Request Fulfilleddd!

{drabble} The Script Prompt
If you’re standing with your suitcase/ But you can’t step on the train…
He’s not okay. Kibum knows that now. It’s raining, soaking through his clothes and drenching him to the bones. He shivers and he can’t seem to stop. He’s not okay. He doesn’t know how long he has been standing here, rooted to the spot because he can’t take one step forward. It feels so final. It’s already the last train; he can’t miss this one. Five more minutes. Five more minutes and one last step.
This is not where he wants to be. He wants to be in Jinki’s arms, warm and content. He wants to be in their bed, soft covers that smell like their shared shampoo. He wants to be in their living room, watching another Netflix movies. He wants to be in their kitchen, heating up leftovers from the day before. 
Not here, not at this train platform with three more minutes and one step left to go.
He wants Jinki to pull him back. Back into those strong arms, back from the edge of the platform. He doesn’t want to go.
The train slows down stop in front of him. The doors opened. No more minutes, no more seconds – just one last step. Kibum gathers himself, picks up his suitcase and readies himself for one last step.
It’s over, Kibum knows that now. It’s over and he is not okay.
You used to say I won’t know a wind until it crossed me/ Like I won’t know real love ‘til I’ve loved and I’ve lost it…
Jinki doesn’t understand. He doesn’t quietly observe, doesn’t have human behaviors down to a science: systematic and calculating. It’s easy to think he is naïve, but he simply doesn’t care. His life is not dependent on anyone else’s – he’s a single entity. There is no shared breathing apparatus on land; his lungs inhale their own air and exhales their own waste.
So he doesn’t understand when Kibum asks for more. Always more. More until Jinki has nothing left to give. He doesn’t know how to fuse two separate beings into one, doesn’t know how to cut himself open so Kibum could crawl in. 
And then Kibum is gone. The echo of the slamming front door eventually fades. Jinki is one person, one entity. 
But it still hurts and he wishes had cut himself opened instead. It hurts and Jinki realizes he doesn’t want to live as one.
You’re doing all these things out of desperation/ You’re going through six degrees of separation…
Right foot. One foot. One step. But before he can step on the train, strong arms are pulling him back. Back, back, back. Away from the rain. The warmth rushes through him so fast, it’s almost too much. He knows those arms, knows every curve and plane of the person to whom those arms belong. The train doors close with finality and Kibum is sobbing so hard from relief, he doesn’t know how to stop.
“Shhh, I’m here. It’s okay.” Jinki whispers into his ears, lips tracing Kibum’s hairline. “I’m here.”
“I left you,” Kibum gasps, “I left you. I hurt you and then…”
“No, you didn’t leave, you’re right here,” Jinki’s words are quiet, barely audible over the rain. “That’s all that matters. Say anything you want, hurt me like how much I hurt you…just don’t leave.”
Kibum is not okay by himself and Jinki doesn’t know how two live as one. The solution is so simple; one step onto a train that would take Kibum far, far away from here. But neither lets go. Jinki thinks he can try, for Kibum, he can try. 
They don’t know how to stop. It is a little messed up and a lot crazy. Logically this shouldn’t work. But Jinki doesn’t understand human nature, he just knows that he doesn’t want to let go. He will never let go again.
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Chapter 1: I love this. It's short and simple but the emotions hit me right in the heart.
I love the way you wrote Kibum especially, and how he knows he's not okay and won't be okay without Jinki. I also love how Jinki is willing to try even if it isn't what he really knows how to do.

I love desperate love and love that tries to find a way despite difficulties so this is perfect for me. Thanks for writing it! :)
Chapter 1: wow.....just wow
i rarely read dialogue-less angst but i don't know i feel sad for kibum and i play the right song while read this T____T what did jinki do to him anywy? but i appreciate that at least he try for kibum ;(
you did a very great work author-nim~ b
noriko24 #3
Chapter 1: Oh..... WOW!
It's really beautiful writing. I like it. Thou angst it's not really my genre, for this one... I don't know, it was hurt my heart at first, thinking about Kibum wants to runaway from Jinki. Then, in the end, you make it into happy ending. The mood arounds me suddenly become so warm. LOL I don't know what I'm talking about now. Forget it XD
But, I found typo here. Instead you write "Kibum", you wrote "Jibum". Hahaha I was confused at first like, did you purposely make it Jinki and Kibum's name became one? But then, I think it's only typo right?
But, it's cute name if we make another ship name for OnKey right? Hahahaha
Anyway, enough. Thanks for writing, I'm gonna waiting for your another story ^^