Meeting EXO

When The Flowers Bloom

When their manager left Daisy spoke up, looking at the twins. "So are you two from America?"

They gave a small nod and Rose answered. "Born and raised there but we have a Korean stepfather so he taught us everything we know. Plus, we have been taking trips here almost every year since we were young."

Daisy and Iris nodded and everyone began to ask more questions than anyone could answer in order to get to know each other. It didn't take long for Lilly to fully open up to the others, but Rose was still trying to warm up to them so she didn't say too much once her sister began to talk.

The girls talked for about an hour until Iris and Daisy decided to go back to their dorm to rest. The twins waved good bye as they left and sat back down. It was silent for a few moments before Rose cheered, “We did it sis! We get to debut!”

Lilly couldn’t help but join the cheer, “All our hard work has paid off! Now it’s time we work even harder.”

Standing up, Rose pulled her chair to the side of the room and pulled out her iPod. “I don’t feel like going back to the dorm just yet. Let’s have our own celebration here.”

Plugging in her iPod, she pressed play and began to dance to SHINee’s Lucifer with Lilly. When they didn’t know the song's dance the two would jump around cheering and singing along with the song. The twins lost all track of time as they kept dancing to many songs on Rose’s iPod and soon it was eight at night.

When they saw the time they decided that they should start heading back so they would have time to contact their parents. As they walked out the room Rose turned the other way, “I’m going to go to the restroom really quick I’ll meet you at the entrance.”

Lilly nodded and made her way to the front to wait for her sister. Sitting down she pulled out her phone and began to play a game. What made her look up was the noise that filled the room when the elevator opened up. It didn’t take her long to see that the big group of boys that walked out was EXO. Being the quiet girl she is she didn’t say anything and looked back at her phone.

“Hey isn’t that the trainee from America?” Chanyeol asked once he spotted her in the corner.

The rest of the boys stopped to glace at her since they hadn't had the chance to see what she really looks like. Lilly heard him but kept looking at her phone, too shy to speak to any of them. Tao was the one who decided to walk over, tapping her on the shoulder. Lilly looked up and gave him a small smile. “Hello.” The first thing Tao noticed, besides her hair, was her pale blue eyes. Pulling himself from the trance he found himself in from her eyes he finally spoke, “Hello I’m Tao from EXO. You have really pretty eyes.”

Blushing a little Lilly stood up and bowed. “It is nice to meet you Tao. I’m Lilly. Thank you.”

Before she knew it Chanyeol was standing in front of her with a big grin on his face. “I’m Chanyeol. Are you really from America? Your Korean is really good.” Lilly gave a small nod “Yes, I’m from America but I’ve been learning Korean since I was young. I’ve also been training here for two years now.” While she was talking the rest of the boys walked over. One by one they introduced themselves and Lilly introduced herself once they were finished. “Lilly how old are you?” Sehun asked. “I’m 19.” She answered with a smile.

Before any more questions could be asked Lilly’s name was called out. The boys turned around to look at who was calling her but only saw the back of a person. “That’s my cue to go.” Grabbing her bag she bowed one last time before walking away. Before meeting with the person who had called her she turned to wave at EXO. “It was nice meeting everyone. See you around.” The boys tried to see the face of the person Lilly was walking out with but were disappointed to see her face was covered by her hood.


~The Next Morning~

Not being a morning person Rose always went to the practice room early so she wouldn’t go off on anyone. She arrived at the company an hour early wearing black sweat pants, a red tank top with a black jacket pulled over it, and her signature braid to the right side. As she walked into the building she hummed along to the song she was listening to. In the middle of the chorus she jumped a little when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking at the hand for a second she followed the hand up the arm it was connected to and found Chanyeol with his goofy grin on his face. Confused Rose pulled out one of her ear buds and looked at him “Yes?”

“We just wanted to come say hello.” Looking to Chanyeol’s sides she saw that Tao and Sehun were with him. Tao then added “I know we didn’t talk much, but we wanted to know if you wanted to join us for lunch.”

Rose raised her eyebrow “You want me to get lunch with you after our small talk?” The three boys nodded giving her small smiles. Rose then pushed Chanyeol’s hand off her shoulder. “I may know your names, but WE are not friends. Don’t think just because you are from EXO means that I will jump up and join you for lunch. Now if you excuse me.” Rose pushed passed them and began to walk up to the stairs to her practice room.

---EXO’s POV---

Once Rose left the boys stood there stunned for a moment on how they were just talked to. No one said a word as they made their way to meet up with the others. They were all still trying to figure out why the sweet girl they had met last night was acting like this to them. When they got into the practice room the others could tell something was wrong with them. Suho was the first to ask, “What happened before you got here?”

The three glanced at each other before Sehun told them the story. Everyone was just as shocked at Chanyeol, Tao, and Sehun were. “Maybe she was just having a bad morning.”

Luhan spoke up but only getting a few nods from some of the members. Kris then stood up from his spot on the floor. “We can find her later and ask her about it; maybe she will be in a better mood but for now let’s start warming up.”

The others nodded and they began their day as usual but the little run in with Rose was still in the back of the three boys minds.

---Starlight Blossoms POV---

Iris and Daisy had run into Lilly when she was on her way to the company so the three of them arrived together. When they got to the room Rose had just finished dancing for the morning and was sitting in the corner cooling off. Looking at what Rose was wearing Iris couldn’t help but chuckle a little.

“You two really think alike don’t you?”

Lilly was wearing the same black sweat pants and jacket as Rose but her tank top was pink and her hair was braided to the left. “This always happens to us, it’s something you get use to. Just look for pink on me and red on Rose.” Lilly said as she sat next to her sister.

Iris and Daisy joined the two once they had set their stuff down and the four began to chat a little waiting for their manager to come. Once she came they smiled and greeted her, ready to see what the day had to hold. Since it was only the first day their manager did a lot of talking about how their schedules were going to change and how they would be moving into a dorm together soon. She also told them a little about their debut but couldn’t say too much since a lot of things were still undecided. It was lunch time when their manager left them to practice on their own.

Iris looked at her band mates “Let’s take a few minutes for a bathroom break and then we can get lunch together and then come back to practice some.” The others nodded before they went to the bathroom.

---Normal POV---

Lilly was the last one in the bathroom since she wanted to fix her hair, saying she would meet up with the others at the café. On her way to meet the others she spotted EXO coming out of one of the practice rooms.

“Hello.” She said once she got close enough to them and added a small wave. Everyone besides Chanyeol, Sehun, and Tao greeted her with a smile. Lilly noticed that the three of them didn’t even seem interested in talking to her. It confused her since they were the first ones who wanted to talk to her last night.

“Chanyeol…Sehun…Tao…is everything okay?” Sehun looked at her with a cold stare “I thought we weren’t friends just because you know our names.” Lilly looked at him confused for a second before it hit her. 

“I never sai…” Lilly was cut off by a voice of someone standing on the other side of EXO.

“You know Lilly you aren’t going to get to eat if you just want to run your mouth all day.”

Hearing the other voice they turned around to see Rose standing there with her arms crossed and a small smirk on her face. Lilly rolled her eyes at her sister’s comment. “I was just saying hello to them and trying to be nice and make friends unlike someone.” EXO couldn’t help but keep looking back and forth between the two girls.

Chen then looked over at Lilly “You have a twin?”

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