ch 2

I Hate My Job!


You walked in the company and enter the waiting room. Your eyes widens
when you see a bunch of men waiting for the interview.

You sighed as you sat down, "Why did I agree to this? I'm not going to get the job."

"Hey." a guy next to you waved.

"Hi." you responded.

"Are you nervous?"
"uhh..I guess. And you?"

"Same, I'm really nervous. I've worked as a bodyguard before but this is one of the most richest family!" He slowly stands up and rises his voice, "I have to show them that I'm the one they're looking for. And that I will be the best bodyguard they ever hired!" Everyone looked at him weird.

You turned away, slighly embarrased by the dramatic scene. The guy looked around and sat down as he laughed awkwardly.

"You sure are confident. You'll probably get choosen."
"Really?! Thanks!" he smiled widely.

"Yea." you nodded.

"By the way, how old are you? You look really young. I don't think they will accept young boys."

"I'm 18..."

"No way!" he examined me.
"You have a baby face. I bet you get all the girls." he winked at

" no." you looked at him confused.

The door opens, "Alright, interviews will start now." a lady walked in. She called out a few men to the room.

After 20 minutes, some men came out sweating and really nervous.

"...I don't think I can do this." you felt nervous."

Soon it was your turn to enter the room. You walked along with others and sat down. There were about 4 men sitting across of you guys. You were the last one to get intevied.

"Mr. Kim." one of the interviewer said. You looked up, "Yes."

"Are you a student?"

"Um no I dropped out a year ago." you nervously said.

"And why is that?"

"I couldn't afford it and I wanted to focus on working."

"Where are your parents?"

You hesitated to reply back, "..they passed away two years ago."

"So you live by yourself?"


"I see that you've been fired alot. Why is that?"
" used viloence on the cusmoters." the interviewer looked at her confused, "Violence? Share a story you had with a custromer."

"Okay. This happened recently. There was this guy disrepecting his girlfriend so I got involved. I used violence on him and created a scene. Then I got fired but I don't regret it. Cause I did nothing wrong but help the girlfriend."

The interviewer nodded, "Okay, the interview is over. We will call you if you fit our qualifications. You may leave now."

You walked out of the building feeling a little confident. Someone pats you on the back. It's the guy you were chatting with eariler.

"Hey, Mr. Kim, you did well. See ya!" he waved bye.

"Oh, you too. Bye." you waved bye.

You went back to Jina's house. "Hey, how did it go?" Jina asked.

"Okay, I guess. They'll call if they want me." you sighed and sat down on the couch.

"Did anyone ask about your gender?" she sat down next to you.

"Nope, everyone thought I was a guy."

"See, I knew you'll pass as a dude."
You glared at her. She laughed, "Okay, sorry. Let's go out." she dragged you out of the house.


"To celebrate." she smiled.

"Celebrate what? I didn't get the job."

"So, it's fine. I know you'll get it anyway."

The two of you entered a resuatnat. "Isn't this place expensive?" you asked as you sat down.

"Oh i thought you were paying?"

Your eyes widen, "What? I don't have money, you idiot. We're leaving." you got up but she pushed you down.

"I'm just playing." she laughed.

"That wasn't funny." you crossed your arms.

"Okay, okay. Order whatever you want. My mom gave me extra money so it's fine." she smiled and looked at the menu.
"Really? So I can order this, this, and this?" you pointed at the foods on the menu.

"Yup! wow, you must be hungry." she laughed.

You grin, "Well you said order whatever you want."

Your food arrived, you started chow down everything.

"Hey Jinhee, slow down." your friend said.

"I'm fine." you said with food in your mouth.

"Eww..don't talk with your mouth full." she laughed.

"Thanks my dear friend, that was good." you patted your stomach.

Jina smiled.


You guys finished and left the place. As you were walking, you heard screaming
and saw a man running with a purse.

"What's going on?" Jina looked around.

A middle age woman ran after him, yelling "Theif. Somebody please
help." The tired woman couldn't run anymore. You ran after the man and caught up with him. You blocked his way. "Hey, move little kid!" the man yelled.

"Hand me the purse..or else." you demanded.

The man laughed, "Why is this little kid threathening me? Go home to your mommy, boy!" he pushed you aside.

You pushed him down and he fell on his face. "Don't mess with me kid!" he tried to get up but you held him down with your foot.

"Now, hand me the purse."

He pushed you off and took out a pocket knife then swinged it at you. You quickly dodged it. He ran at you with the knife.

You turned him around and twished his arm. The knife fell down and you kicked it away.

"For the last time, hand me the purse or I'll break your arm." you demanded as you gripped harder on his arm.

"Okay, okay!" he groaned and lets go of the purse. The police arrives and you pushed the theif to them. The owner of the purse finally came to the scene. "Arrest him, he's a theif." she said to the police. They handcuffed him and left.
She came up to you and you handed her purse.

"Thank you, young man." she smiled.

"Yea, no problem. Bye." you walked passed her.


You turned around. "Um would you like to work with me?" she asked.

You got interested, "What do I have to do and how much do I get?"
"You will work as a bodyguard and you will be paid alot." shr smiled as she handed you a business card. You looked at the card and noticed the company's name.

Your eyes windens,"Wait, her husband is the CEO of the company."

She looked at you confused, "What's wrong? Are you already employed?"

You quickly looked up, "No. I actually applied here today."

"Oh really, well today's your lucky day. You're hired!" she smiled.

Your eyes grew larger, "What..really?!"

"Yes. What's your name and age?"

"Jinho and i'm 18." she wrote down your infomation while you stood there still surprised.

You turned to her, "Umm..can I ask why you hired me?"

"You helped me and also my children are around your age. The ious bodyguards were older and they stood out. So I think you'll be perfect. I'm surprised by your skills." She smiled.

You bowed, "Thank you. I will do my best as a bodygaurd."

Her car pulled up, "You're welcome. We will call you soon. And thank you for agreeing to this."


Your friend finally found you, "There you are!" she shook you. You didn't say anything and looked blanked.
She looked at you cofused, "Hello.." she snaped her finger.

You finally came back to reality, "Huh..oh Jina."

"What happened and what's that in your hand?"

"I gave the lady her purse and she gave me a job." you turned to her.

"wait, what? You got a job?! As what?"
"A bodyguard?" she laughed, "That's funny. I guess you have to forget about the one you applied for."

"But it's actualy from the same family." you showed her the card.

Her eyes widen, "No way!" she smiled, "I knew you'll get it!" she got excited.

"Yea right." you slightly smiled.



Thanks for reading. Myungsoo~ will show up soon :)

Please enjoy, subscibe, & leave a comment ^^


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Choitina #1
Can't wait anymore please update more. Fighting!!!
fluffyleaf #2
Chapter 2: Cant wait for the next chptr ;)