My one and only


Wu Kris never thought that love is more than a relationship before he met a girl named Kwon Yuri. A stubborn , naughty guy Wu Kris!!!!!!!!! How will it change? Everything about WuKris has changed. Because of that girl,Kwon Yuri.


This is for Krisyul lovers like me!!!!!!!!!!!

This beautiful poster is

credit to::

I'll update tonight!!!


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minaries #1
Chapter 13: Update please!!!!!! <3
Hildegarda #2
Chapter 11: aww. kris so cuteee. hahahaha. update soon .
minhoyyuri24 #3
Chapter 11: Please update! <3
minhoyyuri24 #4
Chapter 11: Please update! <3
Chapter 11: Oh oh lovey dovey oh oh oh oh !!!!Ha ha more krisyul moment pls UDS.
cbakmsl #6
Chapter 10: yeaaayyyy more than myungstal moments...... thanks for this present to meee;3
Chapter 10: Acturally i hate no no dont like krystal bacause of her personal but whatever you've done a great job author nim.
minhoyyuri24 #8
Chapter 9: please update! <3
Chapter 8: Myungyeon please