Dreams Come True

When The Flowers Bloom

~2 years later~

The girls kept their promise to their parents after they passed their auditions with flying colors. At first, most people were shocked to see them, but once they saw them in action they were very happy to have the girls be a part of their company. Only half of the company even knew that they were twins since it wasn't something that always came up in conversation. The two also had a different schedules most of the time; with Rose in more advance classes for dancing, while Lilly was in the more advance classes for singing. Every day that passed they were happy to be able to go to the company for the day but in the back of their minds they were wondering if they were ever going to get to debut.

Today was the day that the two had training together with a smaller group of trainees and it was their break time. They were all sitting on the ground talking and laughing telling different stories that had happened in their other classes. In the middle of one of their laughter fits their trainer walked in making all of them stop and stand up. As they were getting ready to go over the dance, they were learning their trainer called out to them. "Rose, Lilly just grab all of your things and go to Lee Soo Man's office. He would like to talk to the two of you." Hearing that the girls look at each other but nodded to their trainer before grabbing their bags and leaving the room.

As soon as the door was closed Lilly looked over at Rose, "What did you do?"

Rose rolled her eyes, "I did nothing to get us in trouble. I've been good here. Maybe it's something good."

Lilly sighed a little. "I sure hope so."

Once they got to the front of Lee Soo  Man's office door the two looked at each other and began to quietly fight over who was going to open the door. In the end since Lilly was younger she was forced to do it. After two knocks the door opened and there stood Lee Soo Man himself, making the two girls bow. 

"Glad to see you two could make it, come on in." Gulping the two girls slowly followed him into his office, closing the door behind them. Looking around the office they saw two other girls sitting in front of his desk already. "Come have a seat please," he said gesturing to the two empty chairs next to the others. They made their way over to the chairs and sat down looking at him wanting to know why they were suddenly called here. Soo Man waited for Rose and Lilly to sit before he began to speak.

"I know all of you are wondering why I called the four of you here so I won't beat around the bush. I've been watching the four of you for a while now and I want you to begin to prepare to debut together."

The four girls couldn't help but have huge grins on their faces as soon as they heard the news, their dreams were now right in their reach. Then, the girl at the end with long black hair spoke up "What will our band name be sir?" Soo Man then handed each of them a folder with some papers inside of it. "You four will be called Starlight Blossoms. Hee Jin your stage name will be Iris and you will be the leader along with the visual of the group." He said to the girl that had spoken up before. "As for you Min Hee your stage name will be Daisy and you will be our lead rapper." The girl sitting next to Rose let out a small squeal of excitement. "Rose you will be our lead dancer and Lilly you will be our lead vocals." The twins then hugged each other the smiles growing on their faces. "Now in the folder you will find your new schedule starting tomorrow. That may change from time to time if me or your manager sees fit. Now go to the third floor, practice room six, your manager is waiting there to meet you." Quickly the four stood up and bowed to Soo Man and thanking him as many times as they could before heading out of his office.

The elevator ride was awkward and quiet since the girls didn't know each other yet and no one really wanted to make the first move. As they arrived to the third floor they walked to the sixth room and opened the door finding a woman in her early 30's sitting in a chair. Walking in, the four girls bowed to her, and she bowed back.

"Hello girls I'm your manager Choi Yeo Jin but feel free to call me eonni. I've heard great things about all of you from Lee Soo Man so don't let me down girls." With that she flashed them a smile and sat back down. "Pull up a chair and let's get to know each other a little better." Nodding they all grabbed chairs from the side of the room and made a little circle in the middle of the floor.

Once they all sat down they all just looked at each other until Hee Jin stood up. "I guess I'll go first. Hello my name is Kin Hee Jin but you can call me Iris now. I'm the leader of the group as well as the visual. I'm 21 years old and I have been a trainee here for five years. I love to go shopping and reading. I'm very excited to be a part of Starlight Blossoms and hope we can be a happy family soon."

As soon as Hee Jin sat down Min Hee stood up, "Hello I'm Bae Min Hee but you can call me Daisy, and I will be the lead rapper of the group. I'm 20 years old and have been a trainee for four years. I love drinking bubble tea and just hanging out with my friends. I hope we can make Starlight Blossoms a worldwide name one day and I look forward to working with all of you."

When Min Hee sat down, Rose stood up, "Hello my name is Rose and I'll be the lead dancer of the group. I'm 19 and have been here for two years alongside my twin sister Lilly. I love to dance and practice my martial arts. This is my dream come true and I hope we can make it to the number one spot one day."

Lastly, Lilly stood up. "Hello I'm Lilly and I'll be the lead vocals of the group. I'm the same age as my sister, Rose, and I've been here for the same amount of time. I love to sing and draw."

Their manager smiled at them and then stood up, "Okay you girls can stay here for a little longer to get to know one another a little better and go home whenever you want. Meet back here tomorrow at 8 a.m. sharp to start preparing for your debuted. Good bye girls." Giving a small wave as she walked out the girls stood up and bowed before sitting back down and continuing their conversation.

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