
His Secret Fiancée
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“I know, I know. I was wrong to call you as my stalker. I just can’t think of a good lie that’s why I came into that decision. I can’t tell him that you are my cousin since he knew I don’t have any cousin that was studying at the Empire University, I also can’t tell him that you are my friend since he knew that I am not really friendly, and most of all, I can’t tell him that you are my fiancée and we’re engaged!” Luhan explained his side to the girl who has been puffing out an air.


Seohyun sighed, “But a stalker is too much Deer-monkey. Now that idiot prince will look at me as your stalker!” she whined crossing her arms on her chest while glaring at him.


“Idiot prince?” ‘He’s calling Sehun as and idiot prince?’ He mentally asked.


“Yes. Because I see those Empire Princes as Idiot princes. Everything about them is full of idiocy, why would the principal ever treat them as higher than other students? They’re giving them special treatment and I heard they also had their own residence at the school. And they are all acting like they own the school! Don’t you think it’s too much?”


‘Wow. What if she knew that I’m one of those idiot princes that she’s calling? I wonder how she would react.’


He just remained silent, didn’t know how to react in her words.


“By the way, what was your relation to Oh Sehun? You seemed close with him?” Her sudden question made him nervously let a chuckle. “He’s the son of one of my father’s business partner.” He answered nervously though he was really telling the truth.


“Why do I sense that you were lying?” Luhan was dumbfounded at her little brother’s question for the second time. He nervously stared at the kid as Jongin smirked at him, but he noticed that the little boy’s eyes suddenly lightened up while looking something inside his pocket. He looked down and saw his phone. “Pororo!”


The little kid happily pointed on his phone’s case. He fished his phone out and gave it to him. “Do you like Pororo?” He asked a little curious. Jongin happily nodded his head, “I love Pororo so much!”


Seohyun stared weirdly at the two, “Don’t tell me Deer-monkey you LOVE Pororo too since he was your cell phone’s case?”


Luhan slowly nodded his head, but embarrassed that Seohyun discovered another secret from him. “You love Pororo too, Druid Hyung?” The little kid asked energetically. “Wow! We can be buddies!”


Jongin raised his hand to give him a high five and Luhan willingly high fived with the kid. “Oh dear.” Seohyun muttered in disbelief.


“From now on, you are my favorite Pororo Hyung.” Jongin stated as he hugged Luhan tightly making Seohyun to puke and looked at them wearing a disgusted face.


“You two are compatible being brothers. You can even beat Mario brothers.” Seohyun told them sarcastically. “Pororo Senior and Pororo Junior.”


But the two just ignored her and started to discuss about their love for Pororo. As Seohyun just sighed and continued from eating. Their topic was altered for so many times, about their hobbies, their likes or dislikes.


“So you love dancing too Hyung?” Jongin excitedly asked when he heard that Luhan was good at dancing too. The Pororo senior nodded his head happily and ruffled the little boy’s hair. “Next time let’s dance together okay?”


Jongin gave him a thumb up and said, “You’re the best Hyung ever!”


“No Jongin, he’s the best Deer-monkey ever!” Jongin shot his older sister a hateful look, “Stop calling my Hyung that way Witch!”


Seohyun’s jaw dropped as Luhan grinned widely, “It looks like your brother loves me more than you.” He commented flashing a smug face at the dumbfounded girl.


Seohyun recovered quickly and shook her head, “I don’t care. You can have him.” Seohyun answered pushing her little brother to Luhan’s direction. “You don’t have any sibling right? You can adopt him.”


“Hyung, you should visit our house next time. I’ll show you my collectible items of Pororo. So we can also play!”


Seohyun looked at them in horror, “Who told you that he can visit our house?!”





          Seohyun was making her way inside the cafeteria with the trio when they noticed that the place was crowded and some were blocking the door of the cafeteria. And majority of these students were girls who looked like they were happy in the situation while boys were f

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Chapter 45: Ooh why can't i read the special chapter
Veckyx #2
Chapter 45: Omg i love that story soo much!!!
I just finished it for the second time.. and it only took me two day to read alllll of it.. i think i have a problem x)

Anyway you're story is wonderful autor-nim :D
Seomates11 #3
Chapter 45: reread this again^O^ authornim please let me read the special chapter please~>_<~
Chapter 44:
Chapter 42: My kokoro....
Chapter 36: This is really making me miss seohan.........
Chapter 33: Rereading~ ❤
Chapter 45: reread this again bcs this is still amusing as ever
Chapter 45: I want to read the special chapter authornim... ;))
JasmineExo #10
Chapter 45: Can I have the special chapter Jaebalyooooooo
This story is so interesting