acting like they had no problems as a couple.She hates them for favoring her younger siblings more than loving all of them at the same time with the same amount.Bomi plainly hated them!

“Just tell me if you guys are done, I’ll be at my room” Bomi jogged towards the stairs and climbed as fast as she could before her father could call her out.

She closed the door behind her and stared at the untidy bed in front of her, let out a sigh. Why didn’t that ahjumma fix her bed yet? Since there’s nothing Bomi is currently doing right now, might as well fix this.

She walked towards her bed and grabbed the pillow that was on the floor and positioned it at the top part of her bed,stacked two pillows on each side of the bed and fixed the comforter.

After finally deciding that the bed was done, Bomi slumped down and looked up at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath after climbing the stairs and fixing her bed.

She stared at the white ceiling above her, this has always been the only time that she gets a time alone and the only place where she could get peace without 2 annoying siblings and two parents who criticize people at the very first sight.

Bomi closed her eyes hoping to get some more sleep even just a little. But she couldn’t, before she could even curl up there was a knock on the door.

“I told you call me after you’re finish! Don’t you understand?”

“We are done! Didn’t you hear the car engine roar up?” Min Seok’s voice was shaking.

Bomi looked at her alarm clock ‘7:17’ her eyes widened, how could time pass by that easily? She was pretty sure the clock downstairs was still 7:05 when she climbed up! How much time did she actually spend on fixing her bed? Or did she not notice that she already fell asleep?!

Anyways, it’s no time to think about it right now. Bomi grabbed her school bag from my study table and ran out of her room. The twins were still in front of her door when she was already taking a step down the stairs. She looked back at them “You can still afford to waste time by standing there right now even though we’re already running late?!”

They were both looking at her with eyes and mouth wide open. Bomi raised an eyebrow; do they plan on not listening to her now? They blinked their eyes and scrambled down the stairs with their heads close to each other.

Bomi swear she caught some of their words when they passed by her ‘How did she reach the stairs so fast?’ and ‘I told you she was one.’

‘She was one?’ What’s that supposed to mean? Bomi stared at the two as they entered the car, still having their heads close to one another.

They might be really annoying kids but they’re both brilliant in their own ways. Bomi noticed at times, So Hee is pretty good in academics and book stuff, for Min Seok he’s good with solving things, playing scrabble and things that has to do with visualizing.

As for Bomi, like what her parents would always say, She's only good at making trouble and causing pain for the family. You can say she is  the black sheep.

When she stepped inside, she saw her mom looking at her through the rear view mirror, but she didn’t want to have a staring contest with her at the moment,she knew perfectly well what her mother wanted. She always wanted to make sure that Bomi wouldn’t tell anyone about her secret. She was getting tired of the crap that her mother was pulling.

Bomi glared at her in reply, what part of ‘I wouldn’t tell anyone’ doesn’t she get?

She started the engine and started the silence game between the five of them. The ride with them will always be silent, except when the twins were there. They will only talk when they see someone to criticize.

They were already running late so they had to stop on a couple of red signs, and when her parents saw a bunch of boys wearing black and some had a cigarette dangling on their lips. Her father clicked his tongue and her mom let out an annoyed groan.

“These kids are so young, but they’re already smoking” Her father stared at them intently

“How could their parents not educate them?”

“Instead of ganging up together, they should just gather up in school and study”

Bomi sighed, the same thing every single day. Bomi fished her earphone from her bag’s pocket and positioned them on her ears.

For Bomi,listening to music that she hates is better than listening to the people who thinks they are gods

 Lipstick seutik seugo nae ipsure bareugo….’


To Be Continued...

Update:May 6,2014


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Guys,I'm putting this story on draft mode.I'll be finishing 'Something Great' first,See you soon!


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maechille123 #1
Chapter 1: Update soon

Chapter 1: interesting:) .. update soon
guritimur #3
Chapter 1: Update soon :)
wow~~ update soon :)