
You own me?!
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yeah~~ this little update is to celebrate one of my FAV all time fic was updated today!! *cyber high5



"You know I have all day right?"
"I don't know what you're talking about Kyuhyun."
"Look, I really don't know what you want from me...Siwon isn't here."
"I know... that's why I came to see you"
"you know what? I like you a lot more when you were scared of me..."
"tsk... that was two years ago..."
"exactly... you guys have been married for two years already...can't you figure out your own issue."
"AH-HUH! so you know why i'm here!"
Kangin inwardly cursed as he unconsciously let his words slip out before his mind could stop him.  Looking at the smirk forming on Kyuhyun's lips isn't helping his muddle mind.  But hell with it, worst comes to worse he'll just make a run for it.  Its not like Siwon is much of a man, doing exactly that only last month when the youngest of them were dropping by. 
He was about to make a nasty comment about Kyuhyun getting in the way of work and stuff, trying to make him go away before actually getting him in hot water.  But soon the smirk on Kyuhyun's face left and leaving only a pitiful frown and a small pout that manage to melted Kangin's heart just a little too much. 
"aish...!" With a frustrated groan Kangin slope onto the couch of the manager's room after dropping all the paper he was shuffling back onto the large desk.  Kyuhyun frowns deepen by the annoyed exclaim from Kangin, as he turn his eyes down onto the ground.  The sight made Kangin even more sympathetic towards the young.  How easily Kyuhyun can effect them all with a simple look is beyond his comprehension. 
"I really don't know what you want from me, Kyuhyun-ssi"  Kangin try to sound tough as the lone figure in front of him hang his head lower even more, his hands entwined nervously while one of his foot drawing circles on the carpet. 
"fine fine fine! just tell me what to do for you... stop looking sooo miserable!"  Kangin blast as he grip his own hair with both hands, he can't stand the sadness that suddenly exploded in this room. 
The statement made Kyuhyun snap his head up, his eyes light with hope and glee as he beam towards Kangin.  The change of reaction so instant that made the older starting to think that moments ago was all an act.  But before he could say anything Kyuhyun took the seat next to him with a bounce. 
"Its pretty simple...all I want is you to keep Siwon as busy as possible for the rest of the month..." Kyuhyun nudge himself closer to Kangin, and he could already sense a question coming from the man.  So he quickly add "i mean... SeoulMessy is pretty busy as it is... so it wont be hard... just pass him all the work, try to make he over work, over tired, perhaps tooo tired that he would want to sleep here and not come home..." Kyuhyun's voice grew smaller and smaller.   Kangin notice a fast appearing blush coming onto Kyuhyun, and no matter how much he desperately telling himself he doesn't care, he just couldn't help his mouth from asking. "Wae?"   Kyuhyun bit down on his lower lip as he debate whether to tell his hyung or not.  This little action only poke Kangin curiosity even more.   "Last month you guys couldn't get enough of each other... Siwon said you were asking for it every few hours... you do remember how I caught you guys at like every corner andmffff" Kyuhyun clasp his hand over Kangin's mouth as he nodded and smile awkwardly.    "YES!hyung, I remember...and feel free to delete those memories of your mind"   Kangin scoff humourlessly, "oh trust me... I do.not want to remember them... that position... those grunts..mfffff" Kyuhyun's hand gripped tightly over Kangin's mouth again as he his glare harden up.    The two continue to stay quiet as Kangin massage the area Kyuhyun just held, it kinda sore.  But then an even more horrible thought came to Kangins's mind.  A loud gasp made it out of the bulky man that manage to widen Kyuhyun's eyes comically as he jumped a little from the gasp.    "OMO! you're having an affair!!!" Its was a statement not a question, and that leads to Kyuhyun's series of slaps and punches on the poor arm of Kangin which eventually give up on the couch and hide behind the desk chair with a fluming Kyuhyun trying to hit him some more.    "How could you say that, hyung?!"   "Well, what other reason there is... last month you were all over your Siwon soooo much that he end up taking a runner when you came by!" Kangin blast as he note the shocked expression from Kyuhyun and realise he just let another little details loose.   "Arghh! I knew it! that liar... I told him I was dropping by! how dare him!"  Kyuhyun recall on his disappointment on the day when he deliberately took a nice long shower, making himself pretty just for his Siwon only to be told said guy had an urgent meeting with a client and left to go home by himself.    "And now! you don't even want him home... Kyuhyun, you should know although Siwon is born rich like you, but he still is a crazy son of a ! I suggest you to dump whoever this person is before he finds out.  Or he might just skin whoever that poor soul alive and adduct you to his own very island.  And not even your parents can help you"    "Aish! i'm not having an affair! N.E.V.E.R" Kyuhyun annoyingly scoff as he cross his arms over his chest.    "Y-you're not?!"   "Have you seen my man.  Its the one and only Choi.Siwon... hello?! he's perfect... who else could I possibly want?"  Kyuhyun explain a little too nah-dah feel to this dumb hyung.    "Then why don't you want him home?" Kangin let himself away from the chair as he puzzlely look towards his dongsaeng.      At that moment just between Kyuhyun opening his mouth to say something to Kangin looking expectantly a rather sullen, gloomy, ually frustrated figure came entering their little conversation.   "KYU! awww~ you're here!"  Siwon exclaim the moment he notice his little baby is standing right there, given absolutely zero to none attention to his hyung.    Kyuhyun jump from the sight of his Siwon and that eagerly, tempting voice and quickly ran behind the chair that only made Kangin even more confuse.    Siwon didn't let that dejected move dimed his ear to ear grin at all,
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Chapter 9: Poor heebum
Chapter 9: I love Wonkyu .
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 11: Please continue this story.
Chapter 11: OMG! Soooo funny... Siwon, the punching bad, exclusive for Kyuhyun... LOL
kimjonginssi #5
Chapter 6: this is so funny and lovely!!¡!thankyu for sharing such gorgeous fic!!!wait,it isnt the end????...anyway,loveya.....:-D
kimjonginssi #6
Chapter 5: are they really....truely...his parents!!!!:-! whoa minho...:O dont know what to say!!!hehe
kimjonginssi #7
Chapter 4: woooooo.....O_o such hot cute y wonkyu...and i'm reading this while eating!!!!!
kimjonginssi #8
Chapter 3: kyuhyun!!dont sell yourself!!!!!
kimjonginssi #9
Chapter 1: omo what will happen to kyu??!!!!pity kyu,siwonah.....kyaaaaa i'm scared¡!!!!
kimjonginssi #10
i like the description of siwon