A Peek Into Infinite’s Journals

In Spirit


Today, I helped Soo Min get ready. We woke her up too early and she was very mad. It was chaotic. She finally went to school and we ate cereal. Then we went to her school, just to see how she was doing on her first day back as the new Soo Min. SHE MADE A FRIEND!^^ But he’s a weird guy. I DON’T LIKE HIM. We didn’t eat lunch. My stummy was sad. We ate bibim guksu for dinner. Then we all stayed up really late and watched 1st Shop of Coffee Prince.

I hope no one in Infinite is actually a girl.




Why does “lisp” have a “s”? That’s just mean. Whoever made it up is a bully.



Today, I woke up around noon. I had yogurt. I ran outside. It was sunny. We had tojangguk for dinner. More Coffee Prince!




Why won’t Sungyeol let me eat the chocolate candy?


I replaced Sungjong’s M&M’s with kidney beans. I can’t wait until he goes to eat it. He’s going to be so sad!




Why won’t Sungyeol let me eat the chocolate candy?



Today, I woke up at 1:42. Then I ate yogurt. For dinner, Soo Min bought meat and we grilled it.



Happy 26th birthday, hyung!

Now you’re really old. Find a girl and get married soon. I want a niece or nephew by the time I come home.




Today, we watched Coffee Prince, ate ramen, and drank coffee all day. I’m tired but… MUST KEEP WATCHING.



Today, I am going to sleep all day.  




Why do we eat cereal with milk?



Today, Hoya made sundaeguk for breakfast. It was very yummy. For lunch, we had home-made pizza. My dongsaeng, Soo Min, is such a good cook. For dinner, I couldn’t find Soo Min or Woohyun so I ate ice cream. It’s cold. I’m going to sleep now.




Why do people live? What do they live for?


Dear Umma, Appa, Hyung, Dongsaeng,

I made sundaeguk for the first time today. It turned out really well. I just wished you could have tried it.

Love you,



I hid one of each pair of Sungjong’s shoes. I bet he’s going to write about what a horrible hyung I am and how he’s going to finally snap one day. But I’m not afraid. BLEGH!

- Sungyeol

P.S. Note to self: tell Woohyun, “Note to self: Buy maknae another giant stuffed animal before he cracks.”


Dear dearest diary,

I hate Sungyeol. He is a horrible hyung! I’m going to really snap one day and chop off his head!!!! I hope he sticks his tongue out then… That would make a lovely addition to the mantle.


Sunjgong ^^



Why are humans made out of water? Why do they swim? What happens if one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?



Today, Crapface came and picked up Soo Min. It’s not good to stay cooped up in the house on such a beautiful day so I decided to change and go out for a walk. I wasn’t following them or anything; I just happened to be getting some fresh air a few feet away. They went to a barbeque restaurant but he didn’t even eat anything! He just kept feeding her. What is he planning to do? Put her in a pot and eat her later? Pabo-ah, stop opening your mouth! At least spit fire at him or something…

And what kind of guy brings a girl to a meat place on the first date? Aish… kids these days…  

He’s not even charming. THE MEMBERS ARE ALL WRONG! No one can outgrease Namstar…. I’m insulted they even considered the idea.

They went to the theaters after and… he suggested a romantic comedy?!

Ah, clever Soo Min picked a horror movie. Thank god! My eyes were saved! To be safe, I sat two rows behind them.

Halfway through the movie, this guy just came and sat right in front of me. First of all, you came late, buddy! You can’t just walk right in and disturb everyone else. Second of all, respect a ghost’s space! Now I got here first so I wasn’t going to move. I very subtly whacked his head… in a not so subtle way. That felt good. >:) (In my defense, it’s not like he could see me anyways, right?)

I went back to enjoying the movie when all of a sudden, a rush of popcorn came flying into my face. Oh buttery damn… IT IS ON!

I took off my shoes and placed my feet next to the guy’s head.

I haven’t showered in two days. (Blame Coffee Prince.)

He didn’t react at first but I could see his shoulders shaking. He finally lost it and started coughing and choking. HA HA! But then that bastard reached down and grabbed something out of his bag. I couldn’t tell what it was but from the light off the screen, I could see that there was a light blue square attached to a thin rod of some sort.



Oh so you want to play shoo-fly-don’t-bother-me, huh? What about abee? I grabbed the paperclip from my backpack and unbent it. I held my breath, got up really close to his ear and started buzzing. Right when the paperclip made contact with the skin on the back of his neck, he swiftly slapped me again. WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?

I slapped him twice as hard upside the head. The lights right as he turned around.




Why can’t I find Sunggyu anywhere?




9:00 AM – woke up

9:01 – went back to sleep

10:30 – woke up again and went to bathroom

10:35 – went back to sleep

12:00 PM – woke up from Sungjong’s angry yells. Damn choding. >_<

12:15 – got out of bed and brushed my teeth

12:30 – had lunch. (Never buy pizza again~ just ask Soo Min to make it ^^)

1:30 – watched two episodes of Athena

3:45 – read some manga. (Must avoid Myungsoo for the rest of the day; saw him reading A Brief History of the “Why”.)

4:55 – checked up on Soo Min

5:10 – watched more of Athena while hiding in the basement.

7:30 – ate leftovers from breakfast for dinner

7:45 – couldn’t find Woohyun; used GPS to track him down (I may or may not have placed GPS chips on all of the members. But shh! Don’t tell them!)

8:15 – arrived at the theater.

8:20 – found Soo Min and the creepy guy (the damn guy was wearing glow-in-the-dark circle lenses… idiot…) Where was Woohyun?
Sat down a row behind them but a strange man accidentally hit me. I decided to get revenge since I figured he couldn’t see me anyways. The person sitting two seats to my left had a giant tub of popcorn. I reached over and sneakily grabbed some. I waited a couple of seconds and then just ambushed the man with a buttery onslaught.
Strange Man then dares to take off his shoes! At this point, he became Rude Man. Luckily, I couldn’t find my bag earlier so I just took Dongwoo’s and guess what was in there? A FLY SWATTER! Never have I been more thankful for Dongwoo’s randomness.

8:50 – taught Rude Man a lesson. KEEP YOUR SHOES ON, YOU FOOT !

8:51 – Rude Man is part-bee.

8:52 – I kill bee.

8:55 – I turned around to face Rude Man at the same time that the lights came back on. FOR CYRING OUT LOUD!

9:05 – we had no other choice but to head home.


I was surprised to see Sunggyu but there was a more serious problem. Besides us, the only people left were a couple of middle school students who had sneaked into the movie. I ran out and looked everywhere but I just couldn’t find her. Thanks to my immaturity, I lost Soo Min that day.


Sang Hyun led her to an area surrounded by massive, thick trees. The only sign of civilization was a little shack. “I promised I would let you meet my friends.”

He opened the door and allowed her to step inside. There was a short pause as her eyes adjusted to the dimness, darker than that of her own bedroom. He quietly closed and bolted the door behind her.

The scattered candles casted only a small amount of light onto the three guys that were sitting on the floor in the middle of the room. She caught a glint of metal.  They were definitely holding a sharp metal object in their hands.


Sang Hyun swiftly gagged her while two others grabbed a hold of her limbs. “You’re perfect, my love,” he whispered.

He gave the cloth around a final tug. “To sacrifice.”

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This is such a heartwarming chapter! :')
WAHHHH I can't wait to see what would happen next :D this fic is s friggin awesome!!!
Awwwwe! So does this mean that she's willing to be an idol now? <":
Hahaha I like how Sebastian is so ninja XD Just popping out if nowhere (x
Lol, Yeol's excuse for everything "I'm useless remember?" 
And Dongwoo's way of thinking is definitely unique XD 

--Soo Min, Who from infinite do you think is.... BOYFRIEND MATERIAL? ;D
--Sebastian, my man, who do you move so swiftly? Did you work for the government at one point in your life or what? That's some sweet talent you've got there, bro.   
minhee_hong #4
I seriously love this story even more :) Woohyun with his dramatic scenes is DAEBAK! Dongwoo with his so-called games XD

I was actually expecting Soo Min to hug Woohyun XD It will be cute though :3
ashleythekitty #5
Ah I love your story.
It's quite humorous!
AWWWWWW <3 /smiling like an idiot

XD Woohyun, you got your dramatic scene. alsjhdlfjshlf. ;w;
I loved this chap! {Then again, I liked every chapter.} Anyway, update The Monstrous World We Live In and In Spirit please! You're such a good author!
OMG. I love this chapter(: It made me smile like an idiot and I went like "Aww~" inside :D!
Sungjong and Sungyeol are cute in the corner thing!
Lol I like how Namu's pissed about not being the lead in your other story XDD