"I lost to Rock-Paper-Scissors"

Inelegance is a Charm

[2: “I lost to Rock-Paper-Scissors”]

{Goddess of Inelegance’s POV}

So it turned out that I was right. Sitting on the first row didn’t change anything, but sitting on the seventh certainly did. Once I hit Byun Baekhyun’s forehead, I knew that that wouldn’t be the last contact that I will have with him. I found myself worried of my future.

He ogled me wide-eyed with his mouth forming a complete o shape and blinked few times. They boys stopped doing whatever they were doing and looked at how the situation escalated. JinAe also stopped talking to Jongin.

“I saw a fly.” I quickly saved. My heart was beating so fast. Will I be filed by abusing one of the Student Council members?

Baekhyun hit his chest again and gasped, his eyes shut like he was in extreme pain. “You did it again, Min Hyesu-ah! My heart fell!”

Wait, so he’s kidding around?

“I-I’m so sorry!” I rushed and stopped myself from touching his forehead, afraid that Baekhyun doesn’t want to be touched. Hesitantly, I cautiously pushed his bangs away and looked at how red it really looked. “I am very, very, very, very, very sorry.”

“Did you train with Tao before? That was one loud hit. The pain stings.” he went on. I let go of his bangs and swept it back to the way it originally landed on his forehead.

Chanyeol looked like he was dying from laughing, hitting Jongin as his laugh lost its sound. Suho was quietly chuckling, his hand repressing the laugh from his mouth.

“You should’ve seen his face!” Chanyeol said between every laugh, his voice deep and hoarse from laughing.

“I should’ve brought my camera.” Jongin added, turning red.

“You deserve this though, Baekhyun. Karma sure is fast, isn’t it?” Suho said patting Baekhyun’s back. He nodded like he was just proud of what I did. “Good job, Hyesu-ssi.”

“Um, thank you?”

“Yah, yah, yah! If I hit your foreheads right now, would you still laugh? Huh?” Baekhyun retorted and charged to Chanyeol and Jongin. He hit both of their heads, which failed on stopping the two from laughing. They were going red, I’m afraid they’ll burst in no time.

“Yah, stop hitting!” Chanyeol belted, throwing his arms in the air and ruffling the attacker’s fluffy hair. I could still feel his soft hair with my fingertips. I, I admit, am jealous on how soft it felt. Byun Baekhyun is like a puppy. A vicious puppy that still hasn’t stopped hitting his two foes.

“I’m really sorry.” I said for the last time and remembered the essay which deadline is set at 3pm this afternoon.

“JinAe-ah, I have to go.” I excused myself and took a few steps back.

“Come back on time for class, okay?” I nodded.

“I should probably get going now. Baekhyun-ssi, I am very sorry! If there’s anything that I can do as an apology, please let me know.” I quickly said and ran to the library, stumbling on my first step.

“Take care, Hyesu!” JinAe shouted and I waved my hand.

“She’s only going to the library, though.” Baekhyun mumbled.

“Trust me; she’s going to need it.”


For twenty minutes, I’ve only been having a staring contest with the three sentences that I typed on the library computer. Why again am I writing a thousand words essay about zebras’ stripes?!

I groaned inwardly and stretched my back while pulling my hair. Please, can’t this computer just do my essay? I can’t make myself get any information in the internet because, guess what, there is no internet access. What happened to Korea having the fastest internet speed when this school doesn’t even have free wi-fi? Are you kidding me? Are you freaking kidding me?

I turned off the browser and noted myself to just do it at home and pass it tomorrow. Who cares about points deduction when I can pass it whole and with sense unlike the essay with the sentences “Everybody wonders about zebras’ stripes. Are they black with white stripes or white with black stripes? Idk lol i quit.” It doesn’t even look like a proper essay.

I walked to the shelves and randomly picked up a book from the fiction category. I still have another twenty minutes before I return back to class.

I sat on one empty table and tried to focus myself on the unusually interesting book. I was about to go on the next chapter when I heard snickering on my left.

Chanyeol and Jongin were laughing about something. I narrowed my eyes to get a clear view on the book that they’re reading and found out it was an I Spy book, and another one that my eyes cannot read. Is that... Is that Where’s Waldo?? Are these two even for real? Wait, why is Jongin here? Kang JinAe what did you do? I puffed my cheeks and frowned. I purposefully left her there so she’s have a small chat with him and here is Jongin in the same place as I am.

With Chanyeol and Jongin here, the other two must be too. I’ve often gone to the library when I have free time and I have never seen these two here. Especially, Baekhyun. Suho, yes. But these two? This is a once in a blue moon chance of me seeing them in here.

I went back to my reading when I heard shuffling a few seats from mine. Suho pulled a chair and set his book on the white table.

“Oh, Hyesu-ssi. Hello.” He greeted me and I just quietly bowed my head to acknowledge his presence. “Those kids are driving me crazy.”

“Great palm strength you got there,” he said.

“There was a mosquito.” I bit my tongue, noticing my mistake. Oh, shoot.

“I was sure you said it was a fly...”

“It was a mosquito,” I lied again. I’m going to get punished because of this. “I was a bit flustered so I said another insect. When really flustered, I could’ve said it was a cockroach, but, yeah.”

Nice save again, Hyesu. You are horrible.

Suho chuckled and flipped a page. “I see.”

“I was really wondering about it since awhile ago. What did you mean by karma? Did Baekhyun do something or...?”

“Jongdae and that little bastard joined together and turned off the SC computer while I was doing a very important essay.” He narrowed his eyes and flipped a page again. He has been making great progress with his reading while I haven’t even finished one page from this new chapter. Finally noticing that I won’t get anywhere with the book, I stood up from my chair and idly walked to where my book was originally placed, ready to get back to class. There were only a few minutes left before break ends. There I saw Baekhyun, looking to his left and right like a lost puppy.

“Are you looking for something?” I hit his innocent forehead a while ago; I should at least help him out if he were finding something.

He turned quickly to me. “Oh, you’re here, Hyesu-ssi?”

“No, I was there,” I remarked sarcastically. “Of course, I’m here.”

“Ah, so you’re like that...” he mumbled and resumed searching for, most likely, a book.

“Are you looking for something?” I asked again, ignoring his reaction.

“Just looking for something to read. Randomly,” he finally answered.

“When it’s a random book you want then you just pick, um, randomly.” I arched a brow and took one book without looking at it. And it fell. What’s new.

I let out an awkward laugh and knelt to pick up the poor book.

“Romeo and Juliet?” Baekhyun walked to my side and waited for me to stand up to take a hold of the book.

“You don’t like it? Then what about,” I took one random book again. “Star Wars?”

“I’ve gone tired of Yoda! I see him every day!” he belted and I drew back.


“Chanyeollie.” He simply answered, pulling both the ends of his ears. Who gave him the right to look so adorable? What the hell.

“You’re really cruel, Hyesu-ssi.” He sighed, scanning one page of the book with eyebrows furrowed.


“They’re already dead but you killed them again by letting this book fall,” He held his chest again and sighed deeply. How many times did he do that already? “My heart breaks for them.”

I mimicked him and also put my hand on my chest and sighed deeper. “I am deeply sorry.”

Sooman University doesn’t have bells that ring whenever breaks are over because they expect their students to be more conscious of the time and be a little more independent. I noticed how long we were already talking.

“Baekhyun-ssi, what time is it?”

He glanced at his wrist watch. “10:03. Why?”

I grabbed his wrist unconsciously and dragged him out of the library. Baekhyun and I belong from the same class so I felt that I would do him a huge favour if I let the both of us arrive at the same time though we were already late.

“You’re the School Representative and you’re not aware of the time? We’re late!”

“It’s only 3 minutes –“

“Shut up and run.” I said. When we walked past the book shelves I noticed that the three dudes were already gone. And they didn’t even look for Baek?

“Hyesu-ssi, is running really okay for you because we can walk –“

“I can run perfectly, thank you.”

“Caution sign ahead~” he sang.

“Wait, what?”

Before I knew it, I knocked down the Wet Floor sign and myself along with it. How am I doing that? How am I always doing that?! I was still holding on to Baekhyun’s wrist and found out he crashed to the floor, too.

“My forehead...” he winced and crouched, holding his throbbing forehead. “Hyesu-ssi, let’s just walk. Please.”


“What took you two so long?”

We entered the class 10 minutes late; everyone was staring at the both of us and Hwang-seongsaengnim looked surprisingly calm.

“I –“ I started.

“Hyesu-ssi helped me with SC things. You know, for being loud a while ago as her punishment.”

I quickly looked at Baekhyun and he winked. What the heck? My heart is going to burst. But a wink? Seriously?

“Is that so? Go back to your own seats then.”

“Thank you!” Baekhyun cheerfully said and left my side. I stayed in the same position before I bowed quickly and sat near JinAe.

“Yah, Baekhyun, your hair is a mess!” one of our classmates mentioned.

“Did the klutz accidentally ruin it?”

What are you saying?! Of course not!” Nam In Ho impersonated me terribly with an exaggerated high-pitched voice.

“Yah, Nam In Ho, shut up!” I took JinAe’s notebook and swatted it at his head like he’s a fly.

“Duck and cover!” the girl next to Junho joined in and I hit her as well. These people are freaking pests.

“Are we going to ignore the fact about your Rihanna?” I sneered. The whole class turned into a zoo, already aiming their jokes at In Ho who was scowling at me. Serves the bully right.

“Order, please!” Hwang seongsaengnim commanded and like a switch was turned, we all went quiet.

“What did you two really do?” JinAe asked as I finally settled down on my own chair.

“You know what he said: Student Council stuff.” I answered, pulling a notebook from my bag.

“Things, he said things.”

“It was close to that!”

“Tell me the whole story later.”

It’s sometimes unnerving to have a best friend who knows whether you’re lying or not.


I thought I unknowingly got myself into trouble again when I was once more called by VP Seo. It turned out she only asked for me to give me my schedule for my sessions with the psychologist, who requested the school to call her the guidance counsellor. They’re set only during Wednesdays and Fridays, 4:15pm. Each session will only last for 45 minutes which was unexpectedly fast for me. I’ll get to meet the guidance counsellor today, even though it’s a Monday for introductions or something... I learned a lot about psychologists to know where this is going. They’re either fun or boring or exotic or...boring.

JinAe was disappointed to know that she’ll be going home alone but good thing she also got her own friends outside our friendship.

By the time dismissal was called, no matter how much I wanted to run, I walked to the guidance office and waited for the counsellor to arrive. I looked around the office and noticed it didn’t look plain at all. It was well decorated, to be frank. It was colourful and vibrant. Mostly the colours were blue and white and the huge window on the wall exposed the school’s garden. It was the closest room to nature, if you ask me.

I was leaning my body from the window to touch one of the rare flowers planted on one bush when the door opened. The sound made me jerk my head up and it hit the slightly closed window.

“Ouch,” the lady in a bright coloured top with a pencil skirt commented, with a wincing expression on her face. Can I just say that I love her hair? It makes my hair feel so ashamed about itself. And she looked very young for a psychologist.

“Let me guess,” her tone was soft and gentle and her smile looked kind. “Min Hyesu-ssi?”

I nodded slowly.

“Omo, don’t be shy! We’ll be meeting each other for two months so please take care of me~” she literally just did a ballerina twirl in front of me. I shuddered by the sudden action.

“I’m Beom Kyungmi,” she asked, holding out her open palm for a handshake. We quickly shook hands and she continued introducing herself. “I graduated here five years ago. It appears that the school hasn’t change, has it? The garden is becoming more alive, though...”

“It’s all because of Yixing,” I said. Our Peace Officer is the purest of the Student Council. And that’s not even an opinion. It’s a well-known fact that Zhang Yixing is an angel who joined in with the humans.

“Ah, yes, Angel Lay. He could accidentally end world hunger, if you ask me.”

Kyungmi-ssi put down the folder from her arms and picked a new one from her desk. She flipped a few pages and both her eyebrows rose. I watched her as her facial reactions change in every turn of the page.

“Well, this... This is surprising,” she said, still browsing through the folder. “Quite sad that clumsiness doesn’t have a cure, isn’t it?”

Are those what I think those are?

’Stumbled down from the stairs. Injured two students due to the fall but only got a bruise.’?”

I bit my lip hard and nodded.

’Tripped on her own feet, thus, spilling her lunch and injured one student because of a dropped banana peel,” she wrinkled her eyebrows. “I didn’t know people could actually slip on banana peels...”

“Now you know.” I sighed, feeling so bad about myself because of causing so much pain to others.

“’Broke a teacher’s computer because she spiller her coffee all over it’...Was it fixed?”

I shook my head. “There was no news about that.”

“You’re called Goddess of Inelegance...” Kyungmi stopped reading to laugh. “Why?”

“Long story short, in elementary I was a princess, middle school a queen, then high school a goddess. I know it’s ridiculous but I cannot stop my best friend from publicizing it...” I cringed, thinking of the days when I had to wear a crown all year in 3rd grade. I didn’t talk to JinAe for such a long time because of that. It was a time that I don’t want to remember.

“If somebody read all of this, they’d think you’re some delinquent.”

I laughed awkwardly and nodded. “That’s what also what the principal said.”

“Then fret no more for Kyungmi is here!” she yelled, her hands on her waist and her chin held high.

“Have you ever wondered why this session is for free?”

“Not at all...”

“It’s because this is the 5th year since I graduated from Suman University~ I owed a lot this school and since I’m a psychologist now, I wanted to help. I contacted Principal Lee Suman and he said that they have a very promising patient for me. And there you are, Hyesu-ssi! Let me just say that I was a bit like you when I was in high school. You know, breaking stuff that I touch.”

My eyes lit up. Finally, a person who understands me!

She leaned in closer and said in a low voice, “But you’re condition is much worse than mine before.”

“Oh,” my face fell. “Did they say something else about me?”

“There are a few,” she replied.

“Like what?”

“You’re a walking hazard.” That was a slap on the cheek.

“With hands and feet like butter.” An elbow to the ribs.

“Someone who’d accidentally end an innocent life.” A bullet to the heart.

“A –“

“Okay, that’s enough, Counsellor Kyungmi...ssi.” I interrupted, feeling frail. President has been backstabbing me all this time and I feel like I’ve just been ran over by a truck.

“Just call me your unnie,” she said with a grin. “Sorry, Hyesu-ssi! Can I call you just Hyesu?”

“No problem at all,” I replied.

“Yay!” she cheered. “Shall we start then?”

“Yes, please.” I replied eagerly. We’ve wasted a lot of time already.

Kyungmi unnie tapped her finger on her chin and looked at me fixedly. She hummed and crinkled her nose.

“There’s something missing.”


“Correction, there’s someone missing,” she rushed to the door. “We need a variable.”

“A what?” What is she saying?

“A non-clumsy person who I can compare you to to know how much you’ve improved. But don’t worry, I won’t compare you like some parents do. I’ll be quiet and record your progress. Wait right here, okay?”

“Um, okay...”

Kyungmi unnie shut the door and left me looking around the room again. Maybe I could count the number of tiles on the floor before she comes back.

When I was counting my 24th tile, there was a knock on the door. Should I answer it and leave my counting? Wait, why was I even counting in the first place? It’s not like counting the whole floor would give me a million won. This place is making me lose my mind. Kyungmi unnie please come back quickly!

“I’m coming in. Excuse me.” The familiar voice made me jump. Should I turn around and pretend that I’m a statue?

“Hyesu-sii, why’re you here?” Baekhyun asked and I looked at him with a forced smile on my face.

“Reflecting on my faults from the past. You?”

He gave off a hearty laugh and set the stack of papers he was holding on top of Kyungmi unnie’s desk.

“The new guidance counsellor is also the Head Committee on Team Building. The SC has come up on ideas for her committee and I’m just delivering it.”

“You sure are busy.”  I want him to leave and here I am coming up with a conversation. Good job, Hyesu.

“Not really. I lost to rock-paper-scissors.”

“Oh. Baekhyun-ssi, if you’re done you ca –“

The door quickly opened, revealing Kyungmi unnie and a student linked in her arms.

“I found a great man for you Hyesu-ah! He looks like a nice guy.”

It didn’t take too long for me to notice the boy with her. Rihanna boy. I laughed bitterly and adjusted myself from the chair.

“Are you pairing me up with Min Marmalade here?”

“Min Marmalade?” Kyungmi repeated, tilting her head to the side. Baekhyun was laughing on the side. That bastard.

“Rude Boy here isn’t the one for me, Kyungmi unnie. I’d rather do this whole session alone, thank you.”

“I object, I refuse, I decline! Staying in the same room with Min Hyesu would mean my death,” he protested. Nam In Ho is a pest in my life.

Baekhyun was having so much fun with himself in the corner that he even sang the lyrics ridiculously. His idiocy quickly caught Kyungmi unnie’s attention, but instead of her questioning Baekhyun’s presence she merely gasps and granted In Ho’s wish: she sent him out politely.

{Mister Talkative’s POV}

I should’ve let Xiumin hyung and Kyungsoo smack my forehead with their finger when I had the chance. I should’ve left the room before Kyungmi noona arrived. Wow, my life has gotten so maddening ever since Min Hyesu suddenly stumbled in.

“Yay, it’s Baekhyun!” Chen cheered waving his hands in the air.

“You can refuse sending the paperwork to the guidance’s office but there’s always a punishment.” Kris hyung announced.

“And the punishment is a hit from Xiumin hyung and D.O. hyung on the forehead!”

I have made a promise to myself to kill Oh Sehun with my bare hands for suggesting that. Anything but my poor forehead, please. Everybody else agreed for the punishment.

“Fine, I’ll send the papers.” I stomped my feet all through my way to the door. “Kkaebsong.”

“Min Hyesu, I assign Byun Baekhyun here as your partner. Congratulations!”

I should probably call all EXO members to inform them of my death in advance. I swear to myself that I won’t be using paper next time we do rock-paper-scissors. Paper is unlucky. Paper brought me to this and now here I am facing my dreadful fate.



A/N: hello i updated again :3 please comment or subscribe or both yay

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iuiuiu_ #1
Chapter 3: update soon! so good~
hanbaekyeol #2
Chapter 3: wahhhh its really good~ pleaseeeeeeee update soon~
iuiuiu_ #3
Chapter 2: Don't forget to updatee~ :)