Tell Me Your Name.

Love & Hate
Chapter 2: Tell me Your Name.
-I feel my cheeks get pink and looked away slightly embarrassed by your comments. -
- Why did you escape that way .. - Ask, trying to evade the issue .
- Why are you blushing ? . - Asked playfully ignoring my question .
-Ask something. I said , ignoring him in the same way . -
- hahahaha , quiet . - I said , and without further touched my forehead.
-Hey! - . I said , turning away , when I felt his touch.
- What ? - . Ask something frightened by my reaction.
- Who said you could touch me? - . I said , annoying and glaring . -
- hahahaha ... - He laughed again is that I'm sorry I could not help , by the way you look so cute when you blush .
- I was ashamed and on top, then I blushed even more , he just looked at me and laughed again, then said :
- I see .
-Ichh ! - . Complain - I know I have work to do so I will . I said , and try to get away from him, to get out of that small alley , but when trying to move I realized that we both were near , and the size of the place did not help that we could zoom out. -
- Get out . . . I said , watching him. -
- Huh? Why? - . Asked , looking confused. -
- I want out , get out .
- No! . . . - He said -
- They take off . . . I said once more .
- No, no and no . He said , puffing cheeks and smiling.
Look, as I said I have to do a job, so I do not want to be rude take off .
I began to lose patience .
- I already told you I do not want no back even further . His gaze was lost.
- Why? - . Ask me, your comments had caught my attention.
- Is that the fans are the most important to us, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed , plus Hyung is always scolding me for a lot of things, and that bothers me . The ruffled hair a little uneasy .
- Hyung ? - . I ask .
- If . El- Taecyeon said. . . It is the most demanding .
- But . I said You chose this so I can not complain .
- I know ... but ... - . He said , and then his cell rang , quickly take it out of his pocket, and said :
- Good? - .
                                                                       { Across the phone }         
- Where you been? - . Wooyoung asked across the line.
- Right now I'm in an alley . He said as calm
-THAT ! ? - . Ask Wooyoung -  Chansung come now, or you'll regret it , go back to the hotel , which is you know , Hyung is quite angry .
-I dont  want to go!!  . Objection Chansung .
-You give me already! - . Said another voice on the phone, this time it was Junsu .
But what happens to you . I 'm your Maknae Chansung - so that I do not talk like me , treat me with love - .
I do not care . Junsu- Hyung by your fault said this like a bat out of hell , so come now, or I'll pick .
                                                                                   {string }
-Ichh ! - . Grumbled as he put the phone in his jacket pocket .
- What ? - . Ask.
- I have to go , sorry another time , spend more time together. 'I winked . -
- Wait a second ... When I said I wanted to spend time with you . I said , rather surprised , by this time we had left that little alley.
- No need to say it, I know . - I said smiling .. -
- See that's not true , so I formed leaves movies on your head . I turned around and started walking when I felt someone was taking my arm .
- Wait, where are you going ? .
- I told you ... 'I started to say, but he interrupted me saying -
- That is what I meant and where to go without saying your name .
- Huh? . . - I -
- If . Said - tell me your name , tell me ...
- No , I will not , and go - Try it out of my way but stood in front of me and said . :
'I do not go until you tell me your name.
'Then I 'll stay there forever . I said , and try to avoid him but would not let me , I was starting to bother .
- Take off since . I said .
- No ! . El. - said - Tell me your name , it is just that .
-Don't ! - .
-What if! - . He said .
- Ashh , and go ... !
- I screamed and again but did not move , contrary to that, took my hand , and pulling out a ballpoint pen , I do not know where he began to write something in my hand. -
- What are you doing ? Me! . - I complained - .
- Let me , finish writing . He complained , and held my hand much stronger .
-Ichh ! . - He continued writing until I finally let go - .
- That's my name ... - Said el- Now I turn to ... - I look incredulously and said .
- Not serious , this is too childish .
- Do it, or I 'll keep bugging . . . - I look tenderly . -
- I rolled my eyes , and taking her hand reluctantly started writing my name, all to go away . -
- Wiiiiii ! - . While reading said : Thank you buscare , Fei Wang smiled like a little kid - .
Korean 're not certain as he looked my name written on his hand ..- You questioned . -
 No, I'm not ... And do not ask more, I look askance - . Okay . He resigned shrug ... But wait ; now I want you to look at something. I winked , and started running towards the mall, while I was screaming :
-I'll meet Wang Fei again ! - . People passing by my side, was watching me , was of all colors , in that moment I knew what he meant when he had said . " Something - Now I want you to look at " ... - I started walking when I heard said :
-Say goodbye - . He had been standing there in the middle of the road.
I looked faced : "Please do not make me do this," I was too embarrassed , he crossed his arms , waiting to do something. Endured the shame , and breathing three times , yell
-Hwang Chansung GOODBYE ! - . I saw laughed delightfully and last moving her hand's...
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kingfei #1
Chapter 3: The story line is creative and nice , from what I can tell, but the English can be very hard to understand . Do you have a beta (somebody who reads the story and checks for mistakes) ?
If not , maybe you should get one, bc the story has so much potential ! :)
Jelika #2
Chapter 1: So is the first chapter only in spanish?