The One?

It was lunch and Byul was smiling into her phone texting her now boyfriend Daehyun. Chanyeol and Baekhyun sat in front of her, engulfed in a conversation about a new video game. Soon, Suho, Chen, and Jongin arrived at the table, all immediately immersing themselves in their meals. 

"Come on! You can't say that game is better because you've grow fond of the lead female's body! The plot is stupid!" Baekhyun argued.

"But the graphics are incredible!" Chanyeol rebutted and they continued like that for the remainder of lunch. 

Jongin and Byul hadn't talked since the day of the concert, and their friendly interactions ceased along with. The guys noticed it and tried to avoid any situation where they would have to address or acknowledge one another in order to keep things from being awkward.

The bell rang and Byul stood up, grabbing her things and putting her phone away, followed by Chen.

"You understand that you guys are making things weird for us right?" He asked as he walked along her to their next class. 

She shrugged and continued forward. "It was inevitable." 

"But seriously... Can't you guys pretend to be cool?" whined Chen with a pout.

She looked back at Jongin who was chatting along side Sehun, she smiled to herself, then shook her head and sighed. "That's the thing Jongdae-ah... I can't pretend when it comes to him. I loved him too much to pretend that I'm not phased." 

The bell rings and Byul is the first up and out of class, she hurries to her locker only to be greeted by someone unlikely. 

"Hey." Jongin greets with a smile.

She chuckles and smiles back, pushing him to the side as she opened her locker. "Hi."

"So, how've you been?"

"You don't have to do this you know."

"Do what?" She looked at him with rasied brows as if he didn't know.

"I'm not sure about you, but I'm not going to pretend anymore, whether it be for our sake or theres." She waited for him to comprehrend but eveuntally gave up."I know Chen talked to you, he talked to me too." 

"Ah." He sighed and nodded, looking up as if he was about to say something, but decided against it. "In that case... Bye?" He signaled with his fingers and backed away.

"Bye. Oh and Jongin," he looked up waiting for her reply, half nervous, "that one girl likes you, you should try with her."

He nodded and disappered around the corner.

"Wait what?!" 

"I have to go to England to study aboard, I'm really sorry Byul, my parents want me to go and I can't miss out on this oppurtuinity." Daehyun held her hand tightly and gave it a squeeze, letting go slowly. "I'm leaving tomorrow." He looked at her for a reaction, her eyes were shut and she bit her lip. 

"So does this mean that... we have to... ya know... "

"I have to focus completely on studying... I'm really sorry Byul, you know I wouldn't choose this, I love it her, I love you."

She nodded and shook her head. "And I love you too, so I want what's best for you. Go." 

Byul stood up, and without looking back, she walked away from the person she thought was the one, well the one that is after Jongin.

Jongin... Daehyun... 

The one?



A/N: Wow I just remembered I write stories too ;; Hey guys, I hope you won't be mad at me, but I can't continue to write this story with Daehyun in mind, in the end it was gonna be Byul and Daehyun with a lot of Jongin drama. But unfortunately I am not as big of a Daehyun stan as I was before ;__; I'm a Ken (VIXX) stan now and well I'm thinking of introducing him into the story, would you still read it? 

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