The One?

The final bell of the day rang, signally the end of class. Byul sighed contently, grabbing all her belonging and making her way to her locker. 

"Hey Byul, why isn't that guy waiting here for you anymore?" asked a friend named Jenny, as they both grabbed what they needed and took out what they didn't.

"Hmm?" She looked of to the left where she spotted him with their friends, he looked up, his eyes met with hers. She shrugged and looked away grabbing her sweater and locking up. "We broke up a while ago..." 

"What happened?" Her friend smiled regretfully.

"Things weren't the same."

"Oh I'm sorry for bringing it up!" She pouted as Byul shock her head, Jenny nodded and finished getting her stuff. Meanwhile Byul made her way to the group of friends.

"Guess who doesn't have to stay after school for another two hours? This guy!" she chuckled and pushed Chanyeol.

"Neither do I! I'm gonna take that class next year instead!" he chuckled along with her, and pulled her in for a hug. 

"Well I like sleep! I'm not gonna come to school early to do math!" argued Baekhyun.

"Shut up lazy!" They went off onto there own bicker.

Chen came along and hugged her next. "You should have just taken it with us." He pouted and she smiles widely.

"Well I'm not trying to go even further in math when I get to college Jongdae-ah." 

"Fine fine fine, I'll see you tomorrow!" 

She waved a goodbye, and turned to leave, bumping into someone along the way.

"." She looked up to see him.

Rolling her eyes, "Shut up Jongin."

"My name's Kai~" He teased.

"Yeah whatever Kkamjong~" She teased right back. 

They both chuckled and she turned to leave. Wanting to find the quickest way to get back home, so she could sleep, eat, and be away from this place.

Byul stepped out, the weather way better. Sping had finally arrived. Still she wore her sweater and decided to take the other way home.

She listened to music while walking towards the train station. Faces of strangers blurred past her, the cool lake breeze mixed with hope of blossming flowers. She felt different. Unlike her usual self who would wait to see what people were doing after classes, more important what he was doing, and seeing if she could tag along... Normally she would take the bus too. But something told her otherwise. She boarded the train, looking out the window at the clear sky that promised something new, something special. Soemthing that had her heart racing.

She hurried off to transfer to other train, making it right on time. Byul squeezed through the crowd into a space that allowed her to breath comfortably in the back corner. She leaned against the wall, and at the next stop, a huge crowd boarded pushing the people further into the cart. Soon she was accompanied by a young man. He was tall, looked about her age, handsome, with plump pink lips and a mole under his left eye. He was focused on phone at the moment, engrossed into a mean game of Fruit Ninja from the sounds of it. He missed three in a row and...

"Bwaha!" He groaned, locking his phone and shoving it into his pocket. Only then did he notice the girl in front of him. She was pretty and giggling.

"I'm sorry!" He started, his voice came out like honey, thick and soothing, she looked up at him with a small smile. "I'm usually not this bad." He took a better look at her face, small nose, rosey cheeks, big brown eyes... 

"I'd rage too if I was playing on this train." Her voice was sweet and charming. The train jerked and they both stumbled, he kept his feet firm and placed a hand on the side for support, meanwhile, she leaned back and grabbed the pole on the edge. They both laughed.

"Jung Daehyun." He stuck his hand out.

"Oh Byul." She took his hand and shook it. 

They got off together at the last stop, which coinsidentally was both their stops, and got some coffee.

"So you're interested in the arts too? Wow, we do have a lot in common!" Daehyun said excitedly.

They did have a lot in common actaully. He was also a senior in high school, his birthday was also in June, the both hated grape juice, loved to eat a lot, especially cheesecake, liked the colors black and white, and had an interest in arts.

"Mhm, I sing and dance." She sipped at her coffee. "I want to be a performer when I grow up." 

"Same here!" He leaned forward and drank at his coffee. "My friends and I actaully have a group. B.A.P."

"B.A.P? Bap? As in rice?" She laughed and smiled, he felt his heart race and his face go red.

"No no no! It stands for Best Absolute Perfect. You should come see us some time. I bet you'd like it." 

She nodded and smiled. I bet... I think I could really like you...

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