Chapter 2

Loving You With My Own Way

Few weeks had passed since the incident and not even once Hyukjae visited Donghae at night anymore. The only time they met was when Hyukjae and—Donghae assumed—his girlfriend came to the restaurant one day for lunch. Even though Donghae was the one who served him, Hyukjae showed no sign that he recognized Donghae more than the guy who had helped him. He behaved as if they never knew each other before and Donghae started to be curious about it.


With Hyukjae’s absence, Donghae felt a bit lonely. He had only just started to get used to their routine at night, and now it suddenly stopped like that. He felt like something was missing on his life.


And he was curious about why Hyukjae had grown so much on him.




Donghae snorted when he parked his bicycle on his garage, a luxurious red sport car was parked there already. It only meant one thing: his mother’s boyfriend was there.


Donghae never really liked this guy. From the beginning he had known something was wrong with Mr. Kwon. Even though the older man was acting so nice toward him, smiled and shook hand and brought him a present and else when they met for the first time, Donghae had a feeling that Mr. Kwon disliked him for some reasons. But seeing her mother excitedly preparing dinner for what she called as Family Night, Donghae said nothing.


Donghae hesitated in front of the front door. He knew something might be happened when the guy and his mother were alone on their house and he really didn’t want to see that ‘something’. Slowly, he opened the door and stepped in. No sign of their presence so far, and Donghae, with relief, was making his way to his room when he heard some voices from the kitchen.


“…for Donghae.”


He stopped on his track. They were talking about him. But what?


Curiously, he sneaked near to the kitchen. His mother and Mr. Kwon were there, and their face looked tense.


“He is my son.” His mother said.


“But he is already grown up.” Mr. Kwon said back.


Donghae had a bad thought that he knew what they were talking about was.


“Still, it doesn’t make any difference. He only has me.”


“I bet he’d be okay if you ask him about this.” Mr. Kwon put his hands around Donghae’s mother’s hips. “He’s tough boy. He can take care of himself; doesn’t he prove you that already? Beside, I’ll pay for his needs; he will have this house for him.”




Donghae closed his eyes as Mr. Kwon bent down and kissed his mother.

“He’ll understand your decision, Na Ra. I really want to take him with us but my family will never accept if I marry a woman who has child but I love you. I love and you know that I love you.”


Donghae had heard enough. With angry tears streamed down his cheeks, he ran outside, let the front door slammed shut behind him. He ran and ran, ignored his mother who was calling him desperately.


“Donghae! Donghae!”


He kept running aimlessly.




And ran…


you all. He brushed away his tears. Just leave, leave me and stop acting like you care of me!


He went to a store, bought some cans of beers and started drinking.




He drained the first can and threw it aside, and began to open another one.


with love.


He drained it again at one gulp and yet opened another one.


There’s no such thing as love exist in this world.


He kept drinking…


And walking…


He started losing his consciousness when he reached the park where he always spent the night with Hyukjae.


“I hate you Umma.” He whispered, getting drunk. “I hate you and all the things about you.”


Night started to fall. The park slowly got deserted, leaving Donghae as the only one who was still in there. Rain began to fall, but Donghae was too drunk to be able to walk any further. The raindrops fell like needles pricking his body. He felt pain. His head hurt.


He felt cold.


He couldn’t stand any longer.


And he fainted in the middle of the rain.




“Are you okay?”


Hey, he knew that voice. Donghae opened his eyes widely and tried to figure out where he was. He was dry, and warm. He was sitting on a comfortable bed on a pink-walled nice room. He noticed that his clothes were changed already with a pink soft pajama.


And in front of him was Sungmin, looking worried.


“Yah, Donghae-ah?”


Donghae blinked. How could he get there? His head was still little dizzy, but it only just that. He felt okay.


“I… I’m okay.” He answered hoarsely.


Sungmin sighed with relief. “You fool, drunk and sleep in the middle of the rain. Did you want to die by pneumonia?” he asked rather sharply.


“I… Hey, I was drunk at that time…” Donghae said. “But Sungmin, really, thanks a lot.”


“You should thank Lee Hyukjae instead of me.”


This had brought Donghae’s consciousness back completely. “What?”


“He’s the one who took you here to my house.” Sungmin explained.


“And… And now, where is he?”


“He didn’t wanna stay. He left immediately after making sure you had been taken care of. He didn’t want to change his clothes and didn’t even have any coat on him. Geez, he will be dead from pneumonia.” Sungmin muttered. “I’ll tell my mum you’ve been awake. I think she has a bowl of hot corn soup for you.”


As Sungmin left him alone, Donghae started thinking about Hyukjae.


How could he find him there?


Was it just a coincidence?


And why he didn’t want to wait until he woke up if he worried about him?


And suddenly Donghae felt hurt.


He doesn’t want to meet me anymore. He thought. But why? What have I done?


It made him feel even more hurt.



Donghae stayed on Sungmin’s for days. He refused to tell his friend about what had been happened, he didn’t want to remember about his mother, Mr. Kwon, and Lee Hyukjae. Everything about them just made hatred grow inside him.


But to his surprised, he found himself didn’t want to be leaved by Lee Hyukjae. He never thought about his mother anymore since the first day he was on Sungmin’s, but Hyukjae things kept haunting his mind. The thoughts of losing Hyukjae scared him so bad that he almost couldn’t bear it and cried.




Donghae thought.




As few more days passed, Donghae had already made a decision.


He would go looking for Hyukjae and talk to him.




Donghae stood in front of the big house.


“Hoa…  I know he’s rich but I didn’t know he’s this rich…” he murmured. Hesitated, he pushed the bell and waited.


The door pulled open and a woman appeared.


“May I help you?”


“I… I’d like to meet Lee Hyukjae, is he home?” Donghae asked politely.


The woman observed him for a moment. “And who are you?”


“I’m Lee Donghae. His high school mate.”


The woman’s face looked more relaxes and she smiled. “Well, Lee Donghae… Unfortunately Hyukjae’s been away for hours now. But I guess he’ll be home soon. Do you want to get in and wait?”


Disappointment grew inside him. “No, thanks, I think I’ll be back later.” He said.


And he left the house.


“Oh.” He gasped as he looked Hyukjae walking alone approaching him. Glasses covering his eyes, he got a jacket covered his body and casual suit. He was really different from the Hyukjae Donghae knew at night.


“Lee Hyukjae.” He called as they went closer.


Hyukjae frowned, but then recognized him and smiled. “Ah! …Donghae, I presume?”


Anger rose inside Donghae when he heard those words.


“Yeah, I’m Donghae. Please stop acting like we have never met before, or have you lost your memories and forget everything about us?” he said bitterly.


Hyukjae gasped. “Oh, no no no, surely no. I remember very well until now, of course. How can I forget your kindness? Without you maybe I’d get hit by those guys and ended up in hospi—”


“I’m not talking about that, Hyukjae.” Donghae said, half-shouted. “I’m talking about dancing, the time we’ve shared on the park, and all!”


Hyukjae looked confused. “…What? What’s that about? Dancing…?”


Frustrated, Donghae cried. He pushed Hyukjae to the wall.


“What, Donghae, what are you…?”


“Stop playing game, Lee Hyukjae.” Donghae said menacingly. “Stop playing game with me. I need you now!”


“Hey hey, listen, we can talk about this with a better way, okay?” Hyukjae stuttered, readjusted his glasses nervously. “You don’t have to be that mad. I really don’t understand—”


“I thought you would understand.” Donghae said interjected Hyukjae’s words. “I thought you’d understand me. All this time you act like you understand me, like you care about me, but apparently you’re no difference with my mother. You all are liar.”


And with that, he stepped away from him, ignoring Hyukjae’s call.




“Thanks for the hard work!” Sungmin addressed him when Donghae collected his things in the end of their work. “Ne Donghae, you will go home with me?”


“No Sungmin-ah, I think I’ll go home.” Donghae smiled.


“That’s great!” Sungmin boomed. “Oh, don’t get me wrong, don’t get me wrong!” he added quickly, noticing the change on Donghae’s face. “ It’s not like I don’t like have you on my house but my mum keeps asking why don’t you go home and how you will make your mother worry if you stay on our house too long, and—”


“Yah, that’s okay.” Donghae chuckled, patted Sungmin’s shoulder. “Thanks so much for accepting me on your house and please tell your mother that I owe her much, and so does your father.”


“Okay.” Sungmin grinned. “You may go first, then. I’ll take care of this thing alone!”


“Are you sure?”


Sungmin nodded. “I’m free for tonight, Seungja is going to her friend’s birthday party so I can stay longer and do this job. Just go home already, your mother will worry about you.”


No she doesn’t, as long as she has that Kwon bastard with her. Donghae mentally said, but nodded nonetheless. “Then see you tomorrow!”


He got out from the restaurant and started walking. He wasn’t walking so far yet when he recognized someone was standing in the dark many feet in front of him.






Donghae tried to ignore him and kept walking. He passed him silently.


“Donghae-ah! Stop there and listen to me!”


Annoyed, Donghae flipped back. He could see Hyukjae—the usual Hyukjae he always knew—clearly now, with his black leather jacket and jeans and chains and all those stuff. “What?” he aked harshly.


“You’ve meet him, huh?” Hyukjae said, almost whispering.


“Meet who?”




Donghae felt sick suddenly. “What do you mean by Hyukjae? Yes, I have met him; I have met you, to be clear.”


“It’s not me.” He said gloomily.


Donghae narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean?”


“He’s Hyukjae, yes. But he’s not me.” Hyukjae said in a very low voice now, he kept his eyes looking at Donghae when he was talking.


“Donghae-ah. I’m not Lee Hyukjae.” He barely said. “I’m Eunhyuk.”



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yellowcarnivore #1
Chapter 3: Love this story, very interesting!
lily49 #2
strange story but i like it :)
update soon !!!
Chapter 3: Update soon please!! ^_^
Chapter 2: wahh i'm starting to love this story !!
so update soon ne ?
moonlight_bat #5
Chapter 2: owh... interesting.... split personality?