Running Everywhere


You are wanted from the FBI because you escaped the "lab" they were "experimenting" you in.

They abused you and tortured you, but didn't do extreme experiments like turning you into an alien.

You kept training, and training to the day that you were going to escape. 

Finally, it was the day to get out.

You did every thing you could and managed to escape.

They were chasing you, so you went into an apartment that was unlocked to hide in there.

You turned around and saw the guy who lived there staring at you.



Hello my readers ^_^~~~

Just wanted to put another fanfic up even though thinking of my Jongup one takes me a long time to update ><

Well, I just created another one so I can just go back and forth with the fanfics...

Sorry if I misspelled anything :L

My pupils are dilated and they look like I am being possesed

My pupils litterly look like this: O.O

Any whoo~. Hope you like it!

I'm sorry I didnt post anything yet. . . I will put the first chap. this weekend! I want to make this really good, so it takes me a while ^^;;


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Chapter 3: seems interesting so far. keep up the good work n hope u update soon