You Need Febreeze

You Like Me?!

The bass of the beat can be felt outside of the practice room while going up the stairs. Opening the doors, you found six boys spread out in the room. Either on the sofa, in a corner talking, practicing moves, writing lyrics, or performing an actual song. This is the hip hop group, B.A.P. They train and practice like their lives depend on it, even though they are an underground hip hop group. They know they have a long way to go, but if they put enough effort into it, they will make it. Just opening the doors won't only lead you to six charismatic boys, but also sweat, immature jokes, and dorky personalities. 

"God, all of you guys need febreeze in your lives," Areum says while fanning herself to avoid the stench.

"It's not bad, it's manly," Jongup, your brother, says proudly.

Areum takes an inflatable toy from her backpack and throws it at Jongup, succesfully hitting him on his forehead. Everybody starts laughing and complimenting you on your nice aim.

"HEY!" Jongup yells, charging at Areum.

Areum swiftly runs away from Jongup and tries to not get caught, but then suddenly she was swept from the ground.


"Nope. It's my duty to help Jonguppie-hyung to win, always," he says while holding you tighter.

Areum blushes while being held, but tries not to show it so she wouldn't be caught.

"Goal achieved," Jongup said proudly while looking at the two of them.

Everybody thought it was just Jongup's 4D-ness, but really it was just him saying that he got Zelo to hug her. 


Areum is Jongup's sister, which means she has hung out with his friends since she could remember. She would act like one if the guys and the atmosphere would be casual and fun. Now, that she is 18, her hormones kicked in, she started to develop feelings towards the maknae of the group, Junhong, but likes to be called Zelo. Sometimes she makes the atmosphere a bit awkward whenever Zelo gets close to her or anything because who would act normal near a crush? She started to like him when she was 16 and Jongup started to notice a year later. Now he is trying to get them together. She doesn't like when he intrudes on her love life, but she is sometimes grateful that he knows about it too.


Zelo lets Areum go and allows her to go back on her feet. She then goes to the cooler and grabs some ice to put on her face to cool down. After everybody had enough of laughter, they went back to what they were doing.

Areum puts back the ice and walks over towards Daehyun and Youngjae. "Hey, watch your mouth!." "You must respect your hyung, call me hyung-nim. Talk to me formally." She chuckles, bringing the bickering to a stop. Daehyun, who is definitely annoyed, complained, "He steals my food and tells me to call him hyung. This has to be a felony." Youngjae fake gasps, "Excuse you, but you're the one who is a fatty. I'm saving you from all the calories that are unneeded in your body." "Aish, you guys. Either your arguments are about food or... well, I really can't think of anything else. Y'all need couples counseling, or something," Areum says while walking away. "YAH. WE AREN'T THAT BAD THAT WE NEED COUNSELING." Youngjae smacked Daehyun's head, "WE AREN'T A COUPLE EITHER."

"You really set the fire again, didn't you?" Yongguk asks while chuckling. "Hey, I was giving advice. They're really like an elderly couple," Areum said, sitting down next to him on the bean bag. "So, how's your thing with Zel-" He was cut off by you smacking your hand on his mouth. "Don't look at me like that. You know this is supposed to be a secret," she said while glaring at him. "Mmmf serry," Yongguk said while her hand was still on his mouth. She started laughing, but then shrieked a little because he her hand. "GAHH. WHY?" He smiled angelicly at you going back to his lyrics. "But really, how is it? I'm pretty sure I'm better at counseling you than your brother." Areum shook her head, looking at the octopus dancing human being so called her brother. "Just a little bit." "Or maybe a lot bit," Yongguk said. "I just really don't know how to deal with it... Zelo is the only one I liked and I don't wanna ruin anythin-." 

"Hey guys!" Zelo said, sitting down on a bean bag. Areum looked at him and smiled and then looked at Yongguk, who is wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. She playfully punched Yongguk and turned her attention towards Zelo. "What's up Jello?" Zelo smiled when she called him her own nickname for him because she thought Zelo was too used and his dancing reminded her of bouncing jello. "I just finished cheorgraphing half of the song for our performance next week. Jongup hyung is going to finish the other half," he said wiping the sweat off of his forehead. Zelo was then drinking his water bottle, and Areum stared at the perfection that was in front of her. After Zelo stopped drinking his water, he looked a bit confused. "Hey, Areum. What are you looking at?" waving his hand in front of her face. Areum woke up from her day dream and looked at Zelo. He had a concerned look on his face, and she realized she had been blindly caught by him. Her face heated up in embarrassment, and she started to studder, "O-oh. I-I'm okay. I j-just-" she paused when his face came closer. "Your face is red. I don't think that's healthy." He was going to put his hand on her forehead, but then she stood up, "Y-you're right! I should go upstairs and go to sleep." She waved at him and started to head for the door.

She felt her arm be grabbed lightly, and turned. It was Jongup with a worried face, "What's wrong?" Areum shook her head, "I'm just tired from working at the club. I'll be heading home. Text me if you want dinner." "Okay. We'll talk more at home too?" She nodded. Everybody said goodbye and she exited the studio.

Areum leaned on the wall outside the studio, "Oh my god. Why did I do that so carelessly? I don't get it... I have to control this better. Erghh.." Areum said to herself while going up the stairs of the building. They were in an apartment building, so the studio was a floor below where they lived and the others lived above Jongup and Areum. She opened the door, sat down on the couch and started watching TV. "Maybe I can get some advice from TV shows."


"Hyung, what happened to Areum? I just asked what she was looking at. Did you think I hurt her feelings? Should I call her to apologize?" Zelo asked being concerned. Jongup turned to him and put his hand on the younger's shoulder, "No no. You didn't hurt her. She's just tired. She probably had a costumer bother her at the counter or something." "Okay," Zelo said, still unsure, "Maybe I'll talk to her tomorrow too."

Areum fell asleep watching TV when Jongup came in. "Areum? Did you fall asleep again?" he said while nudging her. "Emmughhh." she said drowsily. "I'll take that as a yes," he said while dragging her off the sofa. He started to lead her to her room as she was walking half awake. Jongup put her on her bed and put the blanket over her. "You really need to learn how to be not awkward. Good night," he said and turned off her light. "Goose nightt." Areum said before he left. 

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Okay. So I'm almost done with the second chapter. I've just been really busy and I couldn't finish it TT. I will probably post it tomorrow! ^^;;


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looks good!
mikikitten #2
Chapter 2: Please continue to update!!!!!!!