"You and your mindboggling ineptness worry me."

Inelegance is a Charm

["You and your mindboggling ineptness worry me."]

{Goddess of Inelegance's POV}

I’m freezing inside my jacket. When will the rain stop? I’ve been sitting near the lobby entrance for so long now, thinking if a cab were to possibly pass by the school or – or­ – Baekhyun’s car were ever to arrive and pick up my freezing . Neither one came. I wasn’t upset or anything, just really, really, freezing. It’s not even the winter season yet, only an unpredictable rainfall. What would it feel like inside Baekhyun’s car? It must be warm. Must be like the sitting in front of the fireplace during the winter while reading a good book. My eyelids are getting heavy and I don’t understand because I’m really freezing but I’m dozing off?!

“Hyesu?” My eyelids shot open.

“Hyesu-ah, are you okay?”

I blinked and turned my head to the lobby entrance. Kyungmi with an astonished look on her face was looking at me weirdly.

“I was just...” I stopped and thought deeply. What was I doing? I didn’t continue my sentence.

“Why are you still here? It’s 7:30.” Already?

“I’m waiting for the rain to stop. I can’t say I have a good relationship with wet pavements.” I shyly answered.

“The weather report said that the rainfall wouldn’t stop until this midnight. Are you willing to stay for so long? And, aren’t you freezing?” I’m a very impatient person but yes, I’m freezing. I didn’t answer and looked down. What am I supposed to do in this type of situation?

“Come, I can give you a ride,” Kyungmi smiled and pulled me up by my arm. I staggered a bit, my legs going numb. I’m a bit hesitant though. I mean, Kyungmi and I just met a few hours ago and here I am going to hop inside her car to get home. It’s kind of rude of me to but what choice do I have? It’s actually better than walking on the streets and tripping on something slippery and die.

“Kyungmi-ssi,” I started and she made a face at the honorific. “Kyungmi, I don’t want to be rude or anything...”

“Rude? Oh no, not at all. It’s good though, don’t you think? We’ll get to talk more about your problems with tripping on nonexistent objects,” she said cheerfully, gesturing me to follow her. I was too careful on my steps I didn’t notice the metal hurdle and bumped my stomach. I grunted and stopped on my tracks to ease the pain of my stomach.

“Okay, Hyesu, wait here and I’ll get the car.” Kyungmi opened her umbrella and walked gracefully under the rain. It didn’t take her long to arrive and I awkwardly got into the back seat, but she stopped me.

“Don’t be shy! Sit here on the front,” she patted the seat next to her loudly and I again awkwardly got in the car, careful not to wet the seat.

“I just can’t believe it,” she mumbled in distress, turning the wheel.

“Can’t believe what?” My voice was unexpectedly small.

“That Byun Baekhyun,” she answered me, irate. “You got out at the same time and it’s raining. I mean, he has a brain; he knows you’re a clumsy duckling – soon to be a swan, promise – and he didn’t offer you a ride!”

I shrugged uncomfortably at my seat. “Actually he did. I refused...”

“Should’ve persuaded you, though.” Her eyebrows are knitted together, I can tell. I didn’t respond; my lips pursed together. I have completely no idea on what to reply.

“Anyway, Hyesu, do you dance?” she asked out of the blue. Upset isn’t evident in her voice anymore. And, wait, what? Dancing? I laughed out loud to myself.

“No. Before, yes. But now, nope.”

“I’m thinking of enrolling you to dance classes. I think it’s better than exercise since it involves lots of movement and coordination and also a bit of balancing and it’s more fun, don’t you think? I’m thinking of yoga, too, but that can wait,” she paused to press the horn. “How about ballroom dancing? To make Baekhyun useful.”

I blinked a few more times, grasping all the information. Dancing? Yoga? Ballroom dancing? Baekhyun? Ballroom dancing with Baekhyun?

“Um... I...”

“How about ballet?” Ballet?!

 “Oh right, Hyesu, where do you live?” I discreetly sighed in relief, glad that the dancing topic was put aside for just a short moment.

“The street near Kamong.” I simply replied.

“The new cafe of Jongin’s sister, am I right? Is the menu good?”

“Yes, very much, I recommend the cappuccino,” I gave her two thumbs up. “Absolutely jjang!”

“I’ll put that in mind. Now back to the dancing lessons...” I groaned inwardly. Half of the trip was mostly Kyungmi talking about how useful it is for me to try dancing and I said I’m more into singing, which is a bit of a lie since singing is one of my weak points aside from being agile; nevertheless, singing is my pastime (singing in the shower, anyone?) so why not say I’m more into that.

We got stuck in traffic because of the rain and, I got to say, I was glad that Kyungmi started the Baekhyun topic because I get the feeling that if he were to be with me for two months, I should know even a small amount of information about him. So far, I learned pretty basic stuff about his birthday and what he likes and what he doesn’t (which Kyungmi minimized and which I’m okay with) and that Baekhyun has an older brother who’s happily married, has sets of eyeliners (not that I do not know this already), is kind of rich which explains his personal driver and his family basically owns a cafe, sings in his cafe from time to time (just because, Kyungmi said), very naughty (I wanted her to describe naughty but I just shrugged it off), very talkative (also, not that I do not know this already), very good at imitations, very good at everything. Maybe she was just complimenting him too much since they’re long-time friends but, please, good at everything? How am I supposed to believe that?

The whole conversation about Baekhyun surprisingly only took a few minutes, though none of us were talking too quickly.

“If you don’t mind me asking, Kyungmi unnie,” she made a face again and I mumbled an apology. “I’m very curious – actually, the whole female population is curious, maybe even the men... Anyway, uh, does Baekhyun have a girlfriend or...”

There’s this rumour circulating the school about Baekhyun dating a model trainee who studies in an all-girls school. How the girl looks like, it changes from time to time. Once, it’s like they were describing Beyonce. And another time they were describing Sandara Park. There’s even this thing going around saying he’s gay. Which is more believable than him dating Beyonce. Please, who would believe that?

“I can’t pry into Baekie’s love life,” she started. “But I can give a teeny weeny bit of information.”

Now this is interesting.

“He got a friend from his childhood, cuties that they are. They’ve been good pals since the construction of his and mom’s cafe and I’ve been thinking that there really is something going on.” Then I noticed Beom Kyungmi, psychology graduate, spilling Baekhyun’s secret to me, clumsy duckling, who she just met hours ago. Woah. “They’re not dating, as I’ve known, but there’s infatuation, maybe?”

“So Baekhyun isn’t dating a model trainee who has red curls and thick brows and thick lips and a body of a goddess?” I slightly whispered.

“Nope,” she replied in between giggles and pulled the car over Kamong. “Everything I told you are just minor details about the life of Byun Baekhyun and not his secrets so you don’t have to feel pressured over keeping them all inside. About snooping into his childhood friend’s life, though, it’s just a fib, really. She’s kind of guarded, not the story-telling type.”

“Where does she study?” I’m surprised I’m so interested in this.

“She’s still in America. Will be coming back here after school ends. Maybe will study here in the next year, I don’t know,” she shrugged and opened her side of the car. “We’re here already.”

I unclasped my seatbelt and slung my bag over my shoulder. Opening my door, I clutched my jacket tighter around me, suddenly feeling the cool breeze.

“I’m really, really, really thankful that you picked me up. Thank you very much,” I bowed and Kyungmi gave me a friendly hug.

“Don’t mention it, Hyesu. Wednesdays and Fridays, alright? My, your hands are freezing,” concerned, she rubbed my bare hands with her gloves. “Would you like to stop by for coffee first?”

I shook my head. “I don’t do coffee, unnie,” she grimaced again. “Unnie, can I call you unnie? I’m sorry but I don’t feel too comfortable calling the name someone 10 years older than me without honorifics...”

Kyungmi unnie sighed and patted my shoulder. “If you insist. So, cafe?”

“I don’t drink coffee though...”

“Oh, you could pick whatever drink you want. My treat after you’ve been staying outside while it’s raining,” she gave me a gentle smile. Just as I was at the door, her phone rang and she signalled me to go ahead.

“What drink do you want?” I whispered.

“Coffee,” she mouthed, about to press ‘Answer’. “Tell Jongin’s sister I’ll pay. She knows me.”

I nodded and pushed the heavy glass door without the guard’s assistance. The cafe was unusually heavily populated knowing that it is a Monday. I carefully watched my steps, avoiding bumping people as I made my way to the counter. It’s a long line ahead of me but people often order for just a drink or two so it won’t take me too long to stand and wait.

The bells by the door rang indicating the doors being opened. Quickly turning my head expecting that it is Kyungmi unnie, I had a glimpse of her still outside with her phone still pressed on her ear. It wasn’t Kyungmi unnie by the door.

Before I even got to take in the full presence of Byun Baekhyun in the same setting as me, I already had my sight averted from him. I was in a sudden state of panic and I don’t even have a reason why. I tautly looked at the menu before me and pretended to be impressed by the unique design. I felt embarrassment. I felt stupid being restless because of just one small matter. I took deep breaths but only made myself more anxious when I realized I’m second to the last in line. I heard Baekhyun humming to the tune of the music coming from his earphones. He completely has no idea I’m here despite the obvious uniform.

I fear seeing him after I ‘unwisely’ declined his offer of taking me home.

“Next,” the counter lady called out. I cleared my throat and stepped forward. I cleared my throat again. Taking a quick peek at Baekhyun, I saw him casually pulling off one earphone and had his full attention on his phone.

“Um,” I gulped and faced the cashier and noticed it’s Kai’s sister. “Vanilla latte please. And coffee.”

“That’d be 10500W,” she said in a friendly and warm voice, I rummaged my bag and pulled out a peach wallet, and realized I got no money. “Beom Kyungmi unnie will pay.”

“Kyungmi unnie is here? Where’s she at?” I lazily pointed the outside with my thumb without turning back and smiled.

I’m a regular (a regular in spilling drinks) so she kinds of know me by my face. She giggled and handed me the drinks. I bowed in gratitude and stepped out of the lane. I noticed the guy at my back leave and scrambled away to join the people standing. With not just me rushing to find an empty seat, a man in a business attire bumped me.

“Oh ,” he cursed under his breath and eyed my now stained jacket. “I’m sorry, miss.”

I was just so thankful it wasn’t hot coffee.

“No, it’s fin –“

“Here’s a check, go have it dry-cleaned. I sincerely apologize!” he bowed down. He was serious about the bank check and slipped it inside my jacket pocket. Before I could even refuse his offer, he was already walking out. I pursed my lips into a thin line and saw we’ve caught quite a lot of attention. I heavily sighed and searched for a free table with my eyes.

“Hyesu-ssi?” Here goes keeping myself low profile... I bit my lip and turned to the Byun with a forced smile.

“Hello, Byun Baekhyun.”

“Wait right there,” he bid his goodbye to Kai’s sister as he got his drink similar to mine and stepped out of the lane with playful steps.

“What brings you here, alone?” he arched a brow.

“I’ve been offered a ride with –“

“You smell like chocolate.”

“My gosh, Baekhyun, you don’t tell a girl what she smells like!” I rolled my eyes. “You’ve seen how it happened I don’t have to explain right?” I said and sat down, Baekhyun across me.

“Seems like you’re not the only Humpty Clumsy around,” he looked seemingly impressed on what he just said, raising his chin a bit higher with pride. I mocked a pleased look.

“Very funny.” I scoffed and took a long sip.

“So? Who brought you here?”

I turned my neck and bobbed my head at Kyungmi unnie who’s still busily talking with someone on the phone, dying from laughter.

“Looks like she’s having the time of her life,” commented Baekhyun.

“Hm,” I agreed, sipping my frappe. “What brings you here?”

“Thirst for Kamong,” he replied waving his drink at me. I shot him an unconvinced look. “That’s one of the reasons.”

“What are the others?” I straightened my back and crouched as I bent and sipped my drink. This is heaven in a cup.

“Solicitude, maybe? Or curiosity?”

I tiled my head and stared at him, my eyes slightly bigger.

“I came back to you.”



Oh my god.

I shouldn’t be blushing, but, holy frick, what if I already am?!

I hid the uneasiness in my ribcage and laughed. “Are you for real?”

“What, you think I don’t have a heart? Please, Hyesu, I got conscience too.” He flashed me a sly smile and I had to force every nerve of my body to stop reacting too much and stopped myself from smiling too widely or it’d come off as stalker-ish and creepy.

I mumbled under my breath. “You must be kidding me.”

“Are you blushing?” My sight is covered by my hair but I felt him close and mocking me with his cunning smile and amused eyes. He had to force himself to stop himself from chuckling.

“Um, no.” Someone please get this boy away from me.

“You are!” What is he a kid? He’s even pointing at me with a childish smile.

“Well, now I am!” I shouted, my cheeks puffed. Good grief, how do I tolerate him?

“But in all seriousness, Min Hyesu, I really had the car pulled over,” he looked at me innocently. “I heard the rain won’t be stopping till midnight so I told the driver ahjussi to make a U-Turn. But when we got back you weren’t there so I thought you managed to borrow an umbrella from the school guard and got home. You and your mindboggling ineptness worry me.”

“Says the guy who says he never wanted to be involved with me whatsoever,” I raised my eyebrows.

“I’m kind of a walking paradox, Hyesu. And besides I’ve already been involved with you since this morning. What difference does it make?”

“You didn’t have to worry.” I mumbled, the straw still in between my lips avoiding eye contact. Good Lord, Baekhyun’s eyes aren’t that special but it’s too distracting and discomforting. Next to his lips. Holy frick and his fingers.

“I know,” he shrugged as he kept shaking his cup. “But I did.”

Something inside me made me want to scream.

“Don’t tell me,” he said in an audible whisper, inching his face closer to mine. I moved back, my eyebrows knitted together. “You’re starting to fall for me.”

I gave off an exasperated gasp and looked at him, agape. “What?

“You’ve fallen to me with your Humpty Clumsy jelly feet.” Byun Baekhyun doesn’t sound serious. He doesn’t sound like he’s teasing me too. What’s his big deal?!

“Yah,” I glared at him. “You’re not my type, Byun.”

“More I to you.”

I rolled my eyes again for the nth time and heaved a deep sigh. “What are you possibly trying to achieve?”

Then I realized, Baekhyun doesn’t choose who he wants to play with. He annoys everyone and I’ve recently been one of the subjects of his little gags.

Like I pushed an SOS button, Kyungmi unnie appeared at the side of our table. Thank the heavens.

“Kyungmi unnie!” I grabbed a chair behind us and pulled it beside me. “Please sit down.”

“I got to run, Hyesu-ah!” she pouted, showing her phone to me. “Baekhyun-ah, do you mind taking her home for me? I already payed so you don't have to worry.”

“Oh no, no, no,” I waved my hands, standing from my seat. Nope to being in the same place as Byun Baekhyun’s, thank you very much. “I can get through a drizzle. I’m an independent woman so, yeah, I don’t need a ride.”

“You sure?” Kyungmi unnie asked.

“Definitely. I should get going; I’m near passing my curfew.”

I kind of lied but though my curfew was 10pm (because student activities need long hours of studying and preparation) I was told to come home as early as possible. It’s still near 8:30pm.

I waved my farewell to Baekhyun as Kyungmi unnie accompanied me outside the cafe. She got an emergency meeting the opposite of my home so she won’t be able to drive me back to my house (not that I was expecting her to). I lazily walked on the sidewalks with no umbrella. And it’s cold. And I’m back to freezing again. I think I’m going to faint. Get a grip, Hyesu. Not on the sidewalks, for crying out loud!

Just as I was about to fall on my knees like a weak chicken as I am, a car stopped by just near me and honked. The window of the back seat lowered, revealing a Baekhyun with his expression unreadable.

“Come inside, Hyesu-ssi if you don’t want to collapse then and there.”

I was having war with myself inside my thoughts. It ranged from “Good grief Hyesu, where’s your pride?!” and “Seriously Hyesu, don’t you have love for self? You’re going to chill to death!”

“You’re as cold as Kyungsoo’s soul. Don’t you worry about yourself?” he said as he guided me inside to avoid myself from bumping my head at the roof. The back of his hand brushed my cheek and he quickly pulled it back. He faked chilling and shook his shoulders. “Maybe even colder than his soul.”

I laughed and waved off his statement to say that I’m fine. I shivered more from his quick touch than the actual temperature, to be very honest.

“Stop lying!” he shrugged off his jacket and tossed it to me. Like, literally tossed me like he was just passing me a basketball. I got hit square on the face. How romantic. “Keep yourself warm in case you fear of dying.”

“My, what a gentleman.” I coughed and covered myself with his jacket rather than wearing it.

“What, you want a hug for body heat?”

I shot him a weak but judging look. “Keep that hug to yourself, mister. But thanks for the offer.”

“Everyone would take the offer without even thinking twice...” he pouted.

“If you wouldn’t want your ribs to break then go ahead,” I snuggled inside his jacket and kept myself warm enough to stop myself from shivering.

Baekhyun didn’t say anything and just laughed. “Would you still have the strength to go to school?”

“Why, would you miss me?” Two can play this game, Byun Baekhyun.

“Are you stupid? We got an important quiz and missing it wouldn’t give you the chance to see the sunrise ever again.”

“Please,” I sighed. “Of course I’ll go to school. All this takes are Vitamin C and a cold medicine. I could buy one... now that I have the money. The cold doesn’t look very serious, though.”

The conversation afterwards was sort of just Baekhyun talking to himself since I wasn't really that listening. My head wasn't just spinning because of my cold but because Baekhyun was talking too much I don't know whether he's reciting to me his whole family tree or not. I have no idea what he was babbling about until he suddenly asked me a question.

“Which reminds me, which direction is your home?”

I looked behind the window and saw a not too familiar sign. I pursed my lips into a tight line and showed him an apologetic grin.

“We drove past it.”

{Mister Talkative's POV}

I’ve lived through the years of high school trying to avoid Min Hyesu. Now I’m not even trying anymore. And it’s still Day 1! Day 1 and she’s already become the magnet that I always find myself drawn to and it’s not because of attraction or any sort. I don’t even know anymore? She gives me the feel of wanting to protect her but at the same time makes me want to make fun of her tripping on her own feet. Not that I like her or anything, heh.

“Sir, nothing will happen if you just sit there,” Driver ahjussi said in a careful whisper. I didn’t reply, much less move. Hyusu is like that girl from the fairy tale. Which story is it again? The Little Matchstick Girl. But I don’t remember if the matchstick girl looked this adorable.

“Ahjutssi, am I going to regret this?”

“Sir,” driver ahjussi sighed. “The girl is freezing and if she were collapse there, answer yourself. Why are you even hesitating?”

It’s getting annoying because the answer is always I don’t ing know.

“Fine, I’m getting out.”

I hopped off the car, an umbrella shielding myself from the rain, and walked to where Hyesu is sitting. She was far but I saw how red her nose already is. Not even close for her to see me, I found Kyungmi noona stepping out of the lobby and stopped on my tracks. I returned to the car.

“Why did I even do this, seriously,” I mumbled under my breath and told the driver to drive the car to Kamong.



A/N: Yooooo I updated only today because tomorrow I'll be going back to studying for two more college admission exams  and I need to take my studying seriously lol sorry updates will still be slow ;;

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iuiuiu_ #1
Chapter 3: update soon! so good~
hanbaekyeol #2
Chapter 3: wahhhh its really good~ pleaseeeeeeee update soon~
iuiuiu_ #3
Chapter 2: Don't forget to updatee~ :)