Just the Beginning

When The Flowers Bloom

It was a boring summer afternoon in Korea and Rose and Lilly were left alone for the day with nothing to do. Their stepfather and mother had gone out with their grandparents to spend a day together before they headed back to America. Their older siblings Chad and Charlotte had to go back a few days earlier to take care of a few things for when they went back to college. Since the twins didn’t feel like spending a day with the adults they voted to just stay back and find something else to do. Lilly was sitting on the couch next to Rose who decided to sit upside down on the couch while flipping through the TV channels. “I’m so bored!” Rose shouted as she tossed the remote onto the coffee table that was by her head.

Shaking her head at her sister’s behavior Lilly looked down at her. “Why don’t we go walk around that market down the street? We haven’t done that this year yet.” 

Rolling off the couch Rose shrugged, “I guess we can. It beats sitting in here all day.”

Standing up the girls went to their room to get change their clothes. A few minutes later Rose came out with black jeans, red convers, and a black and red stripped shirt that had rock written on it with her hair braided to the right side of her head. Not long after her Lilly cane skipping out with pink flats on to match her light pink summer dress she was wearing while her hair was braided to the left side of her head. Grabbing the spare keys off the coffee table and making sure she had her phone Rose looked at her sister, “Let’s go Lil.”


It had only taken the two ten minutes to walk down to the market while ignoring the looks they got from the others who walked by. It was a regular event on their trips to Korea having people giving them wide-eyed looks because of their hair and eyes. When they got to the market the two couldn’t help but smile thinking about the past times they had gone there. Looking around there were many different food stands, stands with people selling paintings, and even people selling hand-made things.

The two of them walked about for half an hour looking and playing around at the market. They also kept surprising everyone with their fluent Korean. Since they made so many trips there and they had grown up with a Korean step-father, they just caught onto the language and it wasn’t long before they were fluent in it. Before deciding to go the girls saw a table that had some kpop stuff sitting on top and rushed over. They were fans of kpop,not crazy fangirls, rather they looked up to most of the artist and wished to join them on stage. The twins then saw a flyer that said that SM was going to be holding open auditions this weekend.

Rose picked it up and looked at the guy who was in charge of the table, “Is this really true?”

The guy gave a nod, “Yes they posted them all over town this morning.”

Rose nudged her sister and showed it to her. “We have to go for it.”

Lilly read it and her eyes sparkled with excitement and looked up at the table owner. “May we take the flyer?”

He smiled and nodded. “Go ahead I have a few more sitting back here. Good luck you two and I hope you get in.” Smiling they bowed and thanked him before running off back to the house they were staying in to see if their parents would let them go. 

Rose and Lilly got back to the house just as their parents and grandparents were walking up and they ran right up to them. Showing them the flyer, they both began to try and explain why they should let them go to the audition, but no one could understand them since they were trying to talk over one another. "Girls, one at a time please." Her mother said putting her hands on their shoulders.

Rose then began to speak first, "Mom, dad, you have to let us go to the audition. We have been working really hard for a chance like this and we can't pass it up." Lilly then continued, "We will work really hard if we make it in so we don't disapoint you. Even if we don't make it in we will come back home and work really hard in school this year."

Clasping their hands together they looked at them with puppy dog eyes, "Please let us audition." Looking at the flyer their parents looked at one another and then their father spoke, "Let us think about it girls and we will give you our answer later tonight."

They nodded and followed them inside the house praying for the answer they wanted.

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