Meeting Him

Not as Planned ~On Hiatus~

​The three of you sit in a booth waiting for this "him". While waiting for him to arrive you get more and more annoyed.  You keep asking yourself stupid questions like: why isn't he here yet, who is this guy anyways, etc. Chaerin tries to keep a conversation going but you obivisly aren't paying attention.


Finally after 10 minutes Jiyong's phone buzzes.


"Be right back," Jiyong said while walking off to answer his phone. You hope it is him because you can't stand waiting another moment. Your not really sure why your so anxious but maybe it's because you really feel he might be different....




"Hey baby~," said a drunk man. "Lets have some fun tonight~," he grabbed you as you tried to back away. 


"No! Please stop you are not in your right sate of mind!" you begged on the break of tears.



"Sorry about that he says he is almost here," Jiyong's voice snapped you out of your thoughts.


"Hey are you okay _____?" Chaerin asked with concern in her voice."


Yea, sorry I was just spacing out, work just really tired me out today," you replied with a fake smile while silently cringing at the memory. 

She just nodded not fully believing you.


After a while of awkward silence and small talk, someone came and sat next to you. 


"Hey. Sorry I'm late Jiyong I was busy with work." He said while frowning. 


"All that matters is now your here," Jiyong replied. While looking from him to Chaerin he continued, "You remember each other right?"

They both nodded and said a hello.


Then he turned to you, "Hello I'm Taeyang it's a nice to meet you," he smiled.

His smile is perfect. It made a hidden feeling start to come out. What is happening to you?



You kept to small talk to avoid the foreign feeling resurfacing. But of course I didn't work with that smile. God, why do you bother to ignore him? You just met him and yet there is something familiar about him. He seems so perfect at first glance. You wonder why he doesn't have a girlfriend...


"Hey can I talk to you for a second over here?" Chaerin says to you while pointing towards the bathroom.


"Sure," you replied confused following her. Why does she want to talk to you? Did she notice you avoiding Taeyang?


Are you scared?" She asked as soon as you both left the table. 


"W-What? N-No!" you stuttered out in shock.


Chaerin then looked you straight in the eye saying, "I have known you for almost your whole life, don't lie to me. I saw the way you are starting to look at him! Why do you still choose to hide your feelings because of something that happened a-."


"Don't you dare bring that something up, you know that!" you winced.


"Okay sorry, but don't try and change the subject! The truth now before you hurt Taeyang's feelings," she remarked.


"I'm telling the truth!" you pleaded but all she did was give you the look and with that you said, "Well partly..."


You thought for moment and then continued, "I guess my problem has always been, what is love, how do you feel love/how can you tell if your in love? I guess the over arching question is, 


How does one love?"


Hello my wonderful 9 subbies~

Heres the first part, i hope its not too disappointing.... i haven't felt like writing because i went to Washington D.C. and it completely tired me out and for other personal reasons :/

Thank you for the upvote and comments because they motivate me to write ^__^

If you enjoyed this, or didn't, comment what you thought of it.

Please subscribe, if you haven't already, for the next update to find out more about your past~


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Yay another upvote, I appreciate it because it makes me feel this story is not failing as much ^^


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Chapter 2: Hehhehehhe, that's a bit off. Anyway, please update soon!
AlyssaSanghyuk #2
Chapter 2: Lol love it so far... :P haha /waits for new update/
MinyVIP #3
Chapter 2: interesting,you can´t really think about dating fisrt without being ready and she seems to have things to settle first before entering the dating world.maybe he will help her out?! hm?! please author?! get my hints hehe
Chapter 1: Update soon please! I want to see how the relationship progress! :D
MinyVIP #5
kinda intriguied,though i admite i want hehe,good luck )
j3llyD0NuT #6
Update soon <3
Sounds interesting, update soon! :)