
Between You, and I, and Him

Sehun is watching Kai and Luhan riding motorcycle in front of him. He saw how Luhan’s hands wrapped around Kai’s body, more like hugging Kai from behind tightly. Jealousy leads over his entire body. He wants to stop them right here right now and bring Luhan inside his car, hug him, kiss him and keep him away from any touches from others.

But once again, he can’t.

In a situation like this, he feels he failed to be a good boyfriend for Luhan. He feels like he can’t make Luhan happy to have boyfriend like him. He can’t protect Luhan. He feels guilty to choose his career over his boyfriend. But he can’t lose any of them either.

He needs both Luhan and his career in his life. Call him greedy but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is to have Luhan with him and life succesfully as a superstar.

I just  want to be with the one i loved. And he is Luhan

Kai’s words keep ringing in his head. He feels uneasy to those words. From what he saw earlier he feels something wrong. The way Kai looked into Luhan. The way he touched Luhan. All words he said to the paparazzi. It wasn’t an acting. Sehun knows it.

Usually whenever Sehun didn’t take a good care of Luhan, or abandoned him because of his tight schedule, or made him sad, Kai would say to Sehun that he could do better than him as Luhan’s boyfriend. But Sehun never mind it. Because that’s Kai, the careless boy. So, Sehun didn’t take it seriously. Until now he realized that Kai really does have a feeling for Luhan.

“dammit!!” Sehun slap the steering wheel, frustated. He then realized that Luhan and Kai wasn’t in front of him anymore. He left behind.

“!! Kim Kai! I’m going to kill you. You betrayal!!” with that, he increase his car speed to the maximum level.


The horn had been blown multiple times. It awaken the old man from his slumber. Going back to his consiousness, he remember it must be Sehun. Then he immediately opened the garage door.

“oh, you’re arri-”

“where is Luhan?!” Sehun cut him off. His face full of anger.

“he is going inside his apartment with-"

“Kai right?”

“ah, yes”

“that bastard!” Sehun walking inside the building with his large steps.

“but, your car.. it’s still outside”

“can you park it inside for me?” he throws the car key to Choi ahjussi without even turning his back. Choi ahjussi catched it. He feels something bad gonna be happen.

Sehun speed up the pace of his steps. His face is burning red. His palm curl into fist. Anger fill in his blood, flows to his entire body. He stops when he saw Kai and Luhan. Standing face to face. And Kai’s y hands once again touch what supposed to be his and it means that only him can touch that beautiful face of Luhan.

“KIM KAI!!!! WATCH YOUR HANDS!!!” he approach them and then a hard palm hit Kai right on his face until he fell on the ground.

“Sehun-ah..!!! don’t!!”

Sehun seems can’t hear anything, not even Luhan’s voice. He punch Kai’s face multiple times. He has no mercy. Kai doesn’t react. He stays still. He hasn’t punch Sehun back. Not even once.

“Sehun!! Please stop!!” Luhan hugs Sehun body, hopefully can stop Sehun’s action. “Sehun-ah please stop. Please don’t do this. Please i beg you” said Luhan. Sehun hear a sob from Luhan. Finally he let go off Kai.

“you deserve it! You bastard! If there isn’t Luhan here i swear i’m going to kill you!!” Sehun stand up after one last kick to Kai’s stomach.

“aaargh...” Kai groans in pain.

“Sehun!! Stop!! Why you do this to Kai? He is your friend. Your best friend. Do you forget about it?”

“no! He is not my friend anymore. He is a betrayal! He wants to steal you from me Lu”

“what??! What are you talking about Sehun-ah?”

“i’m talking about him!” he pointed at pained Kai on the ground “who touched you, him who dared kissing you in front of my eyes, him who desperately wants to be your lover, him who wants to steal you away from...”



There is a reddish hand mark on Sehun’s left cheek. Courtesy of Luhan.

“i can’t believe you would think that way Oh Sehun”

“what is this for, Lu?” Sehun touch his pained cheek.

“that’s for your not open minded behaviour”

“w-what? I can’t understand”

“it supposed to be me who can’t understand you anymore. You’re not Sehun that i know”

“what do you mean Lu? It’s me! I’m Sehun, your boyfriend”

“no, you’re not. You changed. I don’t know you. Because Oh Sehun that i know won’t do a violence like you do. My boyfriend is a kind and gentle person. He’ll never hurt other people. He’ll never hurt his friend. His best friend, who saved him from upcoming trouble that would affected to his career”

“but Lu, he had gone too far. He even kissed you! I can’t get it! I’m jealous. You’re mine and i don’t want him to go any further to you. I don’t wanna lose you Lu. I love you”

“it was just an acting Sehun. You must be know about that”

“no it’s not. Trust me he wants to separated us. He wants to keep you for himself. He has feeling for you. That’s why...”

“stop Sehun!! You’re talking nonsense!! Kai sacrificed his career  to save yours but that’s how you paid him back? You punch him without merci and now you’re talking about him has a feeling for me, huh? Of course he cares about me. And i also care about him. Because we’re friends anyway, that’s it”

“no, you don’t understand. He cares about you because he likes you Luhan. In a romantic way”

“shut up Sehun! You’re impossible”

“no Lu, please trust me. I love you and i don’t wanna lose you” Sehun approach Luhan and reach his hands.

“don’t touch me! You don’t love me. You just want to possess me, don’t you?”

“of course i do love you Luhan. I love you so much, baby. You know it right?”

“but your love never be this hurt Sehun. It used to be my power to live my life. But now, it starts to hurt me. That’s because the owner has changed. You’ve changed Oh Sehun. And it hurts me.. ” Luhan runs to his apartment unit while sobbing.

“Lu..!! Luhan..!! i’m not changed! Luhan..!!”

“if i were you i’ll run after him.." Kai coughed

"...and apologize to him” Kai try to stand up from the cold floor. He feels numb in some of his body’s part, especially his face. Sehun’s attack is quite hard.

“shut up!! Don’t teach me. i do not need an advice from betrayal like you. Mind you own bussiness!!”

“alright.. you can call me whatever you want, MY FRIEND. But let’s see.. if you keep hurting and dissappointing Luhan like this, your words might become true. I have no doubt that he will run into me. In the end he will be mine, for real”

“YOU..!!!” Sehun grab Kai’s colar and ready to punch him again but Choi ahjussi came to stop him.

“Sehun my son! Stop it! Oh my God what happened to you young men?” Sehun let go off Kai. “Omo!! Kai ah, are you alright son?”

“i’m alright, Sir...” Kai groaned

“listen!! I’m not going to give up on Luhan. He will never be yours. The only one he loved is me. You can just dream about it!” Sehun then runs to catch Luhan.

“w-what’s happening? Are you two fight over Luhan??” Mr. Choi asked confusedly

“yeah, kind of it”

“really? But you and Sehun are friends right?”

“uhmm.. kind of it”

“how is Luhan? Is he alright? Does he know about what happened between the two of you?”

“uhmm.. do you have first aid kit? And some ice cubes? I’ll answer your question later”

“oh i’m sorry. Come on, follow me” Choi ahjussi helping Kai to walk by hold his waist and place Kai’s one hand on his shoulder. They go to Choi ahjussi house and doing something to Kai’s swollen face.


“Luhan.. please open the door”

no answer.

“i’m sorry.. i’m so sorry.. i’m just.. jealous. It’s normal to be jealous right?”

still no answer.

“you know that you’re very important to me. You’re everything for me. You’re my life. A tought that i might losing you scared me. Coz i’m sure i’ll be lifeless after that. I’ll be a living dead without you. I’m scared” nothing could be heard from inside.

“please don’t do this to me.. please talk to me Lu”

“Lu.. Luhaaan.. Luhan please.. i know you’re there. Please don’t ignore me. I want to hear your voice. Answer me Lu.. please.. please.. please..” Sehun bang his head to the door in every ‘please’.

“Go away Sehun!!” finally Luhan answered.

“hey Lu.. you hear me? No, i won’t go anywhere. Please listen to me. Let me explain so please open the door”

“i don’t want to see you!! You’ll hurt me again”

“no! I won’t! Forgive me.. please.. i need to see you. We need to talk. Let’s end this peacefully, okay?”

“there is nothing to talk. Just go away!!”

“Luhan please forgive me. I know i was wrong. I shouldn’t let the anger controled me. I didn’t meant to hurt anyone. I feel sorry. So please forgive me” there is no answer again.

“i’ll do anything you want. Whatever it is. Just mention it. So that you can forgive my foolness” silence again.

“Luhan i’m sorry.. i’m sorry.. don’t do this to me.. how am I supposed to breath when you don’t want to talk to me? How am I supposed live when i can’t see you? I’m sorry.. i’m sorry.. please forgive me Lu.. forgive me..” Sehun keep saying those word until he lost his breath.

He also bang his head to the door in every single word. The sound of his head against metal could be heard all over the corridor. Some of Luhan’s next door neighbour even going outside their room to see what’s happening. And some scolded Sehun, say him to shut up because it’s pass midnight already. Normally, Sehun will afraid that people would recognize him. But now, he doesn’t care. He just want to see Luhan.

On the other hand, Luhan runs to his bedroom. He cover his head with his pillow. He really doesn’t want to hear anything from Sehun. At least for now. The truth is, he is afraid. Afraid that he’ll be easy in front of Sehun. That he’ll be weak if he sees Sehun pleading face. That he’ll easily forgive Sehun once he looks into his eyes. He is afraid of the fact that he can’t mad at Sehun more than a hour.

Yes, he loves Sehun as much as Sehun loves him.

No! He always confident that his love for Sehun is bigger than Sehun’s love for him.

He will always accept Sehun  just he way he is. Even if the latter did any mistake, he’ll forgive him immediately. But now, Sehun’s mistake is way too far. He can’t believe his boyfriend could do such a horrible thing. He can’t believe his lover would think that way. He can’t believe it. That’s unforgivable. In the case like this, Luhan wonder.. I

f only Sehun was not a celebrity, maybe their life would never be this complicated. Maybe they would have date every weekend like normal couple. Maybe they would have each other presence every morning when they wake up. Maybe they would built a small family and small house near the lake. Maybe they would life happily by just having each other.

Maybe.. just maybe.. With all of the toughts in his mind, Luhan slowly falls asleep. Because he is too tired today. Too tired to be an actor in his life that full of drama. Too tired to pretend to be nothing to Sehun. Actually he wants to scream to the world, that he is the rightful owner of The Superstar’s heart and soul.


Kai went home after gets some treatment from Choi ahjussi. Of course after assured the old man that he really fine. Because Choi ahjussi insist that Kai can rest in his house for the night. He keep worrying Kai. Now, Kai tought that Luhan was right about him. He is really kind.

Kai take a shower right after he got home. He turn on the shower and hot water coming out and fall on Kai’s body. All that happened tonight occupied his mind. The paparazzi, being Luhan’s fake boyfriend, angry Sehun and got punched by him. It hurts of course but it doesn’t really matter to him. It also doesn’t matter to him the fact that he will lost his best friend Oh Sehun, as the latter stated that he is not his friend anymore. But for Kai, he’ll always consider Sehun as his friend.

What’s really bothering him is the fact that he touched Luhan earlier. Not just a simple touch. He even kiss him, his forehead to be exact. Kai moves his finger to his lips. He still could feel Luhan soft skin agaisnt his lips. He still could smell Luhan’s scent, it was sweet. He still could see Luhan’s doe eyes, it’s beautiful. Everything about Luhan is beautiful in Kai’s eyes. If you wonder wether Kai loves Luhan or not, the answer is yes. Definitely yes. But as you all already know, Luhan belongs to someone else. Kai’s bestfriend.

Unrequited love indeed hurt, but it become more hurtful when the one you love are always around you but he is far away to reach. The other hurtful truth is the fact that he doesn’t have a change at all to have Luhan. Because Luhan is badly in love with Sehun. Luhan never get mad at Sehun.

Luhan will call Kai just to ask Sehun’s well being when Sehun is too busy to answer Luhan’s call. Luhan will ask Kai to accompany him to visit his favorite coffe shop and all he could do is sit and listen to Luhan’s story about Sehun’s funny habbit with joyful expression. Once Luhan had a surgery because of an accident he could still smile and act like nothing happened but he cried all day long when Sehun injured his arm during CF shoot, although he knew it just a bruishes. Or once when Luhan skip a job interview so that he can attend Sehun’s movie premier, just as stranger of course. Or when Luhan refused his parents’ order to go back to China because he wants to stay with Sehun.

In that moment, Kai knew how much Luhan loves Sehun. And how there isn’t a change for him or anyone else to have Luhan’s attention even just a tiny spot.

So, he buried his feeling deep inside his soul and bear the pain alone. But sometimes he would flirting with Luhan just to play along with the pretty boy. Or had some jokes so that he could see Luhan’s beautiful smile or laugh if he lucky enough. He also always compliment Luhan’s appearance even if the smaller just wear a plain white t-shirt and a simple navy short. But Luhan is innocent as ever. He is so oblivious about Kai’s feeling. He would consider all Kai’s compliment just as a simple care between friends, nothing more. Different from the innocent boy, his boyfriend seems already sense this meant to be love triangle.

“Damn!” Kai sigh between his breath trough the warm air in his bathroom. He wonder what will happen tomorrow.

How is Sehun and Luhan relationship after this? How their friendship would be after this? Kai finish his shower and changed to comfortable clothes and then laid on his bed. Before sleep, he hope that both Sehun and Luhan will be okay. And whatever will happen tomorrow, he promise to himself that he will do anything to protect Luhan.


Luhan awaken with sweaty face. Seems like he had a nightmare. After maintain his breath he looks over the bedside table and see the clock. It still 5 in the morning. He looks outside the window and it’s still dark. He remembers Sehun.

Is he still in front of his house?

No! It couldn’t be.

But Luhan going to check it anyway. He unlocked his door and open it slowly. To his surprise, there is no Sehun here. Or should he say that he is not surprise. But there is dissappointment on his face.

Sehun said that he won’t go anywhere, didn’t he?

Oh Sehun you liar. I hate you.

Just when he about to close the door, he heard a groan. A weak groan. He check outside once more. Looking around the corridor, he saw a limp body in the corner. Curl into ball. Nothing covered his almost frozen body but a layer of his thin clothes. Shifted uncomfortably, seeking of warmth. He tightened his own hands grip to his body whenever the cold wind come trough the window.

“Oh my God! Sehun!!”




Hello.. this is Mbonana, co author in this story. You guys can just call me Nana :)

I want to say thank you for supporting this story. Thank you for subscribe, comment, and vote.

We will work harder to this awesome story. You know what makes this story awesome? it's because you all are nice readers. Just spill out your tought in every chapter so that we know what's on your mind regarding this story :)

Hmm.. anyway if you want to talk to me personally you can check out my twitter. I tweet about Exo and Luhan there :)

Or you can add me on Kakaotalk.Here is my ID --> luna4207

Thank you.. thank you.. :*

Ugh i'm not good at introduction. I'm nervous. Sorry.. >.< *hide behind Jamie's back*

LOL... well.. that's my cute Nana, my briliant co author who saved me and my story..

just like what she said.. please keep support us..

we'll try the hardest to make this story interesting..

thank you *bowing with Nana*



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bblve07 #1
Chapter 5: I vote kailu here really!
Luhan choose kai pls..
Chapter 5: I can't find Park Hana.. Jamie's brother want me to find her.
But I only contacted hasana. She hasn't replied yet.
DevilNextToYou #3
Chapter 5: One thing doesn't make sense
Why will Luhan like Sehun when he barely communicated with him
Chapter 5: omg! i'll pray for Jamie TT
Chapter 4: oh i love both couples...can we have a ? hehe update soon guys
Camilachawy #6
Chapter 4: KaiLu pliz ;_;
naehyun #7
I love hunhan... but i now please kailu!!!♥KAILU♥
Chapter 4: HuuuuunHaaaaan
so glad that Luhan can see Sehun's love
pkan13 #9
Chapter 4: HunHan!!! (_ _) sometimes things look rather bleak for (HH) so it does seem like there 's really nothing we can do to bring them back to him in real life of his earthly sorrow , loneliness v_v
Chapter 4: I will give hunhan more chance if sehun try to fix his personality better. Seeing all kai's feelings written so beautifully like that made me think to love more for kailu. And it's a great first thing from sehun to not mind other peoples for once and not leaving luhan again.