Please cook for me


The two maknaes are alone in the dorm, the hyungs have left them there, with no prepared lunch. How will Junjin survive if Andy doesn't make him some lunch? And how will Andy be able to sleep if Junjin is hungry?


So this is my, kinda belated, birthday present for the lovely Kath orangekath

​I love you unnie, so sorry I'm late, but I was busy :P

And as much as I loved the picture I made for Sara's wonderful gift, I just didn't feel like that was enough, so here is a new picture, and an attempt at a fluff story :D


Seriously guys, this is fluff, but I really don't know if this genre suits me, so I'm sorry if it's not really too romantic, and more just, two guys in a dorm talking :P

I tried, ok? :D


I don't know what else to write here, no particular warnings or anything

I guess, warning, it's Jindy?

other than that, enjoy :D


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Chapter 1: this is ADORABLE khadhlhd i cant even
Chapter 1: Read this story again and again and again
Chapter 1: I smile from beginning till the end of this story ╰(*´︶`*)╯
Chapter 1: comment first.

tricky jinnie is cute. i imagine the first episode of SB's home taste or something lol and jinnie is trying to squirm hi sway out of cooking saying his ep with sistar, he killed the kimchi fried rice hahaha. this is so much like that. i love how sweet jindy is. i'm so weak for jindy lol.

CHRISSIE, thanks for this, really. i was having a bad day today at work and i've read some harsh comments about andy T_T. i'm about to cry. this made me feel a whole lot better.

thank you so much for making me feel special hahaha.

i love you, you know that right?

thanks again!!! :D
Chapter 1: (/w\)omg too cute~~
jinnie being mischievous as usual and andy is the hyung >w<