Of One More

Of Kids And Parental Guidance

Usually on Monday mornings, Minho will be battling to stay awake in the office while Kibum cleans up the mess in their kitchen and waits for their daughter to wake up. It’s different this Monday though. Today is Mikyung’s first day at primary school and that’s apparently a good enough reason for Minho to take leave from work just so he can see their daughter attend school for the first time.

Kibum thinks it’s unnecessary for Minho to be there but as he watches his partner fuss over Mikyung, he decides it isn’t too bad having Minho here with him. After all, he doesn’t have to play the role of a worried, overly-concerned father when Minho is doing just that. Don’t get him wrong though, it doesn’t mean Kibum doesn’t care, it just means less work for him since he can simply stand aside and enjoy the sight before him.

“Are you alright, Mikyung?” Minho asks as he helps his daughter put on her backpack and bends down to check her appearance for her, “You’ve been really quiet the entire car ride, baby girl.”

“I’m okay, appa.”

“Really? Are you nervous?”

“Appaaaa, I’m just sleeppppy…” Shaking her head, Mikyung rubs her eyes and even yawns to prove her point, “Can we go home?”

Brushing Mikyung’s fringe aside with his fingers, Minho laughs defeatedly, “Not now, my love.”

Mikyung pouts, “I miss my bed.”

“I know you do,” Minho can’t help but lean forward and kiss his daughter’s pout away, “but you won’t miss it once you get to your classroom. You’ll have so much fun in school.”

“Really?” Mikyung’s eyes widen in anticipation.

“Yes… just remember-”

“I know!” Mikyung quickly interrupts Minho, excited to show how she can remember what he has been repeatedly reminding her leading up to this day, “Don’t let boys come near me?”

“Minho!” Stepping into the picture with a gasp, Kibum stares at his partner in shock, unable to believe that he has been out of the loop even though they’re living under the same roof, “When did you-”

Holding his hand up to silence Kibum, Minho ignores his other half and nods at his daughter instead, “That’s right. And you’ll tell us all about the fun you had when you get back home okay?”

“Okay!” Mikyung grins, proud of herself.

“Alright, go kiss daddy goodbye?” Minho smiles and pats his daughter on her .

Upon hearing his name, Kibum quickly bends down just as Mikyung turns towards him and goes on her tiptoes to press a kiss on his cheek.

“Bye daddy!” Mikyung says as she waves to both of her fathers and skips her way into the classroom.

As soon as Mikyung joins the rest of her classmates, Minho and Kibum spend a bit of time watching their cheerful daughter introduce herself with the help of her teacher. Seeing how she is easily welcomed by her classmates, Minho and Kibum realise they have nothing to worry about and quietly leave the school.

“How is she not nervous at all?” Minho thinks out loud, amazed at how it was so easy to handle Mikyung’s first day at school, “I mean it’s an unfamiliar environment full of strangers after all…”

“Oh please, if there’s anyone who’s nervous, it’s you.” Kibum nudges Minho teasingly, “You worry too much, baby.”

“Yeah, laugh at me all you want.” Minho nudges Kibum back, “Let’s see who’ll get all sad and grumpy once you realise your daughter won’t be around at home during the day.”

Kibum shrugs as Minho unlocks the car door, “I think I’ll be fine.”

They get into the car, with Minho settling into the driver’s seat, but he doesn’t start the engine immediately.


The way Minho is looking at him tells Kibum that his partner has something important to say.

A smile breaks across Minho’s face, “I think we should have another.”

Caught by surprise, Kibum can only stare at Minho as he processes the meaning behind his suggestion. But when the idea finally sinks in, Kibum ends up pouting at his better half.

“But I’m already raising two.”

“What do you mean- hey!” Minho narrows his eyes at Kibum.

Kibum laughs as he leans forward and appeases Minho with a kiss.

"Okay, seriously?"


“I think…”

“Yeah?” Minho holds his breath as he waits for the all-important answer.

“Mikyung’s gonna have a little brother.”



Author's Note: sorry this is so random! i was requested to write a ficlet about minkey as parents based on this sentence - "I think we should have another" - and i realised this could be used as a side story to how they decided to adopt Sungwoo. plus i haven't updated this in ages so i thought it'd be nice to have this here instead of publishing a separate drabble. hope you enjoy the short read lovely subscribers! ^^

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Chapter 3: aw. Omg. this is adorable <3
Chapter 3: maybe baby boy for minkey :>
Chapter 3: Auw.. I love domistic minkey. Minkey as parents are the best
Chapter 3: I love it so much. A can just see all the emotions flashing across Minho's face as he asks for another baby. I bet he looked too adorable to deny.
Kim_Luxita #5
Chapter 3: i was so excited to see an Update!! This is adorable!!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ thank u sweetie!! :3
Chapter 3: I was so happy to see an update to this verse. I love domestic MinKey.

LMFAO Minho - “Don’t let boys come near me?”
SashaHRH #7
Chapter 3: Yay! More MinKey babies!!!!
Chapter 2: please continue this TvT i can't get enough of domestic minkey!
Engravedintomyskin #9